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Starting Bloodbound


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So I'm going to go ahead and dive deeper into AoS as I am expecting it to take off after the new ways to play get fully released.

I have the bloodbound guys from the starter and would like to expand on them. I've pretty much ignored all the new releases in AoS these last few months because all of the 40k goodies kept my attention.  I know for sure I want to get the Aspiring Deathbringer with Goreaxe and Skullhammer cause damn, that model is nice. 

So my question is if you were just starting a bloodbound army, which units would you want and why?

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Skullcrushers! Because they Look awesome. But they also provide something very much needed in a khorne army: speed.

For the same reasons Valkiya is cool too.

Other than that, I would get the slaughter priest with big axe because he is cool and priests are needed for certain battle plans.

Some more blood warriors to beef up the squad from the starter kit.

Then choose for fodder: bloodletters or reavers. I don't like reavers (or marauders) because of looks (I know superficial ;p) so I would go bloodletters which means a herald as well. Because if start collecting khorne, I would get some blood crushers which are like skullcrushers. Also make the skull cannon and you get a free herald.

After this monsters. Bloodthirster or something ;p

But, that's what I would do. Mostly based on rule of cool, but I'd like to think it's reasonably sound for gameplay too.

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This is what I would go with next, combined with the Bloodbound stuff from the starter set and the Slaughterpriest you can make the Dark Feast Warscroll Battalion that makes Blood Reavers amazing! Maybe also stick a Khorne Warshrine in there to foe a mobile Totem ?image.jpeg 


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I like to run a unit of Wrathmongers behind my Bloodreavers as it gives them an extra attack, especially if you're running them with Meatripper Axes (or whatever they're called) so you rend. Keep them near a Bloodsecrator with a unit of Wrathmongers behind them and you get +3 attacks giving them 4 attacks a piece, rend 1 (+1 attack from Totem, +1 attack from Portal of Skulls, +1 attack from Wrathmongers).

They're really squishy but really fun when you swarm your opponent with 40+ rend 1 attacks.

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The expansion is the obvious solution and provides a decent selection of other units.

Alternatively, you could consider a box or two of the Start Collecting! Khorne Daemons - this will provide a cool way to get some different styles of models in, whilst still sticking to the Khorne theme. 

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I started a Khorne Army some months ago ( my first army, I started the hobby only in January, with my boys (one is Stromcast (10 years old) and the second is Seraphon (6 years old).

So far :

- Khorne Bloodbound :

     / Starter Set + extension Set

    / + 5 Wrathmongers + Scylla + Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut + 2 other heroes

   / I plan to add: another Starter Set (to have a total of 60 Bloodreavers + 20 Bloodwarriors and 2 Gorgoraths 9_9) some other Skullcrushers / Wrathmongers and Skullreapers + the missing heroes.

   / Then army done for the time being, waiting for the equivalent of the Stromcast Extremis Chamber  (should come, as there is no unit with more than 8 Wounds in the KB for the time being, and all the other armies have monsters / heroes with more than 10 Wounds))

- Daemons of Khorne:

    / 3 Starter Set  (2 with Skull Canons + 1 with Bloodthrone) + 1 Unit of Hound + Karanak

   / Plan to add 1 Starter Set + some other Bloodletters, hounds, furies and heroes, then the Daemons (Skarbrand and the Bloodthirsters).


Daemons of Khorne can also be played at 40K, what make them really interesting for those who want to play both systems.

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I use the warshine a lot- not only the 6+ save on any wound but the re-roll misses for the attacks really has a massive impact when used with the secrator and wrathmongers abilities... Recently had stormcast teleport in and bounce off my 15 bloodwariors due to this combo. :)

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-The expansion and the starter set are good starts depending on a few different things.

-The expansion is great if you already have, or plan on purchasing a few clam packs. The starter set is great if you know people that play Stormcast Eternals, because may be able to trade your Eternals for more units that you can use.

-I personally went with 1 starter, 2 expansions, 1 of each of the clam packs (minus a couple), a pack of Mighty Skullcrushers (to make 5 of them and a Juggerlord), 2 Khorgoraths from eBay, 5 Blood Warriors, and a Skarbrand in a pear tree.

-That's a pretty excessive list, but it's enough to make a pretty damn flexible force either way you play.

Sent from my Z958 using Tapatalk

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