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Old Armies Vs New Armies


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As the title states my basic question is this; how viable are the older armies that hold over from WHF compared to the fresh armies that have gotten full tome releases? 

I have only played 7 games with my Free guild army. Some games feel good, some games feel bad. The closest games have been with older armies (Skaven, Elves, undead) and felt worse against new factions (especially Sylvaneth.) 

I have had a lot of fun and I want to start a second army. I want to start dwarfs for pure fun (especially dispossessed) but I am a bit nervous that they can do decent. 

The next question that is a follow up; how well will these lists hold up? Some of the new releases seem very powerful in comparison to the old lists. It may be that their abilities are just sexier sounding where as the older lists have synergies but they are just more banal looking.  Again, I have only played a handful of games and would like to jump in deep, but I want to have some more information before I do. 

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Tomb Kings are very undercosted and are dominating in the competitive arena over here. Consider than you can get Settra and 6 Necropolis Knights in a 1k list...

For armies like dispossessed from what I can tell they lack a lot of synergies and options currently, and await an update to fill them out a bit.

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At the present time I'd say that all armies are viable but those with more synergy options have a slight edge.  Some of the newer armies (Sylvaneth and Bonesplitterz) may be a little more challenging/difficult to play against though, because they have their own Traits and Artefacts rather than picking from a generic GA list.

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1 hour ago, Paul Conti said:

I think the "old" armies that retained their keywords from the compendiums have a huge advantage. they have much larger model ranges to work with, especially in the hero slot. 

The DE deffinetly don't. The dreadlords command ability (which is great) targets exile units. 

Their are just three units with that keyword: the reaper bolt thrower, shades and himself. No synergy there. Might be different for other armies  though. 

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yeah if your building armies around the factions in the army (take the dark elves for example), then there really are fewer choices. I can understand armies like the bloodbound and the stormcast having larger factions within their armies given that they were the new armies. but how the seraphon got everything into one faction still seems weird to me. 

i do think the older armies can do better, they have as has been said a lot more to work with. especially for things such as general abilities. but it would help if the catch up process was sped up so all the armies can play on the same level as the newer army books. 

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