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Everything posted by GeneralZero

  1. Hi AdamR, you French? BTW, I did almost the same except I took the Start collecting in place of the chariot box. So, my list is pretty close to yours. I'm not a big fans of daemons also. But.... But I also took thoose slave to play (later) the big chaos guys. Because I love the minis. This is my long term vision. For your question, I answered myself a very simple way: it is something that I love and, while it is technicaly a daemon, it fits superbly to this army. As a bonus it is a superb addition to my 40k projects. I am calling the ..... Daemon prince!! I took 2. - they are a superb and thematic addition to this army - they are one of the best chaos unit in both aos and 40K - they can be magnetized easy - they have several looks inside the kit. - they're adding some nice strategic features to our army, being fast and flying - they are wizards/psykers etc... I can't recommand you enough this solution.
  2. The difficulty of AoS Skirmish vs Kill team is that AoS is melee oriented vs KT is Shooting oriented. In KT, most of miniature can shoot while progressing. In AoS, as long as you don't charge, you don't do many things...
  3. I think it is really not a surprise as it is confirmed the way it should be plaid/understood.
  4. This is basically 2 SC+W&R (close to 4 SC at the price of 4 SC)
  5. What for? For something that we could enjoy eventuelly in several month? Lets play the game gentlemen, as there are many things to do with it actually.
  6. I'd like also to have one. Unfortunately, there is none. The solution that I probably use is the (amazing) War Mûmak™ Of Harad. Maybe I'll add some chaos bits to make it looks like chaos mamuth...
  7. So, back to rumors, what is next for AoS (after W&R)?
  8. I have a full high elves from the 80'/90' WHFB waiting to cross iron with AoS armies... To good to be real that they could come back.
  9. I don't think so. If they do a central piece, it'll be darkoath/knight mounted à la manticore+lord. Maybe slightly bigger. Why? Because we already have what you say in the chaos bestiary
  10. I'm waiting my terrain delivery: it is the 40k imperium line of terrain. I also have the old one. I'm pretty sure that with some tweeking, we can achieve some nice ghothik terrain for AoS. That what I try to do (just one or 2 big buildings and some ruins, then you got an amazing table.
  11. I am currently building my army the oposite way: having a core army (StD) of chaos, which can align to whatever chaos god is super fun. So, I've bought my core army with the big boxes. With this, I can give them all the flavors I want by just adding (or not) the big monsters of chaos: I can play them all with only one army! A GUO, a lord of change, a khorne monster etc... I know that it is not super competitive but for the fun and for the collector that I am, it is priceless.
  12. Well, maybe the StD aren't yet the most competitive army (no battletome, just the CA 2018)
  13. Rule wise yes. Commercially yes. But for stock management, NO. Resellers can only get one perwekk! WTF? Customers delivery by GW is only ONE per order. WTF?
  14. My bet is that it won't be named Darkoath and it will include StD+Evechoosen+Darkoath
  15. Oops, didn't dive in this. I always forgot that we don't have a battletome (yet!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  16. what is the best compliment of this box? I'm thinking of both (mandatory) SC box and daemon prince. But what else? what are the best units/options?
  17. A bit disapointed by the wrath and rapture video: slanesh and khorne both have 10 footmens, 3/5 mounted, 3/5 monsters and a character. No semi-big monster like the 40k boxes (redemptor, wave serpent, warglaives, ....)
  18. I didn't know this bataillon: can be usefull as there is zero tax (everything in it is in almost all lists)
  19. no warshrine? I'm like you. But... One of the good things of StD is that you can align them to a god and then you can add some biggies (GuO, LoC, khorne etc...) without taking all the specific stuf (the little daemons etc..). This is not the most efficient way to play (far from optimum) but super fun yet not boring because of the changes. And you can play the big ones from time to time. My plan is to get the battleforce, then later a Start collecting and 1 or 2 daemon princes. With this I have a big core of pure StD, complete. No worry. With several possible builds/strategy. Then in the futur, add some chaos god tasty things (the biggies, the specific troops or magics etc...) EDIT: I hope that in the near future GW will join everchoosen and StD (and darkoath) in a unique Book (à la Legion of nagash)
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