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Posts posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. That Store Anniversary Auric Runesmiter and the Vulkyn Flameseekers for Warcry do convince me the range is in for a resculpt in 4th ed. @Chikout

    BTW, happy New Years everyone. I'm really happy to see the return of the Old World (but the prices...), but with @KingBrodd let's take a moment to think about how good AOS state is right now : Dawnbringers, Cities of Sigmar, Flesh-eater Courts, Warcry and Underworlds, and soon Skavens with 4th edition : 2024 is going to be a great year for everything "Fantasy" in the Warhammer-verse :D

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Yes, but I will buy them, as I want more TOW releases. 😉 They stopped providing ePub battletomes for AoS, probably because of this. So it seems they don't care that it will happen with the TOW books.

    for AOS you get a code in the printed book to get access to it in the App (yeah, that's no ePub proper but still digital content)

    But yeah, same as you !

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  3. 2 hours ago, Draznak said:

    My money on Lady of Ruin's mount.

    Absolutely, a S2D Heroes with the Chaos Spear Rumor engine. The LoR is related in some way to Archaon and the Varanguard. 

    But yeah, that mouth is also a bit Kruleboyz- or Squig-y... (I'd hoped for plastic Plague Toads, but not enough diseased, and armor looks Chaos Undivided-y). 

    BTW, the rules for TOW are SO promising, and that new Vampire Lady is gorgeous. Great Warhammd Monday ! 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Shoot the messenger if you want, I don't mind. Just don't do it on my poor right knee xD

    Imo all kind of rumour/data is wellcome and always lead to interesting conversations. From now on, as this guy mentions are always bringing debate I will try to stop the video while I listen to it so I can point to the source/ quote him better.

    Yes please by all means continue to share those rumors ! 

    As I said I'm not even criticizing the source itself, just not liking GW's potential decisions in what I'm reading ... because Chaos 😈.

    (BTW we should continue this conversation in the Old World Thread)

    • Haha 1
  5. On 11/20/2023 at 3:10 PM, Ejecutor said:

    What they were saying is that this is all that they have prepared/planned. If it sells well they would go with more. Also heard them saying that the whole team working on this left and the current one has been working for quite a small time. Like 6 months only.

    That would explain the changing plans regarding plastic Kislev and Cathay. 

    BTW I'm not shooting the messenger, I just :

    1. love Chaos ;

    2. think it is weird they have plans for the quite limited amount of "TOW Core Factions" BUT the two Chaos ones ... (I mean, they aren't including all the old WFB factions in TOW, yet even the few they keep aren't all going to be covered by Bretonian-like medium releases ? MADNESS :P)

    • Haha 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    The rumours I've heard is that we would have Bretonia and TK, then 6 months after that Empire/Kislev vs Orcs. Another 6 months after that Dwarvens vs High Elves.

    Terrible "rumors".


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  7. 5 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    We've just finished the 3rd edition streak of upgrading armies that need it.

    • Flesh Eater Courts : done
    • Cities of Sigmar  done
    • Seraphon  done
    • Skaven : loading... 🔄
    • Ogors loading... 🔄
    • Beastmen : loading... 🔄

    And with (at least) another Dawnbringers Book almost guaranteed, we are getting closer to Chaos Duardin and Malerion Faction. Skaven update early in fourth edition next year too. Beautiful.

    BTW, where are the unbelievers thinking this wasn't going to be a LARGE wave for FEC ? 

    We now have a nice characters selection (Herald, Judge, Executor, Cardinal, Flying Key-master, Vargulf, Ushoran, many Ghoul Kings variants, Ushoran) and units options, even Endless spells, Faction scenery and warbands in Warcry and Underworlds. What a glow up !

    The sad part : 

    • The basic ghouls aren't replaced (like the TK skellies for TOW), even with the dual builds Cryptguard and recent Warcry warband...
    • After John Blanche, we lose Paul Dainton, Phil Moss AND Thomas Elliott ? That's a catastrophy !
    • Like 2
  8. Well that's a nice kit ! Especially the Liche Priest 💀 I can see AOS (OBR, FEC and SBGL) players using it too. Though I understand those who would prefer basic skellies (or a Necrolith Colossus).

