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thoughts about mixed chaos


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I was thinking about building a swiss knife army for tournaments (most of my units need to be able to fight efficiently and shoot: stormfiend, skullcannon (with wrathmongers), soulgrinder, etc.)  I don't see a lot of synergies out of the box, there are very few CHAOS keyword abilities (contrary to ORDER...) but the ability to mix and match is really interesting.

What do you think about a mixed chaos army?
Are GA: Chaos still competitive today?

thanks for your thoughts!

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Skullcannons with Wrathmongers got FAQ´d yesterday. Souldgrinders can be used in any God specific Army due to the Mark of Chaos Rule.

I on my own would always prefer an usefull Alligience Ability over the flexibility of an Grand Alligience, as most synergiez are in an single Faction nevertheless. With StD each Chaos Faction has a great Pool of Units it can take without spending points on Allies and who even benefit from the Alligience. It´s actually the most interessting Grand Alliance for mixing Factions in the Game without taking an Grand Alligience

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3 hours ago, Oldshrimpeyes said:

The best thing about GA chaos is being able to take Plaguetouched Warband, Fatesworn etc. Quite easy to make a one drop army and even though you are stuck with the hot garbage that is the GA Chaos command abilities you can at least double dip into realm artefacts. 

Although I like them, I am not sure about the sustainability of these warbands - I fear they might be deleted in the next GHB19 (not relevant given maggotkin, blade of khorne, etc?)

3 hours ago, Charleston said:

Skullcannons with Wrathmongers got FAQ´d yesterday. Souldgrinders can be used in any God specific Army due to the Mark of Chaos Rule.

I on my own would always prefer an usefull Alligience Ability over the flexibility of an Grand Alligience, as most synergiez are in an single Faction nevertheless. With StD each Chaos Faction has a great Pool of Units it can take without spending points on Allies and who even benefit from the Alligience. It´s actually the most interessting Grand Alliance for mixing Factions in the Game without taking an Grand Alligience

Yes, I saw that FAQ (which killed my non optimized army list). But with StD, you can't hire skavens or daemon right? :-)

I still think skullcannons & stormfiends might have some use, in team of 3, and boosted by a chaos sorcerer...

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