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Arming the Brutes


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The differences in unit armaments? GW was actually being generous for a chance and not forcing you to purchase multiple boxes to field a unit. It's almost exclusively on units where the "standard" mix in a box isn't enough to field the minimum with a single weapon type.

The few exceptions are filthy Stormcast, where they wanted to make them even more powerful!

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9 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

Nice idea and would be the optimal way to go. Unfortunately you cannot mix equipment.

Ardboyz have special wording on their scroll that allows the mixed approach. There are very few units in the game like this; Brutes aren't one of them I'm afraid.

Could you get the same effect with 2 units of brutes?

You could have the choppy unit charge first, then charge the unit with Jagged hackaS into their backs?

Not having the models myself, I wasn't sure if things could be placed in such a way as to get that second unit within the half inch needed to finish the charge.

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15 hours ago, Furious said:

I kind of wish they kept the 8th ed. Black Orc "Armed to da Teef" rule - decide what they pull out in the combat round! It made them super versatile, and heck, all that more interesting and fluffy.

This edition is very much 'what you see is what you get', which I prefer.

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15 hours ago, Furious said:

I kind of wish they kept the 8th ed. Black Orc "Armed to da Teef" rule - decide what they pull out in the combat round! It made them super versatile, and heck, all that more interesting and fluffy.

Yeh that would've been fun and actually, pretty useful...however;

10 minutes ago, Redmanphill said:

This edition is very much 'what you see is what you get', which I prefer.

...is a pretty good counter argument. WYSIWYG across the board is solid. How do you handle the command options out of interest?

9 hours ago, MechaBriZilla said:

Could you get the same effect with 2 units of brutes?

You could have the choppy unit charge first, then charge the unit with Jagged hackaS into their backs?

Not having the models myself, I wasn't sure if things could be placed in such a way as to get that second unit within the half inch needed to finish the charge.

Yup, you could totally do this, would work fine. Keeping that idea in mind is useful whatever army you are playing, it's a valid tactic...it's not all about chucking your toys down in big blobs on the table. The downside being that with two units you need twice as many buffs and potentially have to taken twice as many battleshock tests (which my beloved Brutes hate!!)


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