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Starting a new army, looking for advice


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So I've been playing since the first generals handbook, during that time I've mostly played stormcast but I do have a small death army.  I'm to the point of being burned out on stormcast and death just doesn't feel worth running unless I run a ton of skeletons (something I'd rather not do)   

Out of the current armies, I'm torn between seraphon or trying to build a list around a bloodthirster (always loved the model)   I have literally no idea of what models work well with the bloodthirster. 

I was hoping to hear from players who run either army on how they're run and if either one is substantially different from stormcast. 

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Why have one bloodthister when you can have 3? B|

The wrath of Khorne one makes a good general for a murderhost so you could build that. You should win a fair few games with it too its pretty devastating when it works. 

I like the minimum Gorepilgrims version so you have WoK Thirster, 2 priests, secrator, 5 Blood warriors, 10 reavers and as many bloodletters as you have points for!

Probably a good idea to get the Blades of Khorne book before you start buying models - there are loads of options.

Don't write off death though. There are plenty of competitive builds for average games. They are not lighting up the tournament scene because its easier to win with other lists not because you can't win...

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I've got a friend who has the khorne book, so I'm going to have to borrow it.  I like the idea of 3 blood thirsters but the cost and my group being fairly laid back makes it a little too much.  


And I have not seen the council of blood battalion.  Besides the brass stampede that a friend runs and the pilgrims one, I'm in the dark to khorne 's options. 

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For khorne there is a great let's chat thread and @killax is writing a fantastic khorne tactica. Briefly khorne is an interesting army for synergies and can built lots of ways, for the wrath of khorne he mixes well with blood letters, blood stoker and blood  Secrator. Khorne is fun for melee and a lot of the hero and allegiance abilities, however no real decent khorne shooting or magic (just prayers)

My other army is seraphon who are a blast, fun models and jack of all trades. Again can be built multiple ways and the new GHB has made them really interesting with two new battalions and abilities including a teleport ability.

I suggest be like me and do both :)

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