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Everything posted by kahadin

  1. I haven't done the math, but It looks worse on paper. Maybe it is mathematically identical to get three hits on a six, rather than 2 on 5+. I'll take a look.
  2. I'm worried demonettes lost their 2 hits on a 5+ in horses. That will be a huge nerf. It is now an allegiance ability, that is weaker, so I'm not sure it will stay on the warscroll as is.
  3. So I'm going to point this out one more time, but if you look at the below linked rumor engine, you will see that the designs and soulstones are consistent with Slaanesh. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/03/26/the-rumour-engine-4th-december-2018-2/ If you look at the Soulstones on the hellstriders horn they are the same. The scrollwork on the hellstrider armor and the seekers of slaanesh horn are also very similar to that rumor engine. We also have the art that shows the mortals that have the same styling as the demon prince. I still believe in a mortal unit for slaanesh. If you could see my photo collage on my wall, it would be easy to see that the red string links everything together! Or everyone else could be right and its just a new elf thing, but it doesn't look elvish to me compared to what is currently in the line.
  4. I'm disappointed, but honestly the roster isn't bad right now. I'm not sure what function the mortals would even have. I'm still excited to play them as I have a lot of slaanesh demons I've collected over the years.
  5. Pre-orders next week. No sign of mortals or a wave 2 https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/04/21/coming-next-week-slaanesh-rises/ Link, but I doubt anyone needs it
  6. Look like slaanesh mortals in the same style as the demon prince!
  7. Take it for the artifact and command point. The extra attack might come up some time.
  8. Lost speed because khorne is slow, slaanesh is fast bro. I personally think the designer absolutely intended for the mongers to affect all weapons.Like bone tentacles and fire breath and stuff. I think that maybe someone higher up on the team saw that the whole community pooped themselves at the chance of 2 shot cannons and killed it.
  9. I agree. The list I posted earlier seemed strong if I tweaked it a bit. I just didn't like the feel of it. I really didn't like the mongers just sunning themselves on the turf while the cannons shot twice. However I do think it had potential to be very strong and I may actually be really getting cocatrices to pack into my army now.
  10. Thank god. I hated the cannon thing. I can now just buy a bunch of cockatrices for more blood boil spam, because that is somehow thematically better to me ._. Sarcasm aside I really didn't like the cannons
  11. If you take mongers and a BS you get +2(!) attacks. Wowzers.
  12. I can post a photo of marauders on horse and foot when I get home. I'm fairly certain they are the same, but I can be 100% sure in a few hours.
  13. Wow. So I haven't looked closely at the demonette warscroll for a while. I think the R&R update really helped them out. The banner is reroll ones and their ability simply generates an extra hit, not just an extra attack. They really are no joke. Thanks for pointing that out to me.
  14. You could cut them before the elbow if you had gorefist arms. That would be more secure to glue them I think. I'm not sure if gorefist arms are out there for cheap though. Foot marauder shields might be cheaper and they are the same size if you go shields. edit: Gorefist arms are cheap on eBay right now!
  15. Thanks. I happen to have a lot of demonettes, but I only used to play them in 40k. I'll have to start putting them on the table to see how they do.
  16. I've got a big question for everyone. I keep seeing that demonettes are effective units, but on paper they just look like expensive blood reavers. Blood reavers with meat rippers and a bloodsecrator have one more attack than demonettes. Their base is bigger and bravery/save is worse, but it seems like demonettes would be pretty close in performance. For my experience with bloodreavers they have one chance at a good hit, which usually fails, then die off. How are you guys using Demonettes? What makes them effective for you?
  17. Too expensive, too slow, die to easily. I don't even like taking them in StD and they actually buff StDs. I think they cost 20 points less than skullreapers and only have -1 rend as an advantage where everything else is worse.
