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Awareness of the Old World?

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12 hours ago, xking said:

GW plans to redo the freeguild models. They just did not know how they wanted to do it. But from the rumors we heard a while ago, it might be something like what they do with the Imperial Guard. So I wouldn't be too concerned with the Karl Franz banners.

Oh, I wouldn't say that I'm concerned. It doesn't bother me in the slightest.  As far as I'm concerned, much of the old world escaped. We just don't hear about it in the books or stories as its the not very interesting bits of the universe.  I'm more than happy to continue using the old models and will do even if they bring out new ones. Karl Franz is just like our own King Arthur in that respect. I know some people will get into a knot over needing to have everything as GW writes it. As far as I'm concerned, a fantasy game set in infinite realms has room for both empire and freeguild styles (What ever the freeguild becomes at their release)

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Yea the fluff basically states it was a really REALLY long time of the "universe" of AoS even before Sigmar got his stormhosts to go around. I don't even think it's like comparing 30k to 40k, I think it's like comparing the Dark Age of Technology to 40k (except in AoS case you actually have people from the old age).

So if you were directly told by a God or some other being who existed way back then, you'd know, But I think your average Non Scholar citizen probably might only know bed time stories or rumors.

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On 10/17/2018 at 3:25 AM, Ragnar Alpaca said:

Simple question that popped into my heard when trying to write some lore for my dwarfs. Are the humans/dwarfs/elves/orcs and other races aware of the Old World? Do they know it existed? Are any groups in the mortal realms direct descendants from people in the Old World?

 I would think so considering there are whole armies from the world-that-was still hanging around. Pic is from the 1st core book. 


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11 hours ago, Ragnar Alpaca said:

Anyway, I’m off to writing up the lore for my army. 

Holding a grudge for things you can't actually remember, didn't happen to anyone who's been alive for 10,000 years or so and happened in another universe entirely does seem very 'on brand' for the little bearded chaps. I like the idea there are these fragments of the old world that survived and for the poor Dwarfs one of them was a dusty book of grudges they now feel honour bound to ruin their lives for.

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1 hour ago, JPjr said:

Holding a grudge for things you can't actually remember, didn't happen to anyone who's been alive for 10,000 years or so and happened in another universe entirely does seem very 'on brand' for the little bearded chaps. I like the idea there are these fragments of the old world that survived and for the poor Dwarfs one of them was a dusty book of grudges they now feel honour bound to ruin their lives for.

In fact it isn't too unlikely, even for real world humans. There are still people who hold some sort of "historic" grudge againt others because of something that may or may not have happened to some of their ancestors several hundred or even thousands of years ago.

- Some Sunni and Shia Muslims still regularly kill each other, basically because a battle that happened in 680AD, following the death of their Prophet in 632AD.
- There are still a few, radical Jewish Rabbis today who preach that Palestinians have to be killed because they are descendants of the Amalekites who allegedly attacked Moses and his Israelites according to old texts, which resulted in their god telling the Israelites that they should kill all of them. It isn't clear if that really happened (the attacks, not some god talking to anyone) or if that people even existed at some point. IF it happened, then it most likely happened around 3000 years ago.
- During the Third Reich some National Socialists (forum censors the common abbreviation) justified killing Jews by reminding people that the Jews killed Jesus Christ. Something that may or may not have happened 2000 years ago. The same excuse was used for killing Jews during the middle ages btw.

So yeah, nothing out of the ordinary to have grudges against someone because of something that might have happened thousands of years ago. Especially in a world where there are entities (people or gods) of that age still around.

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