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Everything posted by Goblin-King

  1. For authentic old school: You just need to paint the base goblin green and add green flock to the top
  2. Even before reading, I immediately thought oldschool color scheme. Very nice
  3. I really like these a lot! Something about that combination of green, brown and white just looks very pleasing to me.
  4. I lean towards saying upgrades change the basic characteristics of stats. Otherwise you would be able to heal the negative effect from Cursed Artifact.
  5. Yeah, it all comes down to hoping to get these cards in your starting hand. Being able to use "Spoils of battle" to equip an important upgrade before the first charge can make a huge difference. But income is pretty steady with this deck, so it quickly becomes a potential dead card as well...
  6. Frankly I sat with both cards in my hand... Looked at them and said "nah, I don't need two of those". An indeed I didn't. It's just overkill. I never felt I needed two. I mean... It's always a nice card to draw, but their inspire is so easy, and if you actually manage to combat-inspire all four it's suddenly two dead cards in your deck.
  7. The skipped activation most certainly counts as an activation, power phase and all. Only thing is that you are forced to say "I don't do anything this turn".
  8. Well, ploys are in a way the most valuable cards as they have powerful, but one-use effects. While Time Trap is a really good card, I thought it was better to get cards that would either grant me more actions OR improve my chances of hitting/killing. Time Trap doesn't do either. Okay, so second wind doesn't either, but at least you don't have to skip next activation. I dunno... Maybe I'll switch them eventually
  9. OBJECTIVES: Escalation - With all these score immediately, it's easy to score. Swift Advance Precise Use of Force Denial - This saved me when I had killed everything and needed more glory. Advancing Strike Victory After Victory Victorious Duel Bane of Champions - This and/or Victorious duel? For now I keep both. It WILL be leader or doggo that kills enemy leader. Who is hard to predict. No Escape All the Better to Slay Them - This has to go! At only 1 glory it's trigger is actually too rare. You tend to kill those enemies adjacent to your fighters. Khorne Sees Us Show of Strength PLOYS: Quick Thinker Second Wind Trap - see below Twist the Knife - This and "Trap"... GODLIKE. You don't think Ghartok can one shot you? Think again! Auto-include in any combat deck. My Turn Spoils of Battle - Can really help get the ball rolling Furious Inspiration - Use on leader or doggo depending on the situation. Fuelled by Fury - I don't think I even drew this one. Useful for an important must kill attack. Ready for Action - Always a good card, but especially for this deck as you score a lot of glory during your activations. Lethal Strike - On the fence about this. I never got to use it, as my damage output was always high enough. Could be useful turn 1 I guess. UPGRADES: Daemonic Maw - never saw use for this. Either things couldn't finish him before dying themselves, or they could one shot him. Awakened Weapon Great Fortitude Brutal Charge - auto-include. Distribute as the situation dictates. Great Strength Incredible Strength Helpful Whispers Soultrap Concealed Weapon Trusted Defender
  10. Pure offensive. Everything that allows you to kill more and faster. Everything that gives you free actions. My objectives are almost entirely "score immediately". Coming from objective skeletons, this was such a refreshing change of pace!
  11. I just destroyed tonight's tournament at the FLGS with Magore's Murder Friends. Played best of 1 - three different opponents. Faced Skaven, Lesser Khorne and Orcs. All three warbands were wiped out, two of them before round 3. Suffice to say I was very pleased with their performance. To be fair, the orc fight was a close call. Basically what bit me in the *** was that I used so many "score immediately" cards in my deck. I had been a bit unlucky with my draws and certain events that didn't quite just align with my goals. But the big thing was, that once the orcs were all dead, I couldn't really score all my "immediately" anymore. I had all these insane murders, and they were trapped in an empty room with nothing to do! I should have put both Annihilation in there! ( I forgot to keep score on the usefulness of Cleave)
  12. I actually think I get how you are thinking. I roll 2 hammers and my opponent rolls a crit - Cleave was meaningless I totally whiff the entire attack - Cleave was meaningless I roll 2 hammers and my opponent rolls 2 double support - Cleave was meaningless I roll 2 crits and my opponent rolls 2 shields - Cleave was meaningless My opponent doesn't even USE shields in the first place! So yeah... There are a lot of outcomes where cleave wouldn't matter. However...! I think this in a way can be said about any combination of attack symbol, defense symbol and support. I need to roll hammers and still whiff or is defended by a crit. I got the advantage of support and it didn't matter. But Shadespire is a game where you DO miss a lot. If having that support or cleave pushes the probability from 1/10 to 2/10 it's not a waste (probability source: My ***). On a fully subjective note, I enjoy cleave and feel it does a significant difference.
