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Shield Dagger and Hammer


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Hey Everyone,

I finally managed to get my hands on the battleplan cards. Since we are supposed to chose the Shield Dagger and Hammer before the game I wanted to know if there were some differences between groups. I think a lot of people have already done that but I just wanted to hear everyone's opinion.

I checked all the cards and split the data in 3 tables (red player, blue player, both) with 3 lines (shield/dagger/hammer) and 3 columns (turn 1, 2 and 3). I'm not sure it was very useful to also make some tables for red and blue since you make the groups before revealing the cards. Blue will usually be on the table before red.

If a card had two groups arrive on different turns, I put it in the highest number (e.g. if blue hammer arrives on turn 1 and red hammer on turn 2 then the card will be put in turn 2).

Spoiler there are some differences:

  T1 T2 T3
Shield 29 7 0
Dagger 20 14 2
Hammer 12 15 9

Basically put the toughest group in the shield and the fastest in the hammer. Maybe dagger is the expendable group?


Edited by spenson
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56 minutes ago, Moldek said:

Nice data my dude! I think the delayed deployment is gonna mess with elite warbands. I barely can field 6 models in my stormcast 😅

Get some birds for the deployments and put them almost all in one area!

Anyways this is good data, especially for playing with guys you really want to use

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At first I made the difference between cards where all the units from both player arrive at the same time vs the ones where they don't (symmetrical/asymmetrical) and  run some probabilities since we have all the data. It ended up kinda complicated and not much more useful than simply looking at the table.

edit: yes it only takes the battle plan cards into account, I haven't looked at the 12 pitched battle plans yet. Maybe I can add them in parentheses in the table since they're from the battle plan cards.

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Ok first of all I will make a summary of matched play:

You don't draw the deployment and victory cards. Instead both players roll a dice. The winner decides which table will be used to roll for the combination of deployment/victory.

The first thing you see is that all the deployments are symmetrical. The shield/dagger/hammer from both players will always arrive at the same round. This means that the only difference between red and blue will be the terrain.

Here's the summary for each table

  Table 1 Table 2
  T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3
Shield 5 1 0 4 2 0
Dagger 3 3 0 3 2 1
Hammer 2 3 1 1 2 3

If you only consider the deployment, you will be able to get your warband earlier in the first table. 

However you can't only look at the deployment. Overall the first table will only focus on the shield. Your dagger and hammer will often arrive later. The second table will require you to have both a strong dagger and hammer.

I made a few lists and I put only 1 or 2 fighters (either fast or with a ranged attack) in the hammer since it will usually arrive late and a weaker dagger. I will probably reconsider since the second and fourth scenarios both require you to have a strong dagger while the fifth requires a strong hammer. That's 50% of scenarios where you can't put everything in the shield and pray for the best.

My book is in french so I have no idea about the names of the scenarios in english.

As for tournaments I think the hidden intents (not sure about the name) will really depend on your warband.

Edited by spenson
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