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Tournaments: Your opinions Please, (there are no wrong answers)


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Our one days use this:

Triumph bonuses will be used as per the Triumph table (p56) in General’s Handbook 2019.
Endless spells will be allowed as per Malign Sorcery Rules.
Realm Artefacts will be allowed and Realm Spells will be allowed.
Forge World models are allowed.
Objectives used do not have height or size for rules purposes.
Proxies, conversions and 3rd party models will be allowed but must
clearly represent the warscroll.
Firestorm allegiance and abilities will be used.
Forbidden Power allegiances will be used.

For Realmscape features, I ran a series of 3 one day tournaments that used them, but pre-determined for each of the three games. Ultimately, if you know in advanced, you can't complain, and I only selected the most neutral ones.

In our one-dayers, we don't have painting rules- there's one a month and they're there as a relaxed tournament for people to have fun and/or test out new builds. 

Terrain rules used at player's discretion (agreed before battle, rolled for).


I would say our AoS community is fantastic- although they're very competitive (or some are) they're not WAAC types. I've never had an issue with a player and disagreements so far. Only on our 2 day GT did we have an issue with not finishing games- I usually say "theory out to 5 turns" but with certain builds that doesn't work. If I do another 2 day GT, I will use a rule along the lines of "If a player does not finish 2 or more games, they will get a 50pt penalty" or something similar. 

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4 hours ago, TimM85 said:

Fully painted painted in most respects is usually, just some base colours and textured paint on the bases, so that in the future you can keep painting, a couple of different base layers (3) is the usual min, I think many mis understand this part of the rule.

Obviously we all want more but for avid painter it might take a long time to be satisfied, in our last tourney one of the players is an amazing painter but so slow he might finish in 2099 I think to his standard he had only finished his blood reavers 140 and a wrath axe 60pts out of 1500 points, but what he did was the base layer of each mach component so that when he picks the up again to paint he can just crack on. And based all his models


To give some context: my community is pretty "young". We got no GW on the country, only an importer and we have been taking it slow and steady. First official event (2k painted) was a major flop. First because people dodnt have 2k points, let alone painted.

We started with 8 players with 750 pts to about 30 with 1500 ( our current event army size, recently increased from 1250)  and everything goes, square bases, unpainted, riders held by tak on the mounts and so on.

This "tolerance" gave birth to a really chill and fun loving community,  and by itself it inspires people to get their armies painted and as pretty as possible. We help each other, give painting tips, teach rules, let people rollback if they forget a rule and so on. Nowadays i would say most of us got some paint on their models. Some fully, others at least with heroes painted, but no one feels excluded from the fun. New folks get painting help and guides willing to teach both gaming and the hobby aspect. We got dads and kids who just bought their starters not beeing excluded from  the games and that is pretty cool.

I am really proud of us, as you can imagine ❤️


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4 hours ago, Thiagoma said:

To give some context: my community is pretty "young". We got no GW on the country, only an importer and we have been taking it slow and steady. First official event (2k painted) was a major flop. First because people dodnt have 2k points, let alone painted.

We started with 8 players with 750 pts to about 30 with 1500 ( our current event army size, recently increased from 1250)  and everything goes, square bases, unpainted, riders held by tak on the mounts and so on.

This "tolerance" gave birth to a really chill and fun loving community,  and by itself it inspires people to get their armies painted and as pretty as possible. We help each other, give painting tips, teach rules, let people rollback if they forget a rule and so on. Nowadays i would say most of us got some paint on their models. Some fully, others at least with heroes painted, but no one feels excluded from the fun. New folks get painting help and guides willing to teach both gaming and the hobby aspect. We got dads and kids who just bought their starters not beeing excluded from  the games and that is pretty cool.

I am really proud of us, as you can imagine ❤️


Thats awesome man

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Honestly, my preferred way to play the game is to leave out the realm rules and artifacts.  There are plenty of artifacts in the game already (especially as more and more battle Tomes come out), so no I don't think realm Artifacts are really needed.  Plus restricting artifacts to an army's unique items gives the army quite a bit more character.

Additionally, between the rules for each army, the terrain rules, and whatever rules happen to be part of the actual scenario...do we really need to tack realm special rules on top of that?  I personally think we don't.

So myself, I prefer a simpler approach to tournaments.  I'd probably still attend a tournament, even if realm stuff were used, though.  It's not a deal-breaker.  I would like to know in advance, and I do prefer the Realm features that don't ****** over a particular army style 

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1 hour ago, mikethefish said:

Honestly, my preferred way to play the game is to leave out the realm rules and artifacts.  There are plenty of artifacts in the game already (especially as more and more battle Tomes come out), so no I don't think realm Artifacts are really needed.  Plus restricting artifacts to an army's unique items gives the army quite a bit more character.

Additionally, between the rules for each army, the terrain rules, and whatever rules happen to be part of the actual scenario...do we really need to tack realm special rules on top of that?  I personally think we don't.

So myself, I prefer a simpler approach to tournaments.  I'd probably still attend a tournament, even if realm stuff were used, though.  It's not a deal-breaker.  I would like to know in advance, and I do prefer the Realm features that don't ****** over a particular army style 

Hi mike as put in the original post, realm rules, spells and artefacts support the non battle tome and really dated battle tome armies, and battle tome armies still have access to them, but I can see how having no realm realm rules would make for a very smooth event and actually may attract more players especially the casual ones so it has a plus side there, downside is sometimes casuals don't even know the rules to their own army (I'm not saying all) maybe advertising an all comers event minimal painting restrictions no realm rules is a really good idea. Combating the realm rules is either having multiple realms so you may one get one bad match or using 1 realm and several of features. But no realm rules is a disadvantage for all old and non existent battle tome armies so well over half.

Definitely going to run a simpler format day though its a good point.

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