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Gutbuster-centric Destruction list does surprisingly well



So in continuing the trend to highlight how legacy warscrolls are still quite viable, I built a rather nice combination of destruction, focused around the Gutbusters. While there is a Thundertusk from the Beastclaw Raiders included (just one!!), that warscroll was part of the Ogre Kingdoms in 8th before being broken out for the newly updated sub-faction when they got their own battletome, and is still part of the overall Destruction general alliance. Likewise, mixed in are some segments from the Moonclan Grots, for variety, some nice mechanics and also for larger units size options to contest objectives. I plan to mix things up a bit and take this to an upcoming one day event in my area, and have tested it on the table in a few games of late. I was pretty surprised at how not only mobile the army is, but also how resilent it is. Its able to absorb damage pretty well, certainly can dish it out, and is reasonably able to compete in all phases of the game. The list provides a nice array of options, and isn't a one trick pony. While I'm sure it would struggle against Disciples of Tzeentch (what doesn't??), I think it would do reasonably well against Sylvaneth, most Stormcast builds and dish out enough damage against FEC to delete most of their units before they could regen their numbers. Against the new Khorne, I'm sure it would be a bloody affair but I imagine it would be a fun one to try out and I look foward to testing that. Again, while not likely an event winner, older players with armies pre-AoS can make a good game of it, and with a few tweaks and uses of the Allegiance abilities, could contend. Here's the link to the video. I hope you enjoy! 



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