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A tale of Kirton Gamers!

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That's awesome JR, are they all from that skulls kit?! And that hood makes him look a lot more sinister. 


Yeah, haven't got a great spot to take pics with any decent light, but I'll have another shot during the day tomorrow. 

I'm thinking this chap may be good for the dude on the shrine, but that totem is now where the chopping block was - so if I put the block back on it might look a tad crowded on there.




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Hello fellow warriors my name's lewis and loooooove AOS,I always wanted to get into warhammer and my only experience with it in till a year ago was painting  and pushing models around a table with not a clue how on the rules when I was about 12 lol,so as an adult I sat on the idea a few years ago but was a little worried about where to start,reading a 400page rule book and finding players,so aos was a great place to start as it had only been out for about a year and a fresh set of rules was easily accessible,I started with stormcast as they were cheap and a good entry point and then moved onto the ironjawz which I have been pretty much exclusively playing since July,I don't mind dabbling in the match play stuff in a build upto a tournament but much prefer a open war,narrative style games(the more random the better) that are balanced and fun for both players rather than I just brought this army along to melt your face off attitude,the birth of my son(which was literlly a couple of days ago has forced me to take a back seat in this tale of painters but I'm going to try and get involved as best I can,I'll probably spend this time building my new  skaven army and continue to paint the ironjawz and finish off the troggoths and giant.

The sky's start to swirl green with the waaaaagh and the roars prepare your army's for the might of the ironjawz!!



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Hi, David O here. I have played GW games since most of you were waiting to be born. I have large free people, troll, Skaven and undead army's on combinations of square and round bases. The last 5 years or so I have only brought those models that I like the look off; and most of these then sit on their boxes with the celophane untouched. True to form I have a lord of Change and a Ogroid Thaumaturege hiding in boxes. I also have another big bird assembled but otherwise untouched. The joy spread by the others in my local club about this project have inspired me to payout on a get started box and got to painting the lot.

Here goes.



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Nice progress guys! 

@Eththebeef Cool conversions, Ethan - what're those gorgers based on? Skin-wolves and something else?  Maneaters look good but the tank-treads could maybe do with something to make them less 40k?

@ageofpaddsmar Wahay,  I think that's the first fully painted unit? 

@Davido Welcome aboard Mr O, looking forward to seeing what you do with the birds. I'm guessing teh undercoated one was from a Kickstarter? Haven't painted a Lord of Change myself yet, but that Ogroid dude is a joy to paint. 

@Reuben Nice work, mate, it's coming together! That converted admiral looks awesome 


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They've been untouched and unloved for a while,I think we played a game and they performed well so I gave them a base on the skin as a treat and they were left at that,my problem with the campaign is I'm not sure how were doing battleline and stuff but if I'm able to bend some rules I'd like to put the giant and finish off the orcwarboss on wyvern on the table and go mixed destruction.

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Paint what you want, mate - we can fudge the rules to get your new toys on the battlefield! It's supposed to be narrative-based, so there's no worries about playing with asymmetric forces. 

I was going to suggest a few skirmish games once we've all got a few bits painted. Some trolls and a dude to lead them would probably do the trick for that? Wyvern might be a tad OTT for a skirmish game, but we can figure something out - even if he ends up being your only dude.  

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32 minutes ago, CyderPirate said:

Paint what you want, mate - we can fudge the rules to get your new toys on the battlefield! It's supposed to be narrative-based, so there's no worries about playing with asymmetric forces. 

I was going to suggest a few skirmish games once we've all got a few bits painted. Some trolls and a dude to lead them would probably do the trick for that? Wyvern might be a tad OTT for a skirmish game, but we can figure something out - even if he ends up being your only dude.  

I can make things work for skirmishes,the waaaagh forces is large enough lol

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1 hour ago, CyderPirate said:

A few more pics of the shrine. It'll be a fiddle, but I'm tempted to move the totem back, put the chopping block back in, and fill the recessed bit with a load of skulls. Ideas/thoughts anyone? 




Not sure how I tag just your name instead of quote Lol but I think that looks good how it is,looks like it'd make more sense having it in the middle for balancing reasons....not that'd it'll probably matter to them much though lol

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Afternoon all, 

I keep putting off my updates but thought I'd should get them on!

I started a Nurgle force last year, but never got much further with them. So I'm relaunching them now with this as the perfect opprtunity. I thought I'd strip the force back to the 'Start Collecting' blueprint and then see how it grows depending on games, money or inspiration! Looking forward to hopefully getting along to the Kirton store for some games as it's only an hour or so away for me.  The old 'Lure of the Gods' article by Paul Sawyer was my absolute favorite by White Dwarf, so I'm hoping this blog keeps me on track in a similar style! 




I've purchased the Spoilpox Scrivener and a Feculant Gnarlmaw so I'm looking forward to getting some Path to Glory style games in. I also have five of the old metal plaguebearers, so am keeping my eye out for some more to round that out into a second unit. 




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Great progress all!

Well done Mr B on getting that done so quickly.

Dave O, I'm not sure any of us are qualified to give you suggestion on painting techniques, however I really like the  deep pink/purple as so many Horrors are vivid pink.

Mark - yes likewise with Kharadron's I'm into the realm of sub assemblies and sub-sub assemblies..sigh!!

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