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9 minutes ago, Brunel.Richard said:

Wow, That's great. Seriously high-quality stuff. Are you using an air brush or doing the transitions by hand with a brush?

Thanks! I'm glad you like him so far. The armour is mostly airbrushed - only black-lining, highlights and battle damage are done with a brush. However it's not finished yet, I'll be adding some more highlights on the most extreme edges.

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It's looking great and the gold seems pretty good to me. You could try doing even more NMM-style shading on it to push it to the next level. (like this old Sebastian Archer tutorial) One thing I've found recently is using Vallejo Metallic Medium (Metallic Medium #70.521) as a highlight. It gives you that sharp edged shiny look and it takes on the colour of the paint you are putting it over, so it's good for gold and silver. It may help the NMM shading you've already done stand out more.

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Damn, blue and gold is so hot right now, (like Hansel).  For the Gold you could try a bit of really thin purple glaze or wash here and there to give it more intrigue, you can also use it on the brown leather, and the blue shadowy areas would probably take it as well, but I'm not sure I would as the blue looks really crisp as is.  Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for the feedback guys. It's the first time I'm painting metallics using glazes rather than washes and trying to shade it a bit like NMM and I was really struggling to do it right, but I think I grasp the idea a bit more now. When I finish him I'll try to make better photos as in reality the colours (especialy the armour) are a bit more vibrant.

@Brunel.Richard thanks a lot for the link to the tutorial - it's very helpful!

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  • 2 months later...

It's been a while since I posted anything, but it's time to show something new. I didn't manage to get any work done on the Stormcasts (I had 30 sons of horus marines to paint and didn't have much time to do anything else). Anyway, today I wanted to show something painted for my own collection - a first model from my upcoming Sylvaneth army. It's a test Dryad, who will probably act as a Branch Nymph.

What do you think about her? 

Driada 1.jpg

Driada 3.jpg

Driada 4.jpg

Driada 6.jpg

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On 8 May 2016 at 10:23 PM, Chris said:

More WIP pics - I'm not entirely happy with the gold - any advice how to improve it?




I always paint gold as a 40/60 mix between boltgun metal and whatever gold you have (i use shining) for a pale gold. Wash it three times, a flesh wash glaze, baal red glaze, and then devlan mud in deep recessess. Then clean-up and highlights etc.

 Sometimes for mouldy old gold go with a green glaze instead of the baal red. Try all that on a throwaway mini/part and see what you think - got it from one of the 'eavy metal team years ago and haven't looked back.

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