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Counts as Sylvaneth Ideas (Need inspiration)


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So my girlfriend and I intend to go to the AOS doubles tournament at WHW in march (we're nottingham local anyway) and have settled on each doing a 1000 point Sylvaneth force for the maximum synergies between our two forces. However I am not overly fond of the rigid posing of the treelord (three would be needed between the two forces). So I'm looking at making a counts-as sylvaneth force to go alongside her actual sylvaneth models.


First model that came to mind was the Forgeworld Hobbit Troll Brute, I would replace the rider with a goblin much akin to the new fungoid one leaked recently, and convert its back to be covered entirely with giant mushrooms, rocks and bracken. It'd be a fungal version of the treelord with the grot being creatures of nature (rather than benevolent) however I feel the size of the brute might be too small (if anyone has one to hand I'd love a comparison photo).


So I've come to mine the communitys imagination for concepts of a fun, cool looking theme I can use as counts as sylvaneth (GW/FW components only)

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Well, just saw your Death Treelord and it was amazing! Fantastic idea for a theme!

Being a big fan myself of themed armies, please continue with the good work!

As for ideas, I would use some cript ghouls with dryad bits (or the other way round) for the dryads count as,  same with the kurnoth hunters using cript horrors...

Also, the new scenic forests (shardwrack spines and death forest) could be used for the sylvaneth forests, maybe even converting the new "yet to be released" blight tree from nurgle (but removing the obvious chaos references)...

The troll brute is a good idea, but much smaller than the treelord... And using the hooded nighgoblins as "death forest spirits" would be good, putting them on some bigger bases akin to the nurglings...

And if you fancy doing an "Alarielle" count as, try to use the goblin Araknarok instead of the giant bug, and give her Morghast wings... I would love to see someone with your conversion skills doing something like this!

Cheers and congratulations again for the nice idea!


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Well as you are looking for inspiration...

The two things that spring to mind is going opposite or very specific. So opposite would be instead of life and wood maybe stone? So big stone statues for the tree lords, rock croppings/stonehenges for the wyldwoods.  Or water instead of woods, Big water elementals, small lakes for the wyldwoods. Something like that? You already are working on the opposite of life with the death and that looks awesome. 

Very specific within nature could be fungus. Or instead of trees animals, So big gorrillas maybe for the treelords, low fantasy planet of the apes style :)

But to be fair the fungus idea is amazing!  Hope this helped. 

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