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Thunderscorn tips


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It's a 2 choice list, ummm not a lot you can really do other than take those units?

Ally wise, include at least a couple of Wizards, if you want to have it make sense fluff wise, either model them as prisoners or use Daemons of Tzeentch, I could see a Lord of Change being useful

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As Lucio mentioned, a couple of Wizards are a must for the heal/buff.  You could maybe convert a mounted Sorcerer Lord as some sort of Dragon Ogor Shaman?  I was considering a similar army, and thought of using  the rules for the new Archaon to represent a really ancient Dragon Ogor (like Kolek Suneater from back in WFB).

I've only used a unit of 3 with the great weapons to augment my warriors of chaos, and they were pretty underwhelming, although in fairness I probably misjudged their role. I was using them as a can-opener and they just bounced off the unit they were trying to kill. Their speed and resilience were definitely strong points, though. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have a Thunderscon army I have been building for far too long now.  I found you need to run as mixed chaos if you want to  play bigger games.  I converted some mini dragon ogres (from cold one knights) to be my blood warriors for battle line, converted two sorcerers one chaos sorcerer and a gaunt summoner.  And made a kholek model (played as a blood thirster of incessant rage) from a carnosaur.  I find with the wizards to buff, one bigger unit of dragon ogres is better than running multiple 3 man units.  Your 3 man units are pretty tanky and are good road blocks and your shaggoths are best used to counter or multi charge because they hit hard but aren't the toughest. 


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9 hours ago, brodog said:

I have a Thunderscon army I have been building for far too long now.  I found you need to run as mixed chaos if you want to  play bigger games.  I converted some mini dragon ogres (from cold one knights) to be my blood warriors for battle line, converted two sorcerers one chaos sorcerer and a gaunt summoner.  And made a kholek model (played as a blood thirster of incessant rage) from a carnosaur.  I find with the wizards to buff, one bigger unit of dragon ogres is better than running multiple 3 man units.  Your 3 man units are pretty tanky and are good road blocks and your shaggoths are best used to counter or multi charge because they hit hard but aren't the toughest. 


Those are really cool ideas!

I've played with my thunderscorn a couple of times and found that as Brodog said in 3 man units they are good tough roadblocks which can be hard to displace but alas don't hit too hard.


I have 3  with 2 weapons and 3 with mauls and now 3 unbuilt. Considering building them as the halberds (2" range and -1 rend) and also converting my mauls into halberds too to run 6. Though not sure what the best weapon options for 6 man units is, with their 2 damage and only 1 less attack having more mauls could be useful to allow more damage if you get the hits and wounds in, only issue being it might be hard to get all 6 in depending how big your enemy unit is. But I think it's definitely good to run them in mixed chaos. If you wanted to make them look a bit tzeentchy then they probably wouldn't look out of place amongst tzaangors and ogroid thaumaturges. Especially as the ogroid is a wizard who fits the big and bulky look.

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