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Everything posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. Yeah that's the next Warcry "Summer / Inter Season Starer Set", going by the text next to the leaked pictures.
  2. GOOD GRACIOUS THE PREVIEW IS IN FIVE DAYS As I will be going through a hard week at work, it is most welcomed. So, reasonable prediction time : AOS : A new Cities Of Sigmar unit maybe the fabled Launch box Dawnbringers Book II : HYPE BOAR BOOGALOO (the first won't be released yet so who knows) WHU (as per roadmap) : New Chaos Warband (zero clue on it. Hope no Chaos Sorcerer or Darkoath - love those archetypes but we have enough rn. I would love to see - you guessed it - NURGLE DAEMONS like a Poxbringer and retinue) Warcry (as per roadmap) : New Starter Set (the leaked one). Trailer for next season (hoping to see a hint on the terrain. 2D Seraphon Pyramid Dungeon ???) TOW : One (1) new resin character ? Hope to see something in plastic for TK / Bret (as they are most probably the first armies relaunched). HH : No clue. (Not really bothered TBF). Maybe we'll get count down / sneak peak during the week on Instagram ?
  3. Agreed. I expected Vanguard price for the RoR and it's a tad cheaper, nice. The book being 25£ is also nice !
  4. DAWBRINGERS HERE WE GOOO ... I'll get the Harbinger Of Decay & Friends, Book 1 and GHB 23-24. And please Nurgle that we're getting another Summer Of Skirmish preview ! PS : Black Orcs are a 7th ed, May 2007 release, yeah. The Underworld Ardboyz warband shows it's still a fine kit IMO.
  5. Happy for @KingBrodd that Rumor Engines and short stories are hinting at more Ogors and Troggoths releases ! Love all the WarCom short stories - the Nurgle Dawnbringer Chronicle was great - but yeah, maybe the Fyreslayers one wasn't the best. Yet it wasn't a bad story either. TBH those Aqshy Duardins are a fine concept of an army and represent both early AOS (first artwork in the AOS 1 core book) and an hommage to the WFB 6th ed. Karak Kadrin army list. They only need a few new units to have a more diverse looking range.
  6. YES ! I would also add : A relatively-large Flesh Eater Courts update this year A good-looking online show aka Blacktalon - to expand AOS's audience A promising video game aka Realms of Ruins - to expand AOS's audience Skaven in the 2024 starter set (almost confirmed) The Old World looking well defined and different from AOS : old school miniatures design, coherent numbers of armies supported - some usable 1/1 in AOS aka at least Chaos Warriors and Beasts of Chaos ... ... meaning Ulgurothi, Chorfs and Ogors remain perfect candidates for proper AOSification in 4th Ed.
  7. I want AOS 4th Ed. to be like Warcry 2nd Ed. (That is, not many changes at all, to make up for the slow drip - because reasons - in AOS 3rd Ed., and the relative robustness of our current core rules). As features these could be great too. Also updates and free online rules like in AOS1.
  8. They meant that the new GHB would be released alongside "the usual goodies and more new miniatures" i.e. the Harbingers and their Regiment of renown... (At least I came to that conclusion Monday evening, after the Tyranid Reveal and the GHB's article) BTW ... The 40k forums are NOT doing ok right now... Sad to watch. Anyway, the last short story was great. My patron Chaos God decidedly is the BEST
  9. I wish we had an "Heresy Thursday" series for CoS though... Good idea. At the moment painting some Nurglings (for Warcry mainly). Oh yes, forgot that ! Looking forward to it then :')
  10. No Monday-CoS, no Wednesday-Neave, 40k everywhere-week(s), I'm mighty sad. I know it's a new edition launch, but still... @Nezzhil can you please work your crypto magik and tell us if there is still a "secret" video on the AOS YouTube playlist ??
