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Everything posted by Richelieu

  1. Yeah, I was thinking they both had to be deployed using the astral compass but I read it again and they both just have to HAVE an astral compass.
  2. I think soulstrike has the potential to be good. Everyone talks about using longstrikes with Anvils, but a soulstrike will drop in close, blast away a rank and then next turn you can use anvil CA to continue the carnage. The only reservation I have is that your hunters have to be on the board a whole turn to trigger the battalion ability.
  3. My lamps aren't bright enough and my phone camera is junk. This is my WIP Morathi.
  4. I made a light box, but haven't used it for miniatures yet. It was pretty easy. A cardboard box and piece of poster board, a white sheet, a hot glue gun and whatever lamp you have lying around. I'll give it a shot real quick and post the pic.
  5. Your photography is always in a really yellow light on a brown desk so it's hard to tell...?
  6. Lol, you going to another tournament soon, or just feel like showing off your snake horde again? ?
  7. @Skabnoze, believe me, I'm with you. I think "make new battle tome" should be the answer to most things, and hopefully some of the 40k Codex writers can move to AoS now that they're mostly complete. I definitely think pretty much everything in destruction deserves a new tome before anyone else though, which is why I think the few minor adjustments I mentioned would be a good stopgap.
  8. @Skabnoze, I actually really enjoy the way Seraphon play right now. I think it is thematic and I also think it is something that can be balanced through a few simple errata. I play against Seraphon more than any other army and have won every game this far in v2. Now, I think that will change as the players learn to better utilize their new bag of tricks, but at no point has it felt hopeless playing against them. Suggestions: Make EotG unique Change Kroak's spell Adjust the cost of a few of the summoned units. Change rippers to advise by the rule of one You'd keep everything that makes the army fun and flavorful while removing the problematic aspects. They would still have all the tools to be a top tier army.
  9. Alarielle-goyf. I was always a tempo player and I am in AoS too. I play a losing game calculated to last just long enough to win on objectives. I am frequently nearly tabled in my victories.
  10. My Sylvaneth experience is list building with a clubmate and then playing against his Sylvaneth, so my perspective is one of "what would I be afraid of?" I love alarielle in Dreadwood because you aren't as negatively impacted by rolling only a single stratagem as you are with Durthu. You can move 3 units, two of them to take up strategic positions and Alarielle to bust up an enemy line.
  11. Well, their eminence within the community notwithstanding, they are all wrong, and if you're playing strict WYSIWYG like most tournaments, she has to be modeled with the correct weapon choice.
  12. He may be referring to switching between rounds of a tournament, which is up for debate, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that she can't switch from turn to turn within a single game.
  13. It's definitely a tough choice. I think with Dreadwood flitterfuries are there better choice since you can catch nearly all your opponent's units with it on turn one. Then they have to send someone to kill her or she's just going to do it again. It's one of the reasons Dreadwood is so good right now. If your opponent had a low wound count and a bunched up army you can send her in and bust out 20 mortals. Or if a key hero isn't bubble wrapped, send in Durthu to assassinate them.
  14. You are definitely playing it wrong. She has one weapon for the entire game.
  15. Wyldwoods are absolutely essential. I think most people recommend owning between 5 and 7 citadel woods depending upon personal play style. Many people would recommend just buying a second start collecting box and making that treelord into a spirit of durthu. That would also ensure you have plenty of dryads.
  16. Yeah this is a case where RAW 100% says one thing but RAI appears to possibly be something else. I fully expect this to be FAQd one way or the other because it's just confusing as is (this wording has been discussed half a dozen times in this thread, plus in multiple podcasts).
  17. Nope. A unit that is just strong for its points without having any unique or game breaking mechanics ranks far far far down the list of filth. If anything, it's not Sequitors that are underpriced, but Liberators who are overpriced.
  18. This is at its heart, what is known as the Les Martin TM list. Star Drake, Castellant and fulminators. His list also includes a knight heraldor, which is even better now than it was previously. It allows the incredibly important unit of four fulminators to not get locked in tarpits by your opponent and always take advantage of their 3 damage on the charge. At least one unit of judicators is typically used instead of a unit of liberators because of its ability to babysit an objective, fulfill a battle line requirement, and still contribute damage to distant fights.
  19. I see nothing whatsoever that would prevent them from casting the spells. Indeed, I would applaud a Tzeentch player that carried around a bunch of dryads on the off chance their Curseling unbinds that spell (and in the case of Branchwraith, since it is on her warscroll, Curseling could even use glean magic to learn it). Same with the endless spells (minus the glean magic).
  20. I don't really understand what this list hopes to accomplish. LCoSD really isn't worth it over the drakesworn anymore unless you are going for an invincible build, in which case you need a Lord Castellant. You don't really have anything in the list that does much of anything. A unit of six longstrikes will only do incidental damage over the course of a game. 6 palladors will get somewhere fast and do good work against a high value target, but are easily dropped as soon as your opponent can counterattack. And stardrakes are notoriously pillowfisted. Whenever I build a list the question I ask myself is: how am I going to win? Is it through attrition? Annihilation? Speed to objectives? Defending objectives? Stopping my opponent from reaching objectives? Why one unit of 6 Long strikes when 2 units of 3 can cover objectives more effectively while doing the same amount of damage? I don't mean to be harsh, I just want to provide feedback that will help you build a stronger list.
  21. I have two examples that I think should help clear this up. 1) Branchwraith summon spell. Nobody would argue that just because Curseling can steal the spell that you should be able to summon your opponent's models. 2) Just because you can cast a spell doesn't mean the rest of the spell's obligations are automatically met. Setting up an endless spell is one of the effects of casting the spell. In order to carry out that effect, you must possess the model. This is completely independent of the rules that allow you to cast the spell. This is no different than say, arcane bolt. I can cast the spell, but it won't actually do anything unless I meet the further requirement of a unit being within 18".
  22. You must've missed the 6/29 FAQ. Top right of page 3. Setups that say it counts as move don't count as having moved for the purposes of any other rules. It simply restricts them from moving.
  23. If you plan on playing a Hammers of Sigmar Stormhost, then Gavriel is a must have, otherwise he is useless. It is standard practice to use named characters as their generic counterparts and vice versa so long as the equipment modeled on them reflects what is on the warscroll. Both Astreia and the generic user an Aetherstave, so it is 100% appropriate to use her as the generic version. LAoGC is better than LAoD in isolation, however if you're taking evocators on dracolines then LAoD with pride leader trait is great.
  24. If one of the evocator units you're bringing is riding dracolines, then Solbright with the pride leader mount trait (unless an FAQ is published to the contrary then you can give mount traits to named characters) is a better choice in my opinion.
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