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1500pt Khorne army


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There are a couple 1500point tournemnts in my area in the next couple weeks that I'm hoping to make it out to. I looking for opinions on my list. I've been running it at my local store with great success but unfortunately not every army is represented at my shop so I'm hoping this list can take in everyone.


Bloodthirster of Insinate rage

-Chaos Runeblade


-Lord of War 

2x Blood Secrator


30 Bloodletters 

20 Bloodreaves

20  Bloodreavers


2x5 Flesh Hounds

1 unit of 2 Khorgoraths


The Flesh hounds are a new edition to my army and the one I'm most unsure of. They're good for harassment and good for snagging objectives.

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Flesh hounds can be really effective, especially if buffed with Bloodthirster's re-roll charge command ability and the blood secrators' extra attacks. I would seriously consider reducing the size of your infantry and adding some extra flesh hounds as you don't have much speed (and a unit size of 5 is a bit squishy). The Wraith of Khorne bloodthirster's command ability is an even better buff; allowing them to run and charge in same phase giving them incredible range.

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Thanks for the input. I'm not big on summoning tbh why let myself be under pointed against my opponent just to have my caster get blown up and those points all lost? I'd rather just start with models on the table.

ive played the flesh hounds in a unit of 10 and they did fairly well. 60 attacks is a lovely thing. I considered dropping some stuff for a wrath of Khorne thirster. However my use for him would to use a "bloodthirster bomb" use the WoK command ability,blood stoker ability on the Insinate rage thirster. Use lord of war on him. Backed by 2 secrators he's now running and charging with +1 to run and +4 to charge 7 attacks hitting on 3s(possibly2s) rerolling. Wounding on 2's rerolling. He will erase whatever he touches most likely but will probably die in retaliation.

im not sure dropping the infantry down would help the list tbh. 10 reavers will just die and I need a tarpit and something for objectives if the hounds have a bad time. I'll never take less than 30 bloodletters 

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Highly depends on the scenarios and opponents. If you come up against a heavy shooting army then you are going to struggle to close the distance and your infantry will take heavy casualties long before making it into combat. However if your opponent is more combat based then your list should do well.

I know the rules allow it but I really dont think a sorcerer has any place in a khorne army (even if his main purpose is to summon more bloodletters). Surely this role should be played by Slaughter Priests in Khorne armies?

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1 hour ago, Tasman said:

I bring a bray shaman.... if asked about the presence of a sorcerer in a chorine army, I tell my opponent that the cannabalistic  blood reavers allow them to live in exchange for their spell casting. Kind of fluffy.

Now there's a question.  How does Savage Dominion work when playing with points?  Is it the same as any other summon, where you need to keep back a pool of points, and summon from that?


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Now there's a question.  How does Savage Dominion work when playing with points?  Is it the same as any other summon, where you need to keep back a pool of points, and summon from that?

Yup. You could at least keep your opponent guessing or give yourself some options. I don't think there's anything to stop you from summoning named characters that are Chaos Monsters technically (other than plausibility).

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I wish there were Khorne wizards it would be mighty handy. I really don't want to break lore and include one however the great bray shaman doesn't sound half bad.

in regards to a heavy shooting enemy I stand little to no chance unless I can close quick with hounds and the thirster even then it will be hard but it's not as if chaos has any reasonable shooting to counter with. 

I have a test game tonight I'll let you all know how it goes

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