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About to start painting my Ironjawz


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So, I have the destruction and Ironjawz battletome and how to paint guide. I have a unit of brutes and a Megaboss, all assembled and undercoated white. I intend to build up to a fluffy army with Gordrakk at the helm with all Ironjawz units. Just got a question about paint scheme. 

None of the books detail the fluff behind his paint scheme. He has yellow and black armour with a kind of lightning detail on it and so does the box for the brutes. All the books detail the paint scheme for the Ironsunz and some of the different clans, but no where do you see a background on the yellow and black with the lightning detail. 

If you have an army with Gordrakk, and intend to build his force, obviously he is the boss of bosses, but would it not be strange if he has no units form his "direct clan"? 

I like both the Ironsunz and what ever the black and yellow scheme is, it is just I am returning to the hobby after a long absence and was hoping to follow a guide for how to paint these guys and the only guides that are detailed are the Ironsunz ones. 

Any input would be great. Heading to GW later to pick up some of the paints I am missing. 

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Isn't there some fluff on Gordrakk in the Ironjawz battletome? Also there was a novel that features Gordrakk quite significantly that was released at the same time as the ironjawz stuff. Gordrakk, as far as I understand it, is the head of the ironsunz clan (although this is based purely on his colour scheme)

So, the painting guides are split into 2 sections in my opinion. Techniques and Schemes.

The techniques can be found at the start of the book, these give you the basic how to paint and gives you some examples of how you would paint an orruk model. They used the yellow scheme for this as its the colour that the models are photographed in on the website.

The individual schemes are found nearer the back of the book. This sections gives you some cool ideas for colour schemes, and lists all the paints you need and shows the order in which you would apply each colour.

Now, if you (like me) want a scheme that isn't the yellow, you sort of need to flip between these two sections to get the most out of these guides. So you go find the colour you want to apply, then take a look at where the guide suggests you would apply it.

It's also important to remember that the book is just a guide, and if you decide that you want to do something slightly different then you can do that. 

On the table, if you paint all the models in the Ironjawz scheme and Gordrakk in his traditional box-art colours its going be a coherent force, and its going to look stunning on the table!

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I'll soon have 2 weirdnobs, gordrakk, and 30 brutes. I've been looking at schemes too. I'm thinking I'll be doing straight black/metal armor thou I'm really liking the crazy orange scheme from the painting guide. I still need a name for my warclan too.

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Another thing to consider (and the path I'm going to follow) is painting things whatever way you want, then just tell your opponent your Megaboss on Mawkrusha is Gordrakk. I don't think most people will mind, especially if it's built as him. While I love LOVE the black and yellow scheme...I also have a huge Bad Moonz Ork army, so I'm going to paint down a different path :)


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Think I might just go the ironsunz route for now and then when I eventually get myself gordrakk I can maybe paint a unit of brutes in the same colour to tie it in. Will go red and yellow and see how I like it! 

Cheers all 

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So I have began painting and quickly realised I am missing some paints/old paints have gone off. 

Still a work in progress but I am largely pleased with how it is coming on. 

I haven't painted a model in 12 years so any tips or advice would be great. 

Doing the unpainted pauldron bronze, but have no bronze paint. Need metallic paints for weapons as well. 

Once I have the paints I need I can then go on to do some weathering and red designs. 




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Looks off to a great start! Don't forget to pick up some washes: Nuln Oil, Seraphim Sepia and Agrax Earth to start. They'll really add some depth to your models. Nuln for Metals, Seraphim for Yellows/Gold/Brass and Agrax for everything else.

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I have the original washes still in good shape. Have used the sepia in yellow armour and the drama green on skin. Mud on the brown, base and black on the blades. Need a better metallic paint as the chainmail paint I have is off :( 

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I can see it now that I'm not on my phone, very deliberate application! I miss the Foundation series and old Devlan Mud :) When I first started this hobby in a dedicated fashion I was painting Bad Moonz Orks, which was like 234 layers of yellow. Then the Foundation Paints came out!

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These are looking lovely. As a former Imperial Fists painter from the dark times pre-Foundation paints (let alone the current wonderful system), I feel the yellow pain, and you're doing a great job with it so far. Can't wait to see a whole painted unit. :)

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