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  1. I am. My biggest lesson learned from the game was not to have my gatebreaker in the back (with Amulet of Destiny) considering he's the most tankiest of the 4 with the 5+ ward. My opponent was also running Taker Tribe so we evened out. I just found myself losing Gargants faster than he was and it cost me the game. I'm still largely learning the army and I also lost the first charge. Again, I went into it having absolutely no idea what to do and learned some things for the future but was curious what everyone else typically does.
  2. With 2 one-day tournaments and a 4-2 record with Sons so far, I'm finding the warstomper to be incredibly underwhelming. Just never seems to do a whole lot of anything for me. I know he's geared moreso for killing horde units but in the current state of things (at least locally) no one is running large mobs. Debating swapping him for a 3rd Kraken-Eater. Anyone able to chime in? Also, how are you guys dealing with mirror matches. Played my first one today (Kraken x3, Gatebreaker) vs my Kraken-Eater x2, Gatebreaker, Warstomper and had absolutely no idea what to do, ultimately causing my only loss in today's Tournament.
  3. Well, I've dove head first into the big boys. Going in with Sons on my first tournament this Saturday. Sadly, the tournament limited battalions to exclude white dwarf battalions so I had to brainstorm and come up with a list with what I had on hand. I'll be running this: I really struggled with figuring out artefacts and whatnot without the nice battalions from White Dwarf. As stated, it'll be my first tournament with these guys, as I usually run a double Terrorgheist FEC list but I'm greatly looking forward to it. According to BCP, I'm the only Sons player so I don't have to worry about mirror matches. I'm super stoked to try these guys out (I've had two practice games to learn) and I'm not expecting to place high as I'm using it as a learning experience for future tournaments. Will post batreps afterwards and lessons learned. Wish me luck!
  4. Maybe I'm an idiot, partially because I cut out all the parts without referencing instructions, but I could not figure out which torso the greatblade fit on... tried numerous times but couldn't get a solid fit.
  5. Solid advice. I started with 2 SC, 1 Carrion Empire, 3 Ghoul boxes, and a Varghulf Courtier box. I'm about to get another SC box but I've been faring just fine so far.
  6. Curious question folks, how does the Gristlegore ability Peerless Ferocity interact with Gaping Maw for TGs? If I roll a 6 to hit with the Maw, does it count as 2 hits, resulting in 12 mortal wounds?? Or do I get my 6 mortal wounds, then roll to wound / D6 damage for the additional hit?
  7. There seems to be some confusion, locally, and I was hoping you folks could help clear the air. During High Tide, does the deepkin player get to attack first during both turns of that battle round or just their half of the round?
  8. My only concern here is you have only one hard hitting unit. And that unit of 6 Morrsar will die easy to any MW generator. I've always wanted to try to get a Leviadon and Aspect into one list but until you go beyond 2k I just don't see it being competitive. Especially since the Morrsar benefit from the charge but the Leviadon's cover save is completely negated whenever the Morrsar do charge.
  9. I would assume that it works in the way you're thinking. Friendly Deepkin strike first during High Tide and then the rest of the units act as normal (i.e. Deepkin attack, your normal activation, your opponent's activation, and so on).
  10. I played 3 games with this list today. I haven't played in a few months, so I was a bit rusty on rules (game 1, forgetting that scryer could remove 3" from a charge really killed my Alpha strike -- failed a 9" charge with a 6 and rerolled to 5 ? ). Overall, I had a ton of fun with it. Using the Eidolon to teleport and debuff while Alpha striking the big block of eels and King worked really well. Ionrach was neat for the +1 cast/unbind but all in all, I definitely feel that rerolls from Domhain or Fuethan would've given much greater results. I'm also toying with the idea of combining two of the Ishlaen into a unit of 6 for staying power. I got pendulum off once the entire day, only because my opponents waited to dispell it and let me cast everything else I wanted. I'm also toying with the idea of removing 2x3 Ishlaen for 1 spellweaver, 20 eternal guard, and a burning head (more games are necessary). I haven't played in a few months, so forgetting a few rules really hurt me, with some practice - I really see this list doing mid-tier in competitive tournies. I'm just looking to end in the upper 50% at Adepticon 2019.
  11. Any idea what Anton Stenlund was playing to place 3rd with his deepkin?
  12. How are people finding Ishlaen for grabbing and holding objectives? Originally I intended to ally in 2x20 wanderers with a spellweaver to keep them alive for "my side of the board objectives." I'm willing to drop them but for their cost, it seems like they would do that job great. If I do drop the allies, I'm looking at something like this: IONRACH ENCLAVE Akhelian King (240) - General - Command Trait : Emissary of the Deep Places - Artefact : Cloud of Midnight Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Sea (440) Isharann Tidecaster (100) Isharann Soulscryer (100) 3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140) 3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140) 3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140) 3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140) 9 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (480) Balewind Vortex (40) Leaves 40 points so I'll probably just throw a pendulum in as well.
  13. It's speculated a lot of the stuff for Deepkin in GHB2018 was written pre-release for deepkin, before things were tweaked for the final release of the IDK book. I'm just moreso curious if the list I made actually has a stand against magic heavy lists or if I should just go all in on eels and forget trying to fight the magic meta.
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