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Slaves to Darkness


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Hello.  I just joined this sight.  I was a long time fantasy player.  Used to play Chaos back in 6th ed, with Slaanesh and Tzeentch.  When 8th died I was playing Bretonnia or Tomb Kings.


Well the Slaves to Darkness box set has sparked my interest in fantasy again and I missed playing Chaos.  Its partly due to AoS has picked up in my area and I wanted to get back into it.  I have the generals handbook but without the battlescrolls its quite useless to me.  I probably need to go and download them.   I was looking around at the forums here and I was wondering what would be a good starter here based on what the box offers.  I am all right to expand so dont hold back there.


I was thinking of a mortal core, with the warriors holding the middle.  Liked the idea of a few chariots and knights down flanks.  I thought of dogs, and spawns also.  Maurder horsemen seem to be a decent screen.  Get them in someones face, they will have to charge them or .try to walk around.  The dogs in this role are probably better.  


I always been a fan of Tzeentch and Slaanesh.  With Slaanesh presently absent in lore.  I rather refrain from using that mark.  Just looking for some help and feedback.  I would be looking to play in some tournaments and for fun.  So think the lists here are 2000 points.  Thanks all.

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As much as I like Chaos (I have a sizeable force) and I don't want to discourage you - if there's any other faction that excites you at all - I'd go for that one. Slaves to Darkness are just outright bad on the table - meh Units, bad heroes, awful command abilities, very limited cross synergies, terrible shooting.

Bloodbound (with a fluffy sprinkling of Lord of Change and Warp Lightning Cannons) are way better - you can usefully combine some Khorne Slaves Units into a Bloodbound list, e.g. Khorne Marauders or maybe a Warshrine.

Slaanesh and Tzeentch Slaves are unmitigated garbage at the moment - my Fatesworn Warband army was collateral damage from the Rules of One limit on arcane bolt spam.

Nurgle Slaves are also poor and reliant on defence in a game about grabbing objectives and taking the enemy off them - which doesn't help. The named characters are a real weak spot for their cost.

The light at the end of the tunnel is that new Tzeentch may come out next year.

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I agree with Nico, though if you look to the Chaos Alliance as a whole you could find some good synergies. I played Tzeentch Warriors of Chaos since 6th Ed, and was saddened when I played them the other day. I literally just put stuff I had on the table with no synergies, so look for them when you download the Warscrolls.

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Echoing what has been said here - Slaves are really bad. Strangely enough, they play completely differently than they have in previous editions. Rather than being highly elite combat monsters, they tend to out number and swamp their opponents, but bring very little hitting power to the table. As has already been said, their synergies are terrible, heroes pretty weak, and they have little shooting in a game where shooting is very powerful.

The bright spot of slaves are the chaos warriors themselves. At 180 points for 20 wounds with a 4+ save and a 5+ mortal wound save, they're great at sitting on objectives or being screens for other parts of your army. So if you're running any form of a gunline, throw some warriors infront of it and they should hold

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Going to try a Fatesworn battalion today at 2k. List as follows:

Fatesworn battalion 120

Lord on demon steed (general) MoT 140

3 gore beast chariots MoT 300

3x10 marauders w/ shields MoT 180

War shrine MoT 200

2x5 knights MoT 400

10 warriors MoT

5 Marauder horsemen MoT 100

Blue Scribes 120

Sayl 160

Balewind Vortex 100

Lots of Slaves here, obviously. I think they'll do just fine. I don't know what my opponents are bringing, we're having a 4 player game, 2v2 where the pairings are randomly assigned.

The idea is to (hopefully) have Sayl cast Traitors mist and have the scribes learn it. On turn 2 they send the chariots after whatever is within 36" range. Charge at least 8" and get a s**t ton of rending attacks on whatever is unlucky enough to be the recipient. 

Wish me luck.

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Seems they really did shake up what things used to do.  I was looking around Khorne and the starter stuff in the box set seem very popular.  While Khorne is my least favorite.  I found the most synergies there.  Wonder if that was intended on purpose.  I highly appreciate the feedback.  What will most likely happen is I get the box and just end up painting it up how I like and then set it on a shelf for the time being.  Kinda sad =(

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I really really over all dislike the look of the Sylvaneth.  I liked the Wood Elves, and the 6th ed dryads.  I just do not like the aesthetics of the half man half tree things.  As for Ironjawz I never been a fan of the GW orc sculpts.  Even if these ones look miles ahead of the ones I am used to seeing from fantasy or 40k.  I do say the Serpahon I like them more once they got put on round bases.  Some how changed up that whole line for me.   


I am over all was looking for a low model, elite count.  It was part of the draw to Chaos originally.   While I may just end up going back to playing some sort of undead.  The removal of Tomb Kings makes me sad to want to touch GW undead now.  The Stormcast externals I know are supposed to be like the elite of the elite.  I cant stand 95% of the range.  So would hate them, and could never get them painted.


A big part for me is I need something I like the look of.  As I enjoy the painting aspect of the GW hobby also.

