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Order Army with Vanguard SC


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I have a problem, I love Stormcast, I like their lore, their aesthetics, their mounts and everything they have.

However, when I finally decided to buy, mount and paint I found that it is hard for me to continue painting them. For example, except for small differences my archers have the same armor as my infantry and I get the feeling of having painted the same miniature for two weeks.

I understand that it is something normal, almost all the armies share an aesthetic among their miniatures so instead of blaming the game I am thinking about changing a bit. Right now I have two Vanguard-Hunters squads and one Lord Aquilor. I am hesitating between buying some other army to vary a bit (Ironjawz, Khorne, or Slaves maybe, I like a lot of armies) or take advantage of my minis and play Order instead of Stormcast.

I'm pretty bad at making lists and my group is not too competitive but do you have any advice or any idea what units could come with my Vanguard in an Order army?

Thanks in advance.

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The Free Cities introduced with the Firestorm campaign would be a great place to go if you only have (or want) a small amount of certain factions.

With the change in rules to make it Order+City allegiance you can afford to make very characterful armies out of a wide range of Order factions.


Pick a city that suits your theme or preferred factions and get painting.  If you want to be sensible in purchases then think what might make a good core of a specific allegiance, or allies to another allegiance, when buying. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

@DragobethPainting 70 + stormcast at the ,moment so I feel your pain.  I cheated and used an airbrush though so it only took me an afternoon to base, shade and highlight the metallics.

To keep the finishing interesting i'm painting smallish numbers - so I did 5 liberators, then 5 judicators, then 1 prosecutor and next i'm going to do a dracoth rider.

There is quite a lot of variety in the painting except with the infantry so try adding:

Vanguard palladors - you can really go to town on the mounts as you will know from the aquilor.

Prosecutors with javelins - the wings are what makes these guys interesting.

Vanguard Raptors - this set comes with some aetherwings which allow you to get some crazy colours out and there is only 6 models total so no chance to get bored.

Knight venator - he's a cool model and a bit different again from standard infantry.

All these units will fit with your army, give you a bit of variety and keep you in Stormcast allegiance. They are reasonably solid gaming choices too.

The allies option is also a good one but hey, choices...

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