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The Tribes joined in + plan for the first 1000 Points



All righty then. The Tribes joined in to protect eloni from the chaosforces.

Hier are the first 20 painted Tribesmen that would be played as Freeguild Guard with Spears and Shields


I didn't paint them in the standard like my Stormcasts, because it would take quite long and I think it would cause motivationproblems again.

And there spiritual leader (there shaman or battlemage)




Also I made my plan what I should paint to get my first 1000 points.

So this is my plan:

Battlemage (100)
Sister Christina (100)
Freeguild General
- Great Weapon

Rangers of the Verdant Cycle I (100)
10 x Freeguild Archers
Rangers of the Verdant Cycle II (100)
10 x Freeguild Archers
Warriors of the Verdant Cycle (Sword + Shield) (160)
20 x Freeguild Guard
Tribesmen (Spear + Shield) (160)
20 x Freeguild Guard
Warriors of the Verdant Cycle (Helebards) (80)
10 x Freeguild Guard
Paladins of the Verdant Cycle (150)
10 x Freeguild Greatswords
- Free Peoples Battleline

Total: 950/1000


The green marked Units are already painted and shown here.

The yellow units I already have started to paint some of the models but didn't finished any yet.

The red ones are primed at best.

So this means I have to paint another 50 miniatures to get to that point. Let's see how long that tooks.

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Recommended Comments

5 hours ago, Moonlightwolf said:

Your photo's aren't loading for me, not sure if its a problem with my pc or your photo host.

Is it only this entry or all my pictues in my blogs? I use my google account with shared albums for my pictures. Don't know if it helps but here is the link to the album, where the pictures for this project are: https://goo.gl/photos/j6fgm5gLaY8bCJy66

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looks like its just this entry, the other blog posts and your google album show up fine. Great models by the way, love how the colour scheme ties the force together.

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8 hours ago, Moonlightwolf said:

looks like its just this entry, the other blog posts and your google album show up fine. Great models by the way, love how the colour scheme ties the force together.

I don't know if this helps, but I edited the blog entry, deleted the pictures and load them again.

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On 9/3/2017 at 5:28 PM, EMMachine said:

I don't know if this helps, but I edited the blog entry, deleted the pictures and load them again.

Yep that's worked all pictures are visible and looking good. Love your conversion of arcanites to tribemen, those really are very versatile models.

  • Thanks 1
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6 hours ago, Remus Prime said:

I really like your tribesmen, what bits did you use for them?


For the Tribesmen I used the bodies of Kairic Acolytes

The Heads of Marauder Horsemen 

Spears and Shields of Eternal Guard (more than one Box is needed because not all spears are usable).


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8 minutes ago, EMMachine said:


For the Tribesmen I used the bodies of Kairic Acolytes

The Heads of Marauder Horsemen 

Spears and Shields of Eternal Guard (more than one Box is needed because not all spears are usable).


Thanks!  I look forward to seeing the rest of the army come together, too.

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