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Nurgle Allegiance


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I think i understand what your asking. 

If your running an all nurgle army, since there isn't any chaos allegiance or artifacts for the Nurgle Allegiance, you still have access to the Chaos Allegiance and Artifacts since they are used for the chaos armies that don't have their own Allegiance stuff yet. 

Hope it helps ^^;;

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For friendly/casual games most people will be ok with you useing the cycle of corruption allegiance ability and the chaos command traits and artifacts. Cant use them in a tournament or formal setting. Soon enough we will have everything we need.. but for now casual gamers should be ok with this.  Otherwise I would still use the wheel as the command traits and artifacts are not as good as those nurgle buffs. 

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7 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

For friendly/casual games most people will be ok with you useing the cycle of corruption allegiance ability and the chaos command traits and artifacts. Cant use them in a tournament or formal setting. Soon enough we will have everything we need.. but for now casual gamers should be ok with this.  Otherwise I would still use the wheel as the command traits and artifacts are not as good as those nurgle buffs. 

I did this in a casual game. Ran general Chaos command traits/artifacts. Nurgle army with Dark Avenger on your general is nuts when playing order ( +1 to hit against order units on all units within 10" of general) . My Blight Kings were just doing stupid amounts of wounds as they were triggering bonus attacks on 5's and sometimes 4's if they got unpredictable destruction. At one point they passed 45 wounds through due to bonus attacks, was about 8 kings.

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:P They arn't called Blightkings for nothing!

On 11-9-2017 at 3:14 AM, WatcherintheWater said:

If I have an all Nurgle army, and run it with the Nurgle Allegiance, does that mean I don't get any Artifacts of Power or Command Traits, since there aren't any? Or can I use the Chaos ones even though I don't have the Chaos Allegiance?

The Cycle of Corruption is fun, but not sure it makes up for missing out on everything else.

Currently this does indeed mean that if we'd follow the Allegiance benifits and restrictions. 

As is though I think there is nothing wrong with asking your opponents if you can use the Command Trait and Artefacts from the Chaos Allegiance. I'm sure most wouldn't mind. After all if both parties are recieving cool bonusses the game gets all the better.

However as per RAW the moment you pick one Allegiance (and thus gain acces to all those abilities) you cannot have another aswell. Technically speaking this means that if you'd currently pick the Nurgle Allegiance you indeed wouldn't get any Command Trait and Artefact benifits. Though there are other benifits you would recieve, such as Blightking Battleline units.


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