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Deathrattle Battletome?

Lord Graves

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Hey everyone,

I've been away for awhile. Does anyone know if other sub factions will be getting battle tomes any time soon? Mainly looking for a Deathrattle Battletome. I took a look at GW's website and I was surprised to see only two new battletomes in what felt like a year.


Thanks in advance!

Lord Graves

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With Shadespire and 40.000 also continueing I think next months or possibly year will be more focused on that than the current Age of Sigmar game. Firestorm is a massive release in itself aswell and I think GW sees Shadespire as AoS releases aswell.

However for those who really want to have a competative game with Undead models Shadespire most certainly delivers. It's also mentioned by the design team themselves, the fact that Warhammer Underworlds starts out brand new, all levels cleared means it's much easier to design and compete with the available Warbands.

What is haunting Death more as anyone is the older designs, which lead to odd sub-Faction design and general inconsistent Warscroll design that has significantly fewer synergistic options as new released armies. The Death Factions arn't alone in this at all but the issue with Death is that it is indeed the only Grand Allegiance that suffers from this. Order, Chaos and Destruction have recieved decent ammount of 'complete Faction and Battletome love'.

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I think that without some new units even a Battletome won't make Deathrattle great again. The army just lacks too many types of units.

No hard hitting monsters, no archers, no assassins, no artillery, no elite units, nothing fast except Black Knights which are mediocre.

Don't get me wrong, Skellies (in masses) are great, and they become awesome if you have a Necromancer (for the Dance) and a Wight King (as General for the attack and with the Standard for yet another save after save) near to buff them. But that's about it and the Necro is an ally of course.

All the really cool things from other Death armies are too expensive to use as allies.

Arkhan for example is great, but you cannot run Arkhan and a Necromancer in a 2K game and you need that Necromancer, so meh...

I for example run a Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon to have a mobile hard hitter, so Grand Alliance Death army is the only way to go.

Maybe if Deathrattle got a Bataillon that could include one Death unit that doesn't count toward the ally point pool that could work.


Now, Deathrattle wouldn't need that many allies if they could fill the roles themselves. Give them Skeleton Archers, or Skeleton Horse Archers, or Catapults, or a Bone Giant, and they would be good to go!

....and yes, I am in the "reinventing Tomb Kings" mode again. All those units I mentioned existed already. I hope they redesign them to fit Deathrattle and re-release them.

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I really do hope they make deathrattle play more like the old Tomb Kings in certain ways: 

-Light  spear cavalry/bow cavalry (so Black knights actually can be upgraded to feel more like the elite knights they should be)
-Skeleton archers/crossbow warriors.
-Liches for magical support
- Their own spell lore.

If it was just a book with some magic items/command traits and just a few warscrolls for the characters from Shadespire, it would be a massive let-down. 

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