  13. It's all true How does this translate into victory though? I'm not trying to be pessimistic though. What kind of battleplan do you envision? What kind of objectives? How do they actually gain glory?
  14. The thing it took me a while to wrap my head around is the fact that making a charge doesn't prevent you from attacking again - it only prevents you from ACTIVATING again. And Time Trap allows any fighter to make an action, regardless of their ability to activate again or not. Mini guide to Time Trap: Un-activated fighter --> may move, charge, attack - put appropriate token on him Moved fighter --> may only attack - He already has a movement token Charged fighter --> may only attack - He already has a charge token
  15. This! They have a lot of little nice things, but those things don't seem to synergize much. It seems impossible to go all-in with any particular strategy. Mobility - they are only three and their ranged is weak. No upgrades to speak of. Objectives - fast and ranged, but they are only 3 and need to cross the border to inspire. Aggro - again only 3 and not exactly "excellent" attacks.
  16. Their melee is sub-par and their range is all 1 damage. They just seem so weak. What is the point of range if I need to spend 3 activations to take a model out? As far as I can see you can't increase their ranged damage except for one use ploys. Only one upgrade helps with range, and it's just chance to hit - which is amazing, but still only 1 damage. Is anybody seeing it? I want to like these, but the thing that makes them special just seem so weak... Hopefully I'll like them better once I see them in action.
  17. But still overshadowed by Concussion. That ploy can even bring your fighters closer (or further apart) even without anybody being up against the walls. As nothing prevents fighters being pushed in different directions, you can easily bring some closer (red) or further apart (yellow).
  18. I swear we have these very same chests in several craft and random junk stores in Denmark. They are pretty poor quality, but they get the job done. My bet is cheap Chinese shipping all over the world. Try eBay as well. I'll bet they have something VERY similar.
  19. This may sound crazy but I tend to pay more attention to players complaining about poor balance about something used against them, than players claiming balance is fine with their latest nuke. Everyone likes to wield a powerful weapon, I get it. But I suspect the players thinking Earthquake v.2 is perfectly fine don't play objectives themselves. But hey! Let's make some new cards. What would you orc players think if these were real? Divine heal: All damage dealt this entire phase is negated. Fighters that died in this phase are returned to an empty starting hex in their own territory. Sticky Weapons: All fighters have all available attacks changed to 1 Range 1 Sword 1 Damage for the rest of this phase. This effect is removed after they make an attack action. These cards are the combat version of having an entire turn wasted like earthquake does to objectives
  20. I like the way you think. I'm turning mine into 80's Cyber-Soldiers with pink lazer guns and cybernetic parts. Mostly as a protest at how boring I think they look.
  21. Am currently maining undead objectives Earthquake arrives Guess I'm packing Earthquake to counter Earthquake Great Concussion arrives Guess I'm packing Great Concussion to counter... Oh wait... Shardgale arrives Guess I'm maining orcs now
  22. I think it's important to remember that Magore's has no way to initiate combat already inspired. They need to literally go in half cocked. Not that I'm complaining! But it is what it is. One of the easier, but not overpowered imo.
  23. Phew! So ranged combat is "only" 3 hexes after all. And only 1 in damage. But that Boltstorm pistol though!!! Thanks for sharing
  24. Aaah... the ancient debate whether a GW game should be a story or a game. As a story it makes sense to have three identical soldiers being trapped in the cursed city of Shadespire. As a game it doesn't make sense to have fighters with different abilities look alike. I kinda think the coherence between models and rules are a bit lacking in WU:SS in general. Take the skaven. We got models with shields using avoid to defend. And the one model who uses shields to defend doesn't have one. It's just the little things. You have these amazing high quality models. You'd be able to convey SO much information through the models, but they choose to just make cool models and then slap some rules on top. Function before form! Also you can have a dynamic pose without the model doing gymnastics - Even a heavily armored knight makes some form of movement to swing his sword or parray a blow. But this is where "this is a game" kicks in again. Static or dynamic... They are playing pieces! As long as they convey what they should.
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