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Everything posted by FPC

  1. I don’t see a problem with that, just heavily contingent on doubles of mid to high destiny dice. Theoretically could use Cogs too for another extra. Probably not too reliable and I’d wonder where this would really get you. Mark of the Conjuror would boost it a lot, tho. Could also be missing something myself.
  2. Well, above/a page ago I proposed “MSU” Tzaangors surrounded by wizards for MW slinging. I can say from first impression it’s quite good. At least in my initial run vs. Nighthaunt. my list was: Guant summoner (bolt) Magister (glimpse) Tzaangor Shaman (treason) 4x10 Tzaangors (standard kit of mutants/heavies/specials) 1x10 Pink Horrors (forget their spell, cast endless spells with them) Nighthaunt list from memory: Grimhailer Guardian of Souls Spirit Torment One other hero, maybe lord executioner 2x10 Grimghast Reapers (maybe 3x10?) 1x10 Bladegeists 2x10 Chainrasp (maybe 3x10?) 6 Spirit Hosts So I won first turn choice. Nighthaunt went first. Moved up a little, dropped 10 reapers, 10 revenants, 1 character behind and off to my right. Failed all charges. Tzeentch T1 Tzaangor mortal wounds killed the deepstriking character, 3 revenants, 3 reapers, and gemnids from horrors did 3 more to each (this all was a bit above average). Basically wiped that deepstrike party. One Tzaangor unit charged killing the leftovers of one deepstruck unit. Tzeentch lucked into the double turn. Tzaangor mortal wounds did a solid amount to spirit hosts, one or two to some chainrasps. Aethervoid pendulum finished up the spirit hosts, and killed 4-5 reapers on my flank, plus a few chainrasps. Surprisingly good roll on pink horror shooting killed several chainrasps. Combat, left flank tzaangors couldn’t quite kill the final reapers and 5 would come back. Right flank killed a handful of chainrasps and reapers. Got hit back hard. Nighthaunt second turn hit back a bit and killed off the right tzaangors and my Shaman (spirit torment for a free round of attacks for high charge roll). Killed a few pinks but I DD’d a 1 for 4 back in battle shock. Heading into T3, Nighthaunt rolled a double turn, but that meant I got to throw the gemnids into his 6 remaining reapers. Rolled a 6 and killed 3. Not too much more the Nighthaunt could do. Called it there. All in all I think in a smaller point game and with certain matchups, loading up on Tzaangors seems very strong. It’s probably not going to win tournaments but it’s a strong ability. In all honesty, talking about it after the game, they might not have been as nerfed as it first seemed. The change to the shield helps durability a bit. 30 used to put out a ton of melee damage but throwing out 8 on average MW per turn is something that can be huge. Scaling to 2000 points that average can quickly become 12+. It’s putting a lot of eggs in that ability, but it’s not like Tzaangors are bad in melee and the MW are their only output. Screening with pinks who add MWs to the total and can sling out some endless spells are great.
  3. Quick thought on the Changeling slinging the Pendulum out there....what happens if you cast an Endless Spell and it's already on the table? Would there be 2, or are they one use only?
  4. I thought if you used DD for a roll (say casting, 2d6) all dice for that roll had to be DD? Was that 1.0 or never and I’m going crazy?
  5. Ohh. Yea oops....I was thinking it was mortal bc I usually give it to my Tzaangor shaman and always forget he's demon too. Duh.
  6. Try to fit a mortal wizard for fold reality? Or put it on the gaunt summoner bc his own spell is plenty of offense. Always great to see a suicidal 4 pink horrors turn back into 10! Overall looks like fun and crazy. Could end up getting yourself wiped but hey that's what you risk playing Tzeentch!
  7. How about 3x10 tzaangors, screen of 2-3 units of pinks, some wizards behind all within 9” of each other? Now each unit of tzaangors is slinging MW that hit on 4+ out to 18”. Say 2 units of pinks, a tzaangor shaman, orgoid, gaunt summoner. That’s 5 tries per unit average 7.5 MW. Throw in some enlightened or whatever to taste. Could be interesting. If only they came in units of 5.
  8. Fold Reality only returns slain models. But I don’t think there’s anything otherwise keeping a unit of pinks from going over their starting size.
  9. If you’re going with Tzaangors, you can’t go wrong with a Tzaangor Shaman. Might be a stretch go take 30 but they are strong in a full unit. I really like the Magister at 1000 pts for potential free spawn. Beyond that some filler Kairic Acolytes are always nice, and the Guant Summoner really helps clear hordes/chaff.
  10. So, kinda generic and broad questions, but how possible is it to run BCR either with some Ogor (regular, Irongut, etc.) allies, or as GA: Destruction with a mix of the 2? Thinking of getting into BCR, but know there's not much variety. Would be nice if classic WHFB stuff ran well with them.
  11. To further OtherJosh’s point...let’s say you cast the Tzaangor shaman spell and create D3 new Tzaangors (assuming use against 1w infantry). Now, you never paid points for them, and for the sake of argument let’s say you don’t have any Tzaangors in your army. Their warscroll isn’t part of your army list. Yet, I don’t see any reason you can’t place them. Just because the cursrling is casting a spell with the result of placing a model the enemy happened to pay for doesn’t mean you also need to pay for it and doesn’t mean you can’t place it if you have the model. Maybe those arguing to the contrary are stuck in 1.0 mindset of “you can’t being on to the battlefield what you didn’t/can’t pay for...” but I think it’s pretty clear the Curseling can deny/cast an enemy endless (provided you have the models).
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