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I am not to found of the look of both those that where mentioned.  I had just remembered Chaos warriors being a low count army.  Even in 8th they where fairly low count compared to other armies.  


Might end up settling on the Seraphon, using some stinks, sarus warriors, or guards, calvary, carnosaur, some of the other big shooty dinos and ripdactals or the other version.

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Slaves to darkness mixed with SLaanesh or khorne or Rotbringers was totally playable. You only need mark it and pick the proprely utnits for combos. For example with khorne you have so easy, buy the part of khorne bloodbound box and mark your slaves to darkness units with khorne. Thats all you need. 

With slaanesh is easyer, buy the slaanesh lord on daemonic mount and thats all you need, he allows you to atack twice, with chaos knights with glaves you delete all at chargue.

In fact, chaos knights combed have one of the best bases of chaos to do combos. Same as chaos warriors, but the blood warriors was sigity better (but 10 points more expensives too).

The marauders with mark of khorne are totally playable, the bloodreavers dont are better than him, and in some cases the marauders are better.

If you like Slaves to darkness go for it, isnt a bad faction, only need mark it, you can go for slavess to darnkess units with mark, but they are better combed with one of the dark gods.

In other fact, you can have more than one combo and diverses god units, for example you can play 15 bloodwarriors with bloodsecrator, and 10 chaos knights with the lord of slaanesh as your commander having at same time 5 nurgle putrit blitkings and some flamers of tzeetnch as artillery.

You can mix all, slaves to darkness are the most versatile faction cause you can mark all.

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I haven't played competitive aos so can't say too much on how you would fair at a tournament but in our local gaming group Slaves won our campaign.

1500 had:

10 warriors

10 chosen



20 marauders

Herald of Slaanesh

Herald on exalted chariot

2 seeker chariots 

20 daemonettes

Up to 2K was either 10 knights and marauders or 5 knights, sorcerer on manticore and marauders. They were a tough list to kill but struggle to deal damage. Our group was light on shooting attacks. 


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Played my list

On November 20, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Tasman said:

Going to try a Fatesworn battalion today at 2k. List as follows:

Fatesworn battalion 120

Lord on demon steed (general) MoT 140

3 gore beast chariots MoT 300

3x10 marauders w/ shields MoT 180

War shrine MoT 200

2x5 knights MoT 400

10 warriors MoT

5 Marauder horsemen MoT 100

Blue Scribes 120

Sayl 160

Balewind Vortex 100

Lots of Slaves here, obviously. I think they'll do just fine. I don't know what my opponents are bringing, we're having a 4 player game, 2v2 where the pairings are randomly assigned.

The idea is to (hopefully) have Sayl cast Traitors mist and have the scribes learn it. On turn 2 they send the chariots after whatever is within 36" range. Charge at least 8" and get a s**t ton of rending attacks on whatever is unlucky enough to be the recipient. 

Wish me luck.

The Sayl/scribes/ chariot combo went off without a hitch. To top it all off, the gore beasts were given shield, and the shrine had them re-rolling saves. They had started out next to mystical terrain (chancy, but what the heck), so they were also re-rolling wounds. The lord gave them +1 to hit and re-rolling charge roll.

Turn one, Sayl cast Traitors mist on one of my partners units of Storm fiends, just so the Scribes could learn the spell.(they did)

Turn two, the scribes summon the vortex. This was actually a mistake. I should have put sayl on it. The scribes have no need of +1 to cast. Oh well.

They then flew the chariots 36" so they were behind my opponents army. On their ensuing charge, they crushed a unit of 9 bull gores. Killed 5 outright and the rest were battleshock casualties. That's 720 points from  a 300 pt unit. Great synergy for an (almost) all slaves list. The lowly marauders were a force as they were also getting re-rolls of wounds thanks to the mystical terrain piece. I was very lucky in my rolls, and was getting lots of +1 and even +2 to my hit rolls with them. The 3 small units wiped out 2 large 30 man each units of gors. Not bad. I'm REALLY starting to like using them again.

We lost the overall game, thanks to the death players showing up with all his unkillable stuff. But I was pleased with how my half of the army fared. I'm gonna call it a minor victory (in spirit).

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I appreciate all the help.  The generals handbook seemed to breath new life into Age of Sigmar.  I do miss playing fantasy.  When I get around to it.  I will try a Tzeencth theme out first.  If I am not to happy with it.  I do have plenty of Slaanesh stuff to try also.  I have the gaunt summoner from Silver Tower but not sure where to find his Warscroll.  

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Will see where things settle with GW.  In the end I may just float over to death.  Do FEC or Neferita lead deathrattle.  I really have to like the look of things to want to play it.  As I like to paint the models, and it helps me relief stress and relaxing for me.  I dont have to be the best kid on the block, but I just dont really want to repeat my Tomb King experience in 8th.  Where no matter what I did for nearly 2 years I lost 90% of my games.  Then I came up with an idea for mounted chariot, heavy necorpolis knights, and buried under the sands list.  Then suddenly no one wanted to play me.   As my chariot bus with prince/king was rolling over hordes and death stars in one combat charge.

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