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Fyreslayer Army

Paul Buckler


Ok so many moons ago, there were some awesome dwarf models called doomseekers.  Longbeards will remember them fondly I am sure. Well they had been sat gathering dust on my shelf for far too long, and when I saw the Hearthguard bezerkers, I thought maybe I had found a use for them.  So my project began. 


I kit bashed some Vulkite Bezerkers along with the spares from my Auric Hearthguard to fill out the unit into 10 models.  They actually fitted in pretty well, no noticeable scale issues.

I wanted a leader for my army and the Magmadroth is such a nice model I couldn't help myself, so a Runefather joined their ranks.  The kit is really good as I was also able to make a Rinesmiter and Runeson as well.

Magmadroth (1).jpg   Magmadroth (2).JPG

Slowly I built up a reasonable force adding 2 units of Vulkite Bezerkers, and 1 of each of the remaining characters, Grimwrath Bezerker, Runemaster and Battlesmith.  The quality and detail in these kits is amazing and i would recommend them to anyone.  Finally I wanted some variety so I added some converted prosecutors.  Simple head and weapon swaps made them easy to blend in, plus I had loads from various starter set swaps I had done when AOS was released.


My army was really taking shape now, I just needed soem bases, and as you can see from the pictures, I chose an ice theme to contrast the orange slayers.  I got these from darkarts, they are actually lava bases, but painted with an ice effect they work pretty well I think

.Fireslayer Army (3).jpgFireslayer Army (2).jpgFireslayer Army (4).jpgFireslayer Army (1).jpgFireslayer Army (5).jpg

So thats my Fyreslayers, they kept me busy for 3 months, around 100 SCGT pool choices.  How have they done on the battlefield? Well in true slayer fashion they have died with honour!  Sometimes in victory, sometimes in defeat, I will pop back and write a batrep for a game soon so you can see them in action


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Really like this force. Good contrast between model and base, very warm/cold. Nice to see the mix of old/new and converted too. 

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Love this conversion and using the other dwarfs. Your fellow Lodges are proud. Post on the Fyreslayers group on FB as well (if you haven't already) as I think we/they would really enjoy this. :)

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Looking great Paul! Awesome army. Can't wait to smash 'em wiv Da Black Sunz tomorrow! ;) 

Edited by Chris Tomlin
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21 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

Looking great Paul! Awesome army. Can't wait to smash 'em wiv Da Black Sunz tomorrow! ;) 

Tomlin, you monster!! :)

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The sneaky Orruk spiked the Fyreslayer ale, and whilst they fought to the last man the Green tide prevailed!

The magama dragon is pretty tasty,  he did a lot of damage.  Ironjaws are a solid army, nothing seems too nasty it just all works well.

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Krunk iz cunnin'!

Was a good game, agree with the above.

Your army looks fantastic on the table though Paul, you've done a great job and I really hope you decide to run it out a tournament in the future. Hopefully with some pool reductions you'll be able to add some other elements.

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