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I have been remiss in introducing myself, jumping into other topics instead. Apologies.

Hi, I'm Graeme. I've been hobbying (shh, it's absolutely a verb) for about 25 years now, since my age was still in single figures. But I am terrible – truly, unbelievably terrible – at painting armies. Single models? Sure. Not to any great standard, but they look alright-ish, if you squint. Armies though? I get bored painting the same thing over and over and drift away to other projects. 

However, with the Season of War coming, I really, really want to play some games of Age of Sigmar. I last played during the final stages of development, when the rules writers were getting feedback on the Warscroll Compendiums*, and I love the system. It's simple, elegant and deceptively deep, but then you all know that. Where was I? Yes, I want to play some games, so I need a painted army. So I went through my boxes (and boxes and boxes) of half-built models, and scraped together a small Gutbusters army. And painted it. I just sat over the course of a week and painted it. They're very basic, and I need to finish the basing, but then I'm ready to go.

And now I'm working on some Ironjawz to add to it. Megaboss and Tyrant, allies and rivals. I figure that each game, they'll both make a beeline for the enemy commander, and whoever kills him/her/it gets to be general next game. We'll see.

I'm rambling like a nut. I'll stop now. To summarise: rubbish at painting armies, but trying hard. Ogors, orruks and did I mention Stormcasts? Yeah, them too. Right, enough of this, back to painting.


*Oh, yeah, I work for GW at Lenton.

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Hi and welcome to the community!

I completely get where you're coming from on painting speed and a bit like yourself have found AoS a nice focus on actually getting an army painted (though still a long way to go for my Bloodbound).  Look forward to seeing pics of them in the painting area :)

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