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Posts posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. 3 minutes ago, Durant said:

    Hmm, the magic suplement is 13 pices (spells) but non is the one axe thing that was shown in bonsplitars focus. Perhaps there will be more (at least one) suplements.


    It's there, between the big orange maw and the purple sun

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  2. 6 hours ago, Chikout said:

    So 52 miniatures suggests the exact selection of minis we have seen  in the warhammefest community blog, but not including the two wizards, which is a little strange, as we have seen two very different sculpts for each of them. I  wonder if they might be part of the Malign sorcery set. 

    Yes, it's also strange because some units seem incomplete :

    - - Why only 4 Cairn Wraith (but 5 Gravestalkers) ?

    - - Why only 8 Sequitors (but 2 primes - and many duplicates, idem for Castigators ?).

    Also, the Guardian Of Souls and the Knight Incantor really look "Easy to build" to me. Hopefully in the new Malign Sorcery set as you say !


    On other news, this bit of fluff (about Neave Blacktalon) is interesting regarding the Sacrosanct Chamber's role : 


    "Blighted by terrible visions, she fears that her very spirit has been tainted. Blacktalon must choose whether to abandon her duty in the quest for a cure, or face the fearsome judgement of the Sacrosanct chamber." 


    EDIT @Fomorian and @Chikout : so 52 models? yeah just this.




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  3. 23 minutes ago, RedRowan said:

    That Craven King model is amazing. Never really had an interest in Undead armies but the new Nighthaunt just look fantastic.

    Does anyone think we will see multiple starter sets like we did for the new edition of 40K? Would love to see something like the First Strike and Know no Fear sets for the new edition of AOS.


    Me too. 

    And yeah seeing as both AOS 1 and 40k 8th share the "shades of Starter sets" business plan, you can be sure we'll get different sizes for AOS 2 too. 

    We saw SCE and NH models with sculpted bases at WF, first I though it would be for Shadespire, but their are too many of them, inc. mounted units and war machine : my bet is that we'll get another, smaller, "push-fit / easy-to-build" starter set than the big one already (more or less) entirely previewed. 

  4. I really like this guy.

    The Mortarch of Grief (shadow on the right) and the other flying guy are promising I guess...

    I was quite a small reveal (also for Shadespire) but at least we know that the Nighthaut release (and the SCE too I guess) is going to be quite huge !

  5. 2 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Someone on Dakka said that Moonlcan will be the next battletome after death, followed by Slaanesh. It seems to be the same dude that talked about Nurgle before their release. We had Cave-Shaman and some rumor engines that support this theory, of course only time will tell if he is right.

    He posts here too. We discussed it a few pages back (EDIT : p.471), with other posters from here confirming the "Autumn / End 2019" time frame for Slaanesh.


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  6. Do you think will get a big Warmachine center piece for the Sacrosanct chamber, and a (full Stormcast) battletome ?

    I really hope so. Because only creating the Celestar Ballista seems a bit... underwhelming for a chamber composed of magical engineers ;) 

    EDIT : oh and a Lord-Arcanum on foot / in a multi part kit ? 

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  7. 10 hours ago, Chikout said:

    I think it is highly likely that the starter set will be the previewed minis including the two wizards. The dark imperium box set had two identical sprues for the primaris and death guard. This box looks like it will be the same. If you look at the sequitors, castigators, chainmail horde and not undead Skaven,  they are all made up of pairs of identical miniatures.

    Also in the Warhammerfest displays there were alternative sculpts of most of the minis. There was an alternative nighthaunt wizard with the same mask but a different lantern. There was an alternative lord executioner, a male knight Incantor and alternative version of all the stormcast units including the warmarchine with different crew. 

    The only models without duplicates are the two big mounted guys.

    Unfortunately that does mean we will get a couple of understrength units. I think GW will probably do some easy to build sets to fill out these units.

    I guess (if we keep the 3-5-10 units strength we usually have) that we'll get 1 Lord-Arcanum on chocobo, 1 Knight-Incantor (female), 3 Evocator, 10 Sequitors, 5 Castigators, 1 Celestar Ballista with 2 male servants. 

    The Nighthaunt : 1  mounted KoS, 1 Lord Executioner with gallow (the other version, probably a clampack, can either have an hourglass or a pointing finger as his left hand), 5 not-Skaven wraith, 4 (or 5 ?) new Cairn Wraith, 20 Chainsraps ghosts, 1 Spirit Torment, and I guess, if the Lady Knight-Incantor, 1 Guardian of Soul (from picture related). 

    So Order (22-23) + Death (33-34) = 55-57 models. That's pretty good. And let's hope the Core Book is in the starter like Dark Imperium !!!

