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What is the place of destruction in the current story?


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So admittedly I dont keep up with the lore that much but right now it seems all focus is on Chaos, Death and Order. Nagash, Archaon and Sigmar all showing up a bunch but destruction seems to be never mentioned when discussing the main storyline right now. 

Edited by Eevika
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Gordrakk got himself the skull of a godbeast and is building a ram to batter down the gates of Azyr and torch Sigmar's realm until the Hammer God comes and fights him himself.

Warhammer Community article with the short story.

Not sure if he has tested his new ram yet but there is a reference to fighting in Azyr in the Celestial Hurricanum warscroll so maybe Destruction will beat Death and Chaos to be the first to bring the fight to Azyr. There are probably a few more bits and pieces in the Mawtribes, Warclans battletomes but I can't recall them off the top of my head.

I do think Destruction will always tend to be that spanner in the works faction. Generals across the realms going "This war is going well, but I'm sure we're forgetting something..." before a tide of green pours out of a nearby realmgate at an inopportune moment.

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The Spanner in the Works faction is Skaven ;)


Orks are often closer to a balancing element. Because in both 40K and Old World and AoS, orks/orruks tend to grow in power until something bigger stomps them (or they stomp them and then fall into internal fighting). Because of their general lack of capacity to maintain themselves as a large powerhouse in the long term; they are a fantastic force to either distract another major faction (in 40K they threw a whole Hive fleet against the orks to distract the Tyranids for a while after they nearly nommed on two space marine chapters); or knock them down several pegs. I can well see a massive Orruk attack on Azyr taking a big chunk out of Sigmar's armies and time. Slowing his still advancing assault upon Chaos. 

Remember whilst Chaos still holds a majority of the Realms (barring the Realms of Death and Shadows); the Stormcast front line is continually marching forward. Stormcast are powerful religious warriors that are reborn, and each rebirth makes them even more keen to throw themselves madly into battle against Chaos. Their front line advances at an almost reckless pace, esp since Stormcast are able to operate far into enemy lines with very little need for any supply lines to have to keep up with them. It lets them push past boarders and hit major settlements and fortifications at a very fast speed.

So if suddenly a few Orruks come a knocking on the front door that's going to be something Sigmar has to deal with. Plus it will be a major offensive against a non-chaos opponent and technically a former ally (remembering that Orruks are not removed from the Order lands, Orruks can trade and deal with regular people and aren't the boogy-man faction of the game like they were in the Old World). Plus unlike Nagash who is still wrapped up securing his own realm for the most part, the Orruks are coming to threaten another realm. 


It will be interesting times indeed 

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With the upcoming Aether War focus between Tzeentch and Kharadron fighting over the Realm of metal, and continuing the story progress of Order reconquering it,  i'm hopeful the long anticipated Orruk Scrapfleets or Grotbag scuttlers will get stirred up for the big fight happening in the skies. :D

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