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Jagged Red Lines

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Everything posted by Jagged Red Lines

  1. Yeah! Honest Wargamer speculated it'll be something to do with Epic 40k/HH. They have the titans and flyers already from Titanicus and Aeronautica respectively, would make sense to add infantry and tanks too and make it into a broader game.
  2. Yeah I thought so too. Surely they would say a second day of AoS if it was 3.0. Actually I don't think we'll get a 3.0 announcement at this event. I think Saturday is old world. I think the AoS specific announcements will be soulblight stuff. Kragnos might not fit with that, so the big boy could be revealed later too.
  3. Yeah its honestly pretty weird we haven't seen more gravelords. I feel like there are more kits to come, dire wolves etc. I'm also curious where they fit in with the broken realms releases. Will they be before or after kragnos? I imagine they would be before, as the kragnos story could probably flow in better to aos 3.0. But if that's so, then kragnos model will probably be the very last thing they reveal from that book. Meaning, we've probably got another month or so of speculation over what he might be.
  4. Broken Realms Kragnos looks absolutely jam packed. Kroak, twins, kragnos, now this new sylvaneth thing.
  5. Not kragnos then. Prob sylvaneth or maybe even deepkin.
  6. You know what would boil some p.iss at this point? Even more new slaanesh 😂
  7. If he wanted to just spaff out a load of clickbait rumours to boost his channel, he'd have gone with the line of 'I have a source that has seen the book.' That way, if they're later proven wrong he can blame the source and say he is just reporting what he heard. Instead, he's said that he is the one that has seen the book. He is the source. If what he's said proves to be wrong, his credibility would be directly affected. He's put his reputation on the line here by his choice of words, which to me indicates a level of confidence.
  8. Interesting he didn't mention anything about board size. Hopefully the table size is being reduced to counterbalance the buff that charge reactions obviously represent for shooting armies. Otherwise melee is going to struggle
  9. So much this. I can see GW phasing out finecast sooner than later. Hopefully that means new plastic yetis and sabretusks soon, both of which are hugely popular units. Then you've got butchers, maneaters, firebellies etc, and suddenly it looks like quite a big update. Sadly though I can't see mawtribes being part of this destruction wave, especially if this is a preview from the new hobgoblin army.
  10. Weird point but I hope whatever comes for stormcast is more svelte. I've always thought they look far too chonk. Personal preference, if course. The profile of the flying celestant prime reminds me of a video of myself doing a bungee jump, and I'm rocking the dad bod and pushing middle age.
  11. I watched the video above (which was hilarious btw) and he says their source has only seen the wolf riders in the starter set. Might be too much to expect there to be an entire mounted army, or even an army of grots. Might be (gasp) greenskin soup for all we know
  12. If his people are really gone, as Whitefang says, then that implies he won't be leading a new army. He'll probably then be like a random grand alliance destruction character that you can ally in, in the same way as Gotrek is for order.
  13. I've just finished painting a unit of chaos knights and these blood knights seem very similar in their design.
  14. The bestial face and the earrings has me convinced now, where before it was only a suspicion, Kragnos is an ogroid god. The ogroid were destruction prior to falling to Chaos. Also, they're mostly a destroyed race (my people are gone etc).
  15. Wife is away for a couple of weeks so I'm going to get on this. My pledge is 10x wrathmongers, skarbrand and a bloodsecrator.
  16. My guess is they will reveal end of August at Nova for a Halloween launch. Also, watched the warhammer weekly episode where John says it's a stele. Makes a compelling argument for a reimagined tomb kings
  17. You know they will be. Whatever new faction they've released, whether it's KO or deepkin or DOK, I've had acute fomo. Everything they've recently built from the bottom up has been crazy good, and I'm selling stuff atm so I can afford a new army. Whether it's new tomb kings or pirate vampires or undead cathay, my body is ready.
  18. Stupas are Buddhist reliquaries or sepulchres. See them all over Asia. Nothing to do with ancient Egypt. Also, looks nothing like that picture. They're normally pretty big. That just looks like a gravestone to me.
  19. The morin khuur has a more tenor sound. This is much higher like an erhu. My wife plays one though, so I listen to it almost daily in the house. Either way we can definitely agree it's an east Asian instrument.
  20. It's the instrument. It's a Chinese instrument called an erhu. Plus the throat singing at the end.
  21. Honest Wargamer guys seem convinced it'll be a new faction. The guy there used to work in marketing and was explaining theyd only go to this much hassle if it was a major release. Incidentally, they think itll be a pirate undead faction because of the interest from Total Warhammer. Be disappointed if it is though. Asian themed undead would be so much cooler
  22. The instrument is an urhu - a Chinese instrument. Here's my wild guess: an east Asian/Mongolian-themed death army, with lots of fast cavalry and chariots, as well as some Asian-themed constructs (fu dogs, shen long etc). My feeling is that this is a vampire-led faction, maybe based on an undead old Cathay (the dragon emperor was apparently a descendant of the Von Carsteins). That would give the ogre vs new faction box an asian theme as the mawtribes wear Mongolian armour design.
  23. Any predictions for the GHB and beyond? I'm wrapping up my Khorne and and now torn between starting a Phoenix Temple or Fyreslayers army. Doesn't seem like there are expanded rules for PT in the new book, as per the Warhammer Community preview. Do you think they're setting them up for getting wrapped into Tyrion/Teclis aelves?
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