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Posts posted by Richelieu

  1. 14 minutes ago, AndyTheSlayer said:

    Been lurking for awhile and it’s finally time to post!

    Ever since Adepticon I’ve been slowly building my DoK force and using these forums to gather the information needed. Right now I’m sitting at a 1,500 list that features,



    Bloodwrack Shrine

    Cauldron of Blood

    x10 Blood Sisters

    x5 Heartremders

    Then my plan for 2k  is x5 Doomfire Warlocks and x10 Blood Stalkers.

    What are everyone’s thoughts on artifacts and temple choices? Worth dropping something to get temple nest? Too many large targets? Cheers!

    Blood Stalkers are quite poor performers competitively.  

    You are also short of your battle line requirements.  

    Hag Queens are a must for DoK as well.  

    I'd consider this list:


    Hag queen on cauldron

    Blood wrack shrine general

    Hag queen on foot

    Blood sisters x 20

    Witches x10

    Witches x 30

    Heartrenders x 5

    1990 points

    So many threats in the list your opponent will have a hell of a time with target selection.


  2. 28 minutes ago, chord said:

    That's not how it sounds as written but if that's the way GW wants it, then that makes it one of the dumbest abilities we've seen.   

    That's actually exactly how it's written.  Wounds are allocated one at a time, so if I have 1 wound remaining on a model and 2 must be allocated I would:

    1) allocate the first wound.  

    2) the model is slain

    3) cycle of storm is triggered, returning 1 wound to the slain model and preventing it from being removed.

    4) allocate the second wound.

    5) the model is slain.

    6) the model is removed

    • Like 3
  3. 22 minutes ago, ledha said:

    Wait, some people don't find the evocator ultra good ? They are so above our paladins that it's hilarious.

    Evocators are great in a vacuum, but so are retributors.  Adding one inch to their movement doesn't solve their fundamental mobility problem.  An offensive specialist unit is only good insofar as it can deliver its force where it matters.  

  4. 1 minute ago, Requizen said:

    Ballistas are quite strong for their points. The temptation is to put a bunch around an Ordinator, but if you just take a couple in cover, they're 2+ 7W long range platforms that shred things when they get close. 

    Incantors are fairly solid. If nothing else, auto dispel will be invaluable if the game starts to go heavy on the Magic side of things. 

    But yeah I hope the Battletome gives something nice for Castigators and Evocators. I think Castigators are... fine, but nothing special. 

    I agree that ballistas as singletons for objective sitting could be good, especially in listed that have a number of other shooting options, and I'm hoping there is a way to effectively use evocators. 

    I think you're being kind by saying castigators are "fine." I did preorder the ETB castigators though because those sculpts are phenomenal.  

    I've got no real complaints with Incantor other than I think she could be 120.  

    I am holding out hope that the seemingly high point costs are because Stormhosts will give us some strong free rules.  The battalions also look aggressively pointed.  

    • Like 2
  5. 21 minutes ago, Mikosan said:

    According to Ben Johnson the ability only works if the model/unit takes exactly the amount of wounds to be slain, otherwise the excess damage would just slay them again. I guess it could save a couple of wounds to a unit of dracoths if you are doubling up on it.  Still  not a great mechanic in my opinion...

    The ability is problematic.  If it works how it should (I.e. how Ben Johnson described it) then it is underwhelming.  If it works any other way, it is unbelievably OP.

  6. The new battletome had better be good, because solbright and firestrike are pretty bad.  They just threw the whole kitchen sink of crappy abilities at them.  So far the only thing that looks strong to me out of everything that's been revealed is... Sequitors.  I'm really leaning towards a core of two blocks of 20 sequitors with a bunch of Lords Arcanum to keep them alive and buff them.  Sure sounds boring but I'll be damned if it won't be hard to kill.  

  7. 46 minutes ago, Equinox said:

    I am kind of surprised by the responses to Kurdoss as I feel like the rules for him are lacking.  (Also ignoring the model is just amazing which is reason enough to buy him.)  The 5+ to remove/gain a command point is fair, but doesn't really address pre-game command points.  Yes, he can do some damage in CC, but he doesn't offer any buffs to a NH army and his re-roll is very situational.  Finally, he is a unique hero, so no artifacts or traits on him (unless something has changed in 2nd).

    Seems like the MoG and the other generic support characters would be better choices at this point.  Maybe one of the new battalions will unlock something great about it.  


