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Holy Havok Tables!

Thomas Lyons


I figured I would show off some of @Holy Hammer Hern's beautiful tables from Holy Havok.  Check out these beauties!  


Table 1: Aelf, Shrine of the Phoenix

I didn't have the opportunity to play on this board but it is my understanding that wizards who occupied the tower could measure from either of the beacons to determine range to their target.


Table 2: Aelf, Temple of Khaine

This was another table I didn't have the opportunity to play on.  The two temples/shrines on this board each had their own effects but I don't know the details for sure.



Table 3: Human, the Collegiate Arcane

We played our game 4 on this board and it was quite the board.  The central terrain piece was the terrain objective which each team needed more models around to claim. Its central position along with its proximity to the starting line made our round truly dependent on who brought more models to hug this terrain feature's base.  Luckily we had numbers in our favor and the length of the double tower made for some excellent choke points towards the far ends.  The fences also offered a surprising bulwark that stopped a Juggy lord from charging in on the Glottkin.  I was surprised at how tactical some of these simple terrain features factored in to play.  It was great!



Here is the shot of our Game 4 before we obliterated their back line: 



Table 4: Ogors, the Challenge Stone

We played game 5 on this table and, despite the board favoring our destruction opponents, it was quite fun.  The big center stone granted battleshock immunity (?) to the forces of Destruction, which was painful again Odors, but it also granted +1 to hit and +1 to wound to all units within 6", something my 5 Blight Kings were quite thankful for (and the 36 wounds those five models generated from exploding 5+ attacks... ;)  ).  The simple symmetry of the board was broken up for our match with a 8" radius prison that held one of each of our units but that out units couldn't travel through.  The tent with Ogors amongst the signal fires was our terrain objective which had some interesting tactical movement for the larger models in the area (since you couldn't stand on or move the many impassable elements in this area.   


Our game 5, right before their Irongut deathstar did more wounds to my models than had been suffered in the entire tourney up until that point...


Table 5: Orruks and Grotts, the Nest of the Arachnarok

We actually didn't get to play this board during the event, but we played against @Hooves of Doom and his lovely wife's Nagash, all the Mortarchs, and 2 Mournghoul force.  It was quite the game for sure!   The table itself had a pretty scary mechanic where, during every movement phase, the arachnarok would spit at all units within 3d6 inches of his terrain piece.  On a 4+, those units took 1d3 mortal wounds.  Couple this with all the shrooms and their forests were either befuddling Mystic terrain or projected a 6" bubble of that effect,  it shouldn't be surprising that it slowed down the game quite a bit (Arachnarok spitting at 3-8 units twice per round and a bunch of befuddlement), but we had all the time in the world for the practice game, so it was no bother for us.  The terrain objective on this board was the big Orkky shrine in the back.  It was a great game all in all.  


Here is a shot of the pre-tourney warmup game with @Hooves of Doom:



Table 6: Nurgle, the Wyrmid Reaches

We didn't have a chance to play on this table which made my Nurgle heart quite sad.  It is my understanding the the wyrms in the center were the terrain objective (thus requiring teams to be close) but they did 1d3 unpreventable mortal wounds to nearby units.  The copious streams were deadly terrain as well, which would have likely caused folks to think twice about runs and charges on this board.


Table 7:  Seraphon, the Shrine of Sotek
This table was where we had our game 1 and it was quite the challenge for our force which was comprised of many large monsters.  Despite the obvious mobility concerns, we had a lot of fun navigating our huge chaos host through this dense jungle.  The small forest in the foreground with a triceratops skeleton was the impassable terrain objective and it made it quite difficult to move past this small space towards the enemy's starter zone (which was itself the main objective of the scenario).  The Shrine of Sotek had a gambling mechanic that on a 1-5 punished you for attempting to activate it but on a 6 actually healed wounds or even brought back dead models from your force.  I heard a great uproar on the first day from this table as a dead Lord Kroak called upon Sotek and was restored back into play, much to the chagrin of his enemies.  This board was one of the more tactically challenging forces given the model footprint of our force, but it was still a fun challenge to face.  


Here is a shot from game 1 with @Fenske and his partner:



Table 8: Shyish, the Sands of Time

This delightful Tomb Kings throwback table was where we had our second match.  The ruins in the foreground were the terrain objective and the huge animated sand pit had a chance of teleporting units to any board edge, which would have been helpful against many forces would deployed without fully understanding what it was.  This was doubly true for our match, where one of the main objectives was to get warpstone shards off the other side of the table.  Unfortunately for our opponents, the open deployment zone worked perfectly for a huge 30 strong chaos warrior conga line to hold the line against any such chicanery and our own Verminlord Deceiver (and his skitter leap) made short work of this objective.  



Here is a shot of our game on this fantastic TK board:



Table 9: Skaven, the Rats in Hats
This board was another one we didn't have the opportunity to play on.  I believe the sinking bellower was the objective and the mucky swamps were deadly terrain that might have been doing mortal wounds to those in it as well.  It's a real shame we didn't get to play on this board given how beautiful it is.  Maybe next time!



Table 10: Tzeentch, the Twisting Realm

Ironically, this was the board of our ultimate match up, which occurred in game 3, where were faced off against an army that was almost a mirror of our own force and whose generals we actually tied for Best Overall with (although they took home the title after three different tiers of considerations had to be made between our two forces to break the tie).  That said, even though we only scored 1-1 against each other (with a maximum total of 4 points), it was a legendary game where our Archaon of the Faceless of Tzeentch squared off against and slew his dark mirror in Tzeentch's own realm.  The high was short lived as their Skarbrand came barreling in, killing our Archaon, our Warlord, and another hero has he rushed his way through.  The blue pillars had a chance to wound units nearby while the pink ones healed units.  The floating blackhole in the distance did mortal wounds to those traveling underneath it, as did the foregrounded eye of Tzeentch (3" radius from the terrain), which itself was the terrain objective.  




We'll be talking about Holy Havok on Warhammer Weekly tomorrow.  You can check it out live at my cohost @Vincent Venturella's Youtube channel tomorrow at 9:00 PM EST, or you can look for the link to the show as an update to the blog as well.  I'm hoping to do some battle reports of these games in the coming weeks.  Hope you got a glimpse of all the Havok-y goodness from these images.  Happy gaming!



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This looks like it was great fun! I'd love to see @Holy Hammer Hern Skaven with my own eyes. I saw some pics in the twitter feed for this, and man they were amazing as were the other armies for this event. So motivated for another Year of the Rat!

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