    37 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    hope you can run Tomb Guard as base units somehow, because between the skeletons, archers, chariots and horsemen, the core troops of Tomb Kings will look dated... Way more dated than Brets imo.

    Yeah those kits (and the Bret Mount Knights Kits) will look quite bad next to half their range now... We'll need conversion materials for the basic troops (harder now that the Vampire Counts skellies have been AOSified).

    Also, if the Chariot / Mummies rumor is wrong (remember the pseudo-"Hastings" on WarCom, consistently wrong recently when he doesn't repeat Whitefang, THW or Valrak, may very well be an impersonator), will the Crocodragon the only new plastic kit for TKoK ?!

    P.-S. ; at least the (promising !) rules articles and the new FB pages are good signs we aren't too far off !

  9. 2 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Yeah. It's in so many pictures and they even use it in the realms of ruin game. Surely it's going be sold at some point?!!?

    Yeah. Maybe it goes with the last Dawnbringer book, when one tail of the crusade succeed in founding a new settlement, hence the Intact Buildings ?

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  10. 10 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    It was fake . It was just a screeshot of an html edited webpage.

    It was indeed fake, 100% fake. People saw the Fake screenshot of a WarCom page, but I remember clicking on the article the minute it went up on WarCom, with NO mention of that Malerio Faction, only Daughters Of Khaine.

    The article was about the Khainite Shadowstalker , and since then the KS were always linked to MORATHI, not to Malerion.

    In every publications of the time (Warcry and Broken Realms), the KS were linked to Morathi and her ascension to godhood.

    GW couldn't go and reprint every books in the time between the Leak and the KS Release to say they were linked to Mortahi instead of Malarion for obscure reasons !!!

    • Like 3
  11. Exactly what I was hoping for in therms of investment going with a "relaunched" TOW Range (here : Bretonnia). 

    3 resin foot Heroes (Sorceress, Paladin, Banner), 2 resin mounted Heroes (Banner and Named Lady), 1 plastic Big Kit with options, 1 plastic Infantry Kit with options

    ... even if the Knights on foot only have 5 bodies ...

    Men at arms, Bowmen, Knights and Pegasus Knights in plastic : ok but the new Pegasus and Knights on Foot look 10000 better the the current Knights and Pegasus and are bigger.Trebuchet in FW resin is ok. If this is the entire launch range then no metal kits as of now will return for Bretonnia (the article probably refers to other ranges who'll get metal models). The Grail reliquary would be a good candidate for Direct Only Metal tbh.

    I hope the launch in Q1 is a real launch, not just a box with no other support ...

    • Like 1
  12. Well !

    Good : 

    • Unexpected IONUS CRYPTBORN ! Best of the show : my favorite AOS1 model, in a fantastic reforging. Also riding the best Draconith so far.
    • Dawnbringer 3 : great cover, nice to see Neave & Crew will be in !
    • Bretonnians Pegasus & Foot Knights, amazing models
    • New Preview in one month
    • TOW in Q1 2024, with a new website on Monday
    • (Kurnoth Champion and Kill Team Water World setting also nice)

    Bad : 

    • No Plastic Harry the Hammer ? WHERE IS HE GW
    • Nothing else for 40k and TOW for such an anniversary ?
    • Returning range for Bretonnia (but the Archers and maybe Men-at-arms) really show their ages...
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  13. 2 minutes ago, Baz said:

    So had a listen, she returns to Hammerhal ghyra because of a large khornate invasion. 

    Oh, very interesting !! But let's discuss this in spoilers please :P


    So. IMO this confirms that "Her highness of Ruin" who as plan for the Everspring Swathe in Ghyran (from Book I, Harbingers) is indeed VALKYA ! New Models ahead ❤️


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