    I haven't seen anyone say that he's going to be particularly strong competitively, more that he's really cool and can hit hard and be hilariously frustrating to your opponent by stealing their CP.  

    Olynder on the other hand is an auto-include in my opinion.  Other than being slightly fragile she just has an immense battlefield presence.  Damage, support, spells, she has it all.  You'll be able to use her fragility to your advantage.  Your opponent's moves will be predictable as they do everything they can to take her out.  And when she is finally taken down?  You only lost 1/8th of your army.  

  8. 1 hour ago, kenshin620 said:

    Well might want to wait for matched play points.

    I don't want to run afoul of the mods so I won't post here points, but I assure you, she is quite strong for her points.  

    Edit: looks like someone posted the points so you can make the call yourself on whether she's worth it!

  9. 23 minutes ago, Nuradin said:

    Will be really interesting to see the new Nighthaunt tome then! And see if this change (it should) is applied to all units. Cause that would sort of remove a lot (read: all) of the synergy with +to hit models and say Spirit Hosts and that would bring down the fun level of this faction!

    I think it would be a net positive for spirit hosts.  Sure you lose some synergy, but a single minus to hit debuff can completely neuter their offensive capability currently.

    • Like 1
  10. I love everything about Kurdoss.  There's something uniquely appealing about a melee beatstick on a floating throne.  Everything about him is on point from a flavor perspective.  It's questionable whether he worth his points though.  Definitely worth play testing but not sure there will be room for him when MoG is so spectacular.  

  11. 1 hour ago, MacDuff said:

    I just wonder how they're going to deal with the combat part of WARgaming...  When you pull out a sword or axe, things tend to get messy.

    Apparently you've never seen any of the countless children's shows where violence is moderated for the audience.  

    Even in the grimdark the violence is severely tempered.  Just last night I was listening to a panel interview with a bunch of film directors who made popular war films and one of them said, and I'm paraphrasing "you can't make a war film that is true to life because only psychopaths could watch it" 

    There is just no basis for the argument that you can't filter conflict for a younger age group.  

    • Like 2
  12. 1 minute ago, Kramer said:

    If you kill my 5 wound hero I receive 4 non-fatal wounds and only the fifth is fatal. At least that's how I interpret it from the very little info we have right now. Also, and that's of course personal, but I wouldn't want Slaanesh hero's to be one of the 'big guns' :S They should be fast but fragile with rules like that daemon prince perfectly exemplifying that in my opinion. So consider me intrigued, will reserve judgement until I have a few games beneath my belt in the new ruleset. 

    'Generating Depravity Points is very thematic– you’ll score one for every wound your Heroes inflict on a foe without killing them, or every non-fatal wound they receive in return '

    It's pretty vague.  I think it could go either way.  I don't really have a horse in the race other than that I don't want to face a Slaaneshi army at a tournament six months down the road if it turns out to be easily exploitable.  ?

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Nikobot said:

    Kind of defeats the purpose of a big new change to official matched play rules to completely veto the big new change. 

    One hopes they have done lots of testing :)

    I agree, but I also think @rokapoke is just saying that, in the event the summoning rules leave something to be desired, there is a failsafe in the form of tournament packs.

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  14. 12 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    It doesn't sound like it's going to be a free for all.  Slaanesh heroes have to accrue points based on wounds lost first and we don't know how many points will need to be spent to  summon particular units, and they only have five rounds to do it in.  At the moment I am prepared to believe that GW have considered the pitfalls and created a workable system that will be game-changing but not game-breaking.  So far, the rules changes announced  appear to have opened up new, exciting gaming possibilities without being too drastic overall.  I am looking forward to having the book in my hands.

    I'm guessing they will gain them at the end of the turn, so if you one-shot their heroes (not terribly difficult against Slaanesh) they won't gain any.  As far as being able to farm the points off big heroes...I find it doubtful that any Slaanesh hero, other than an Exalted Greater Daemon, could stand toe to toe with many of the big guns for very long.  

    • Like 2
  15. 6 hours ago, BURF1 said:

    I have. It's not super common but against low shooting armies or armies that rely on the doubleturn themselves(death) it can win you the game. Set up a wayback deployment, buff up as much as you can and force your opponent to DT 1-2 and either deny them the DT for the rest of the game or take the DT yourself the next turn for a 2-3 hammerblow.


