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Shardfall on Hexes with an objective Token?


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2 hours ago, Wallack said:

Yes, a faq will clarify it.

The thing is, for now, there is nothing in the resurrect action or card that lets you charge or move with a fighter that already did so.

Exactly, plus we keep track of Actions regardless of the fighter being in play or out of Action.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My interpretation is that objectives do not occupy hexes. This is based on the rules stipulating that a hex is occupied due to a fighter being on it. There is no mention of any other means by which a hex becomes pcculied. 

I realise that the rules do stipulate on a number of occasions that an objective tile can be moved through and does not block line of sight. However, I do not think that this can be taken as indication that an objective does occupy a hex due simply to the notion that “why would they clarify this point if it didn’t occupy a hex”.  I think that it is simply a re-iteration if the rules around objective rules. I guarantee that if this reiteration was not there we would be having a similar discussion regarding whether objectives block line of sight or not etc...

I agree that, regardless of the arguments but forth in each side, this requires further clarification. However, I would point out that a fighter claims an objective by moving and staying on a hex with an objective in it. I would argue the point of “how can a fighter move into a hex which is already occupied?...Are we saying that a hex can be occupied by 2 different things?”

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On 25.11.2017 at 12:25 PM, Big Ows said:

“how can a fighter move into a hex which is already occupied?...Are we saying that a hex can be occupied by 2 different things?”

Thats the point. A hex can be occupied just by one thing (fighter, shardfall or drawn on the battlefield). 

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