  18. I have found this to be true, but I really think we have units that can stand up on their own now. They just aren't as stellar as the old buffed versions. I think the mongers on cannons is doable, I just hate it for fluff reasons. I feel like our non priest buffers are a waste of points for the most part now. I think chaff and guns are our future. You can slingshot goretide warriors to sit on an objective or summon demons forward and bunker up at home to keep the big guns firing over verdun
  19. The chaos factions always seem to get three sets of command traits and 4 sets of artifacts. One for mortals, one for specifically the cult and one for demons. Demons usually get a weapon list and general items list. The ghb armies so far have often retained their allegiance abilities and have them expanded. Then you get new subfaction specific stuff, like warheard and thunderstorm in beasts. I would bet on getting spells, but probably not prayers. that said there will be a lot of new things for them to add, so I have no idea how things will look in the end. They may even rewite the updated warscrolls from wrath and rapture like they did for blood crushers. My guess is we will have some way to make demonettes and seekers hurt more. I think there will be ranged support and or teleporting. Probably more debuffs to enemy units. Hopefully new heroes with good rules as they seem to want us to focus on heroes.
  20. here's a list idea. Exalted db 5x Slaughter priest 2x40 marauders 5x bloodwarriors 5x mongers 3x skull cannons 2000 points For very little sacrifice you can actually take the throne and gorethunder for rr hits. Maybe more cannons the 80 marauders can me made fearless by the db. The skullreapers can take on horses and you just shoot the monsters and characters. The blood warriors are just a third battle line, but could camp an objective. I think this list really needs something to camp objectives besides marauders, probably don't need 5 slaughter priests... I'll probably give it a shot, I might be allowed to proxy the cannons and some priests.
  21. My problem with beasts are they are neither daemons nor mortals so there is very little benefit to bringing them. I thought bulgors with +1 to hit might be a smash, but the cost is too high.
  22. I think killing frenzy is better than reroll 1s, so you could replace the herald with the slaughterpriest you defiantly want in a mortal army. I'm going to try skullcannons here soon and see how it goes. Maybe I can proxy in dwarfs for my khorne from now on ;_; edit: Hey maybe if I want to play a cc army I can proxy fyreslayers with my khorne!
  23. I think you can hit the cannons with killing frenzy to hit on 2+. I feel lime more of a gunline army every day... Why not ally in some cocatrices while we are at it. What chaff do you think is best to protect our cannons and priests? Edit: What do you think the wrathmongers do while standing still in the back line? Do they pose? Do they yell at the cannons?
  24. Finally got some games in with the new book! I'm feeling like I have an idea on how to roll with mortals now, at least at the level l play. It looks like the mortal warscrolls are more consistent without buffs now. They don't really need them to be effective and I don't feel like they gain a huge amount for having them. For example my skull reapers did about the same with +1 to hit as they do with -1 to hit so long as they are fighting a 5+ unit. I know the math will tell you this is a lie, but it has been consistent for me over all the games I've played. Instead of the old buff heroes I really feel like blood boil is the new black. I really feel like every non slaughterpreist hero has to be a star to make up for not having blood boil. It feels like the only decent way to take out heros and monsters. Skullreapers suck at it because they lose their rerolls (in my games it seemed to cripple them) and nothing else seems that good at it. I brought along an exalted Db with spear and he is an ok duelist, but he is no blood boil. I used to like mixing in slaves to darkness, but besides maybe marauders they seem to lag behind blood boil and skull reapers. Blood warriors still are meh for me and for me wrathmongers never seemed worth it. I could give a unit +1 attack, or I could just ha e a whole extra unit. The extra unit of skullreapers seemed better than +1 a in the games I played and it was not too hard to scrape up 40 points. I still take marauder horsemen to snatch objectives or screen for me, but I'm going to try to put together an "optimal" list of mainly priests and reapers and see how it goes. Also I have been using slaughterborn, and it rocks hard.
  25. The herald of Slaanesh is the true army screen edit: I think the enrapturess is best for the free depravity, but now I'm thinking about spamming exalted heroes or something lol
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