    The last game I played against change host I was playing skyborne slayers.  I put everything in the sky except the three non battalion units which I put way way back in my deployment zone.  I had to go first and I did nothing.  Change host player couldn't figure out a way to advance very far while protecting his whole back line against a sky drop, so just kind of shuffled forward and spread out.  I won priority roll and gave it back to him.  He had no idea what to do.  Move forward onto the central objectives and expose himself? Shuffle forward a bit more? (what he ended up doing).  

    I came down from the sky and wrecked his day.  It was fun watching him try to make decisions that do not present themselves under normal circumstances.

    • Like 2
  16. 50 minutes ago, Melcavuk said:

    Agreed, as it is multiple charges is a tactical decision knowing where you will have to pick your battles and prioritise and where you can afford to take a punch before you swing. Knowing you will swing first across the board there is little reason not to take every charge.

    Lists would just devolve into a bunch of high mobility monsters who charge at the same time and wipe out half the opponent's army in one go.  Sounds terrible.

    Example: Vhordrai + 2 VLoZD.  Use command points to use all of their command abilities.  Fly across the board. Kill everything in sight.  

    There are countless other examples of combinations which, without the fear of losing a big point investment will just wipe out the majority of the opponent's force.  Unless of course we move from #hordemeta to #msuscreenmeta.  

    Gordrakk+mega boss on maw krusha + a bunch of pigs is another example that can get across the board and end a game immediately.

    I truly hope this rumor proves to be false.

    There is one reason that I believe this rumor to be false, however.  It would render the Idoneth High Tide battle trait that they just wrote nearly valueless.

  17. @Karol all of the things that @syph0n, @The Golem, @Gecktron and others have suggested are based on the assumption shared by nearly everyone in this forum that we all play Warhammer because we love Warhammer!  Once the models are on the table, of course I'm going to play to win, but unless it's at a tournament the primary reason we play is fun.  

    I'll give you an example of a game I played a few months ago.  I met a guy who is part of my friend's brother's 40k crew.  He just got into AoS and had a new set of Sylvaneth models he'd never played with.  He happened to be taking his kid to a Pokemon tournament and so he called me up and asked if I wanted to play a game of AoS at the FLGS the Pokemon tournament was at.  Now, since I love AoS, I didn't care if it was tournament prep, teaching a new guy to play, using open war cards (which we ended up doing), or playing a narrative game.  It's about enjoying rolling loads of dice and pushing beautiful models around the table. 

    Do I have a preference?  Of course, everyone does and mine happens to be competitive games, but part of being a friendly, mature, responsible gamer is not letting that get in the way of both players having a good time.  

    • Like 3
  18. I played a game yesterday where my opponent used spirit hosts to great effect.  She tired up Marathi on one of the central objectives in battle for the pass.  All of Morathi's rend was for naught.  Took me two turns off morathi plus shooting support to take out the unit of 6, losing points in the mean time.  

    I'm always more afraid of spirit hosts than just about any other death unit.  There are really only two good ways to take them down.  Lots of low quality attacks (which either aren't always available, or if they are, have to be positioned to take on the hosts), or neutering them with a -1 to hit debuff as @themortalgod mentioned.

  19. 2 minutes ago, zedatkinszed said:

    Vetock tells us that Khaine was killed

    Th DoK Battletome lore spells out in detail that Khaine is dead.  He was shattered in the end times and Khorne melted down the shards to become weapons for his greatest champions.  He was unable to destroy Khaine's heart, however and hurled it into the cosmos, where it floated for ages until eventually it came into the possession of the father of Kharybdyses.  Morathi tracked it down and tried to seduce him, but when she failed (this is becoming a theme with her) she transformed into her shadow queen form.  Their battle raged for a week, but Morathi was victorious and now owns Khaine's heart.  Rather than trying to resurrect Khaine, however, Morathi siphons off the energy that pours into the heart when her cultists pray to Khaine.  Long story short: Khaine ain't coming back.

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  20. 42 minutes ago, Screwface said:

    So when I attack with my unit I don't cause wounds to her? Even though it says that I wound her with, say, my Blightkings on a 3? 


    Edit: not trying to be argumentative, just seems wounds are both passive and active to me, you can do them and take them.


    Edit again: so maybe the use of the word allocate is what I should focus on as you allocate attacks and damage, but not wounds per se. Still wish wounds didn't apply to 2 separate things on warscrolls.

    You target a unit with attacks.  The unit makes armor saves if the hit and wound rolls are both successful.  Then damage is dealt.  Then wounds are allocated to a single model.  That model can then use any abilities it possesses that trigger upon a wound being allocated to it.

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