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Thoughts on the FW Mourngul


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Hi everyone !

I am new and slowly gaining experiance playing and studying warscrolls and bat.reps. And today I stumbled upon the Mourngul.

It looks fantastic just like the majority of newer models of AoS, but how is it not the most broken thing ever??

It flies, it heals, it got mortal wound save on top of its already good save, a buckload of wounds and hard hitting attacks..and can be summoned :D

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I played it for the first time at the weekend. Didn't last long and not much damage output. My dice rolling was hot though! Rolling 1's all over the place. 

Whilst it is a beast and I will take it again and again and again (despite its pour showing, although I think that was my fault) it tends to attract a lot of attention which IMO is good and bad. It leaves the rest of your force to do why you want but the shear number of dice you're rolling willmean those 10 wounds can quickly disappear. 

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I've used mine a couple of times,  the first time it was awesome the second not so good.  It's at it's best when attacking infantry or cavalry (Especially ones with low bravery) as it only heals when it kills a model so against big multi-wound targets it doesn't get to heal often.  In my third game I tried to summon it but never rolled the 10+.

Nice model, almost finished painting mine.

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While it's very strong defensively - it doesn't have the same killing power of some of the other monsters. It's also of average speed, isn't buffable and doesn't have a ranged attack. Pricing it the same as the Necrosphinx (faster, choppier, a little bit less tough, no regeneration, no aura) is about right.

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I'll echo what others have said: it's very strong defensively (possibly the most defensive model in the game, as not only does it ignore rend, it can give -1/-2 to hit, has a 3+ save, deflects mortal wounds, and heals instantly), but its limited number of attacks means that it's usually better holding big things up. My experience with it can be summed up as follows:

  • Put it down thinking that it's invincible 
  • Move it into charging range and either:
  • 1) charge into a big horde 
  • 2) charge into a small unit (like a hero)
  • In the case of 1, the mornghul often comes off worse for wear, if not outright dead(er?). While it seems like it'll get a load of kills on a horde, it tends to only get a few attacks through and then is overwhelmed by the sheer number of saves it has to make. 
  • In the case of 2, oftentimes a big hero is good because of a small amount of very powerful attacks with a lot of rend. A mornghul is super effective against this as making one or two 3+ saves shouldn't be hard 

Overall, I've found it to be very powerful, but not as powerful as I was expecting from its stats.   

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Given that its -1/-2 to hit aura protects other friendly units too - I'd suggest that you pair it up with something else, e.g. one of your big choppy heroes/monsters or a block of Morghasts/Crypt Flayers etc. and send them both in at once.

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It's amazing (in my limited experience). Here's a short summary of all it does and I believe you'll be able to decide for yourself

  • 3+ save ignoring rends
  • 4+ save against mortal wounds
  • Heals D3 each combat phase it has killed something (it will)
  • Gives enemy models in a 6" bubble either -1 or -2 to hit depending on their Bravery (>7/7+)

That's just it's durability, with the bubble naturally helping the rest of your army stay alive as well, making it an excellent anchor. You need twenty mortal wounds to cop him in a single turn. Twenty.

  • 8 attacks
  • 3+/3+/-2/2
  • BONUS attacks on 6s to hit

Not the killiest. It's not mortal wounds, right? But will mulch line troops. Average 8 wounds at -2 rend before doing it again with Vanhels, that's 16 wounds. Or if the enemy isn't rocking defensive characters or monsters they will take decent damage.

And on a last note

  • The ****** can fly
  • Summonable


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