  11. WAI-WAI-WAIT is the Skaven vs SCE starter set for 4th ed. WHITFANGED confirmed ?? I too thought Rob was likely to still have some contacts within GW. And the guys that leaked DOMINION at the time were not that famous, were they ? Didn't hear from them since (but that's just me)... Anyway. Was realizing today that in one year we'll get : 2 relatively good releases waves for COS (including intact Azyrite Buildings ?) and FEC 4 Dawnbringers Books with accompanying models (Harbinger Of Decay ❤️ and IRONJAWZ HYPE BOAR) 8 warbands in Warcry with AOS rules... Perfect way to update various armies before 4th Edition. With Blacktalon TV series and Realm of Ruins RTS video game, we just need a map of Azyr to have complete world building for the setting. I am very enthusiastic !
  12. Oh Mighty Sigmar good find, like @KingBrodd I REALLY hope they give us something this week for Cities... Apparently GW thought that showing the 4 Harbingers again alongside the GHB would count as "new miniatures"... Speaking of which, I'm really glad to see one last GHB before the new edition, lasting one year. And dedicated to small magic users. BTW the Realm of Ruins game play and overall look is very promising (the Gurish landscape and KB Amberstone mining site are great!). I won't play vidya but will surely gift it to friends and family. With Blacktalon (also confirmed Thunderstriksed!!), we at last start to have some cool AOS media. Getting all this - and CoS - before 4th edition next year (and TOW) is quite nice for worldbuilding.
  13. I don't know why, but I'm thinking about a WARHAMMER : SIEGE kind of supplement and not an army. But yeah, AOSified Malerion Dark Elves (or Skaven) is very probable. Very happy to see new fictions too ! It generally comes algonside an End-of-Edition campaign (but Forbidden Power got some too IIRC). Just wish it was available in PDF. Anyway, great find @Baron Klatz for the Sumeros The Summerking reference on that old FB GW post (and on another topic, 100% agree with you regarding the coolness of Grot Scuttlings). Can't wait for Harbingers !
  14. Today's article REALLY goes into the right direction for The Old World (and I say that as a mainly Daemons Of Chaos aka Legend'ed army player - which will still get initial TOW rules). The focus on nine Core Factions is an evil a good thing, because it really means focusing ressources (and it was in the title and on the map since the beginning). I expected a few resin characters and 1-3 plastic kits per revisited Core factions. The decades before the Great War Against Chaos are a great timeframe, it means a certain freedom for new lore and characters (with minor rewritings) and still an "impeding doom" / "Storm of Chaos" feel to the setting. A clear distinction with AOS is necessary in terms of games "branding". The use of 6th-7th ed. scenery and models gives (back) to TOW a distinctive aesthetic (also sweet nostalgia). Larger bases still allows for the use of AOS models (given the article, I WILL use the new Daemon Prince with a new TOW Warriors of Chaos army). Looking forward to the Border Princes as the first narrative location for campaigns / supplements (BLACK FIRE PASS book anyone ??). Also, we could see a initial launch in November 2023, which is exactly four years after the initial announcement, still in the year of Warhammer's forty anniversary, and still within the original timeframe (3-5 years, taking in COVID, etc.). As far as I can tell, it took around four years because : 1. the TOW team is relatively small (within Forge World/Specialist Games) and 2. its ressources were sometimes dedicated to Total War and Creative Assembly (confirmed at least for Kislev and Cathay
  15. For new CoS Freeguilders I was expecting conquistador style variation from the good ol' Empire look. The infantry, cavalry and leaders shown so far look even more XVth century, including designs I frankly did not expect, and yet I found them ALL very good and well done so far, a true 11/10 release. Can't wait to see the canons (with duardin) and gunners. I fear I won't be able to resist an Army box ...
  16. We should* see an AOS 4th edition Starter - in summer 2024 - that could very well be Stormcast vs CHAOS**. The chaotic side could be Khorne again, or StD (as "main Chaos villain") but both ranges are very extensive. So, we could have new Skaven - Island of Blood style. Or maybe be Beast of Chaos, but are they a good fit for a Starer box ? (I would love to). *IF Gw doesn't break pattern like they sometime do (cough Slaanesh vs Destruction warband in Warcry cough). ** Alternatively, and Order vs Order boxed set isn't absolutely out of question, like Lumineth / Stormcast vs Ulgurothi Dark Aelves. But I don't think it is probable.
