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Lose the cabbage?


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I was playing Wayne Kemp's skaven at the club on Weds and we got into the discussion about making the Ironjawz more effective. He was saying that he got lucky at Warlords as he ended up having to take a lot more infantry than he usually would due to the fact that some of his characters are heavy conversions and wouldn't have been allowed. It meant that even with lots of casualties and battleshock he just had so many bodies that it was very effective.

I was running Gordrakk and we worked out that you could have three more units of ardboys for this plus another warchanter. That's 66 more wounds for an opponent to grind through and a big force of mobile blocks.

I am tempted to try a Megaboss as my general and not run Gordrakk or a cabbage at all. Ups the model count massively! Not that I have the them at the moment so might not be imminent.

What are other people's thoughts? Obviously a bit of a shame to have the big fella and not use him.


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It seems to me like a general trend in the more competitive meta as of late. The only Alarielles I ever see are those painted for collections, because she's simply not strong enough to justify her points value compared to the value of Kurnoth Hunters and Drycha/Ancients; and the Flesh Eater Courts are almost always Kings on foot, Abattoir or Attendants plus Ghoul Patrol batallions, leaving the monsters at home.

Whether the horde/bodies-meta is going to change or develop, remains to be seen. As long as shooting is as strong as it is, especially destruction shooting, I think massed large anvil units with hammers that have significant wound pools are going to be the way to go for a while. Monsters are just too large and cost-intensive currently.

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Ardboyz and Brutes! Megaboss and Warchanter! These are indeed the backbone of competitive Ironjawz.

I think Gruntaz are really good at area denial and of course speed...though with Ironfist everything else seems fast enough. I'm still wondering how the Bacon Brigade would work with a Cabbage, the only thing theoretically holding it back might be lack of Warchanter and numbers. 

Id come to the same conclusion on the Cabbage, particularly due to the missions.

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I ran a list yesterday at a 1 day tournament yesterday as follows 

Megaboss on maw crusha


weirdnob shaman

iron fist - 2 x10 man ard boys x1 x5man brutes

gore fist x3 gore gruntas. 

pretty much steams across the table turn 1 and causes carnage. not sure how it would work in the meta of the UK or the USA but worked a treat yesterday went 3-0 and won the event.  

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