    (NB : at WF were shown the same kits in the "multi part" version and in Hallowed Knights colors (like the Retributors, the Evocators seem to be 3 in the starter, 5 in the normal kit). 

    Nighthaunt_Army 1.jpg

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Hopefully it get a redesign.  It's pretty silly looking imo, has some neat and unique features though.

    @PJetski yeah I think it was at Malign Portents launch, speculations based on a live with Phil Kelly. I guess it was wrong.

    It's quite funny, because the very first mention of the "Soul Wars" was in the very first Stormcast Battletome in 2015, in the Lord-Relictors entry (it was called the "Spirit Wars" IIRC). 

    I was a bit sad they removed this paragraph in the updated SCE BT for the L-R, as I really liked this bit of the background, but instead GW just made the next AOS chapter about it so now I'm fine ??

  9. This article pretty much confirms what I was suspecting : 

    I think GW listened to the "the heroes lack customization" criticism and is going to make several versions of the same Hero. 

    I guess the Lady SCE Knight-Incantor will be in the Starter set, and the other male one (pic related)  will be a normal clampack, just like the Nighthaunt Lord Executioner in the Starter set will be the hangman one, and the other we've seen without will be in a normal clampack. And I guess the Nighthaunt Guardian of Souls will also have 2 variants (one with the pole weapon, one with the hand lantern). 

    Maybe will be rewarded in the rules for having several heroes of the same Warscrolls (maybe working with Command abilities). 

    SCE Knight Incantor.jpg

  10. 10 minutes ago, Sadysaneto said:




    Yeah, that's either a female Bloodbound or Darkoath, or a variation on the Warqueen theme. 

    That is neither, also : new Freeguild facing those Chaos knights ?

    ASO V2 Normal Humans ?.png

  11. 30 minutes ago, BrownDog said:


    From AgeofSigmar.com, courtesy of Still-young

    I'm fairly certain that those are some new Free Guild soldier designs below the Chaos Knights to the Left.

    Oh awesome. Great Alex Boyd's artwork. 

    Indeed for the round helmeted common humans !

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  12. 57 minutes ago, Ungface said:

    The lady with her arms out wide and a crystal in her hand was displayed as a knight exelcsior and a scenic base but also displayed as a hallowed knight without one

    This Lady (on foot) is probably from the starter set, and the KE version's base isn't as detailed as the other scenic bases shown, it's probably just a small conversion (notably, the leafs are from an existing basic kit). Also the official paint scheme has her without a scenic base. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Skabnoze said:

    Darkoath seems very much like an Age of Sigmar version of the Norse Marauders from the old world.  It strikes me as very fitting direction for the non-Everchosen Slaves of Darkness.

    There has not been much Darkoath yet, but what there is feels very much like it is borrowing hard from Frank Frazetta and Conan - which I think is great and fits the setting very well.

    Also, that picture showing Darkoath lookalike barbarians fighting Bloodbounds from the very first AOS book ;) 

    Free Tribe II.png

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  14. 2 minutes ago, Ungface said:

    Careful. One of the female stormcast mages was dispalyed twice, one of them had a stormspire esque base and the other didnt.

    Are you sure ?

    Looking at the pictures on Facebook, War of Sigmar and here, and the WHTV trailer, I'm pretty sure regarding the Lion that only the Lady with some crystal in her hand has a scenic base... (there also is a lady in the 3 models lion drake unit but without the crystal, in a different pose). 


  15. @Kaleb Daark yeah it's strange : 

    The Shadespire-like scenic bases SCE are too many to be a Shadespire war band (also they do not look like the card artworks from Adepticon) : 

    3 Sacrosanct Judicators, 1 Gryph-Hound, 1 Ballista, 2 servants, and 1 Lady Wizcast on a celestial lion lizard (as shown above the apparently normal 3-models celestial lion lizard SCE do not have scenic bases). 

    On the other hand the Nighthaunt seems to only have 4 models with scenic bases (4 Banshees). 

    EDIT : oh no I saw 2 more, at least 2 new Wrait on steeds, with Scenic bases. Really intriguing ! 

    I guess this will be another, smaller starter kit (a mix of Know Now Fear and Exclusive Plague Brethren maybe ?)

  16. 11 minutes ago, novakai said:

    the Setting does need a mortal human presence and I think Darkoath is a good place to start

    New Darkoath model has been spotted !


    Joke aside, IIRC that was the plan : a faction of Order, common barbarian to represent Sigmar's tribes. 

    Now, after the catastrophic end of the Age of Myths and the 500 years of the Age of Chaos, it's only normal to show them as not-really-corrupted-but-already-on-the-dark-side, basic-but-savage humans. 

    (We have many Slaanesh rumors but also 40k World Eater with Angron this year (to go along Orks and Space Wolves maybe - so the "pure" AOS Chaos release this year may be Darkoath). 



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