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Mounted destruction help


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As title.

im struggling to work out the best way to run it.

i know it's gonna be no where near competitive. But trying to make it as good as I can.

what are must have units.

im thinking something built around a gorefist. Can I even include a gorefist battalion in destruction allegiance?

an double wyvern maybe? 

Also thinking msu is the way to go due to very poor bravery. Lots of chariots an 5 man units zipping around Being a pain.


thanks in advance for any help tips An tricks 

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Allegiance: Destruction

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
Orruk Warchanter (80)

3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
- Ironjawz Battleline
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
- Ironjawz Battleline
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
- Ironjawz Battleline
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
- Ironjawz Battleline
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
- Ironjawz Battleline

Ironfist (160)
Bloodtoofs (140)

Reinforcement Points (0)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400

Technically destruction, also has the advantage of being a one drop, getting +2 to charge range and basically doesn't care about bravery so you can use the waaagh! Every turn.

I know it's not really what you asked for but imo a one drop ironjawz battalion of GG's is probably the best cav army you are guna get.

Beastclaw raiders might be a close second but iirc they got kinda ****** on by gbh2017.

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Unfortunately there is nothing mounted that counts as generic Destruction battleline, so you will be looking at taking a themed allegiance for access to a fully-mounted army.  Probably the closest to a Mixed Destruction force is the Braggoth army mentioned above which is well worth a look.

Check out the Ironjawz Unlocked video (search for it on YouTube), Doom and Darkness has a Gorefist themed Ironjawz army that he talks through in some detail.  He calls this army the Flying Pineapples and if you search for that on YouTube he has a couple of batreps up with it.  Very similar to what Malakree has posted above (including the Warchanter unfortunately), but with a mega unit of 9x GGs and the Gorefist batallion.  The idea being that you zoom up the board, pin them in their deployment zone, and pick up the objectives in behind.  Then the twin Krushas can mop up anything that breaks through / retreats over the top / deep strikes.  

Bonesplitterz are worth considering - they have a mounted hero who isn't bad (Maniak Weirdnob), and their cavalry are decent.  There is a batallion that enhances the Boarboy Maniaks, and a super-batallion you can drop them in too.  They are pretty strong (huge volume of attacks) but have zero rend, so you would probably have to ally something in to fill that role.  Maybe an Arachnarok spider?  Very cool models! 

Speaking of which, Spiderfang is of course an all-mounted faction...

If you wanted something redonkulous, Boar Chariots are Greenskinz battleline.  They can do mortals on the charge, and as you said the Wyvern boss is pretty cool for his points and the Mercia model is exceptional.  Maybe followed around by a Warboss with Waaagh! banner mounted on a boar? 

Grot Wolf chariots are a snip at 40 points, you could ally in 10 of them for a true "WTF" army!  Warboss on Wyvern, Warboss on Boar with Waaagh! banner, 15* Boar Chariots, 10* Wolf Chariots comes in at 1980.  I'm definitely not saying it would be super competitive, but it would certainly be different!

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Grot Wolf Chariots are cheap in points but expensive in dollars, so although there are usually some kicking around on eBay, if you wanted to scale back the outlay you could always ally in a unit of 10x Boarboy Maniaks.  They will get an extra attack each from your Waaagh!, on both melee weapon profiles...twice in each of your turns.  They'll be putting out 120 attacks with lots of rerolls, not too shabby even with no rend!  Also frees up 80 points for...can you guess?...another Boar Chariot!  

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