  17. I hope you are right ! The Cities of Sigmar tome would indeed be the best place to have such a map, as the Dawnbringers series focus on Aqshy and Ghyran. At least we know GW worked again on the Mortal Realm maps with the Seraphon tome (look of each realm inside realmspheres). The coin could also have a generic "fragmented realms + rune of X Realm" design, we'll have to wait for the next one (if any) to be sure...
  18. I'm now 100% sure that, with Eddie's replies on Twitter, we'll get a launch box. The only really conflicting informations we have is GW saying "after launch we will focus on Old World (geographically) armies at the Time of the Three Emperors" while saying "Cathay/Chorf will eventually get a release". Kislev is understandable though. Honestly the game itself is looking GOOD. Every 8th Edition armies having rules at launch - including Warhammer Forge (Legion of Azgorh) - is great news, even if it's some Compendium PDF. The only worry of me is "how much NEW plastic can we expect ?". I was quite certain the Tomb Kings Weapons 3D mock-ups we saw was for a Plastic Tomb King kit. But the new Tomb King is resin... (I don't mind resin per se, I have cool Nurgle stuff from Forge World / Warhammer Forge in resin, but I want to see more of GW plastic kit technology applied to The Old World...)
  19. Hello that's me BTW I see Golgeth in the Chamon's Realmsphere and I am happy :') Dawbringers going in Aqshy and Ghyran brings back so much good memories from the Realmgates War and Season of War. Anyway. We are but from a year of 4th Ed. ! This expanded map of the cosmos looks like it could be included in the next Core Book as the "main map" (minus the Seraphon ship of course - maybe with one or two Silver Towers added).
  20. Very happy to see more Intact Azyrite Buildings in the pictures and artwork of the preview :
  21. BEST WARHAMMER FEST EVER Nurgle steal the show. CoS Knights and Maw-Grunta are fantastic. Stormcasts Questors are all I wanted for Warcry (and Warhammer Quest). FEC and Nighthaunts are very characterful indeed. For the rest, Tyranids, Knight-Lancers and BRETONNIAN PALADIN are great ! AND WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE ?! The Roadmaps are packed, and Dawnbringers Crusades supplements with 7 more units ?! I wonder what will come after (spring 2024), for the traditional "end of edition" campaign - Dawnbringers cannot be that so soon ? I love it ! Maybe a Mordheim / Monty Python Easter egg ?
  22. They said every Warhammer 8th edition army will have rules in the beginning, I guess that includes Legion of Azgorh regarding Chorfs... (Index/Compendium-style, probably not widely supported after launch if the armies on focus are those in the Old World at the end of the Age of the Three Emperors). -- It was a nice reveal. Small, but very nice ! Thank you @michu for the updates ! Looking forward for the Q&A review
  23. RUMORS Sorry if that's already been discussed ; the new Blades Of Khorne battletome has a picture (page 3) containing apparently new scenery for SCE/Cities/Dawnbringers : at long last INTACT Azyrite building (on the left, two levels building with stairs, and on the right with battlements). I know GW sometimes 3d print scenery (like that Ossiarch Castle) but this looks new and plastic (kit) to me. Will it look good next to the grittier Cities infantry design ?
  24. Fantastic show. Ran out of reactions BEFORE it even started thanks to the Warcry leaks, so I can really say I'm speechless. Everything was great (alas no interest in HH book, Votann sprue or Terminator / Termagant updates - while nice looking). The perspective of once-again-AoSified rules for 40k has me really excited, and WOW, the Lion and the Fellgors (Just sad the new edition clearly overshadowed the Lion reveal IMO...). And yet we clearly "won" the show. The Tzeentch sorcerer and minions are ALL I wanted them to be, and the three Knights-Arcanum and Seraphons are really good. Little initial negative reaction to the Dawnbringers (the Bloodbowl Halfling face omg) but they are already growing on me. The armor etc. style is perfect : they will fit really well alongside the toned-down Thunderstrike Stormcast and the Cursed Cities heroes aesthetic. Can't wait to see other faces and the rest ! ..... Warhammer Fest starts April 29th
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