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Everything posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. Ohhh that's pretty cool (well not for your character anyway) ! And absolutely fitting the lovecraftian atmosphere Warhammer also shares... I just hope the people of the Mortal Realms doesn't try to regularly and casually enter the Realm of Chaos ... stories like Gardus' should remain exceptional to mark the heroism and dangerousness of such a deed. But as a GM I'd love to try to world-build a non Euclidian space to explore
  2. I don't think we will be able to (or should be able to) play in the Realm Of Chaos - one would become instantly insane / mutated / destroyed in it (without the good godlike protections, that is )
  3. Yeah as said above the setting have room for such combinaison and its great, but in terms of rules it kinda clash with the grand alliance system (like the Archaon serving Beastclaw Raiders I mentioned). But which book does the Freeguild Ogors come from, I don't remember ? One of those Mannfred Realmgates Wars stories ?
  4. Even if indeed, as far as we can tell, Ogors are not in the Mercenary business any more (because Ghur-savages-Gorkamorka) at least in their majority (notably, some Beastclaw Riders worked for Archaon, but that's not reflected in the rules), AOS is wide enough a setting to still have Maneaters equivalents. Also, in a recent (c. AOS2) short stories, there was a city with ORRUK MERCHANTS. So Maneaters are still totally possible in the lare scope of the Mortal Realms.
  5. Okay... ... It's perfect. I'm sorry if I sounded too negative above, I just WANT IT ALL. Don't worry, I'll wait and gladly get 8 Realms supplements, if they are as good as your WFRP 4th books (between what you showed us of your work so far, and the implications of @JReynolds, David Guymer, Clint L Werner and Johan Grenier, I'm sure it will
  6. Oh, yeah, then I hope so ! Anyway I'm still massively hyped for this release (with the 3 GW authors mentioned in Cubicle7 article from last week being (relatively) talkative about it on social media !)
  7. @Emmetation thats a bit disappointing honestly . So you do NOT plan to have at least some (in-universe) maps for the regions of the Great Parch you'll be exploring in details ? As apparently its "the centre stage" of the Core Book in terms of exploration...
  8. Ahaha, and yeah! Well it was different in the original "core" book, as it says the Sigmarabulum spun beneath Sigmaron, which is where Sigendil shines (Sig sig sig ). Anyway the Sigmarabulum is a more important / interesting location than the palace itself I guess. And I love the new artwork about it. I hope there will be more about it in the RPG ! Oh and please write something IRL about Sigmar Lane ❤️
  9. Oh, the more is best, I agree. It's just that as AOS is a relatively young (and wide) setting, having a strong focus of a certain land, from its grains of sand to its god beasts and celestial objects, is necessary if we want to engage as DM in in-depth world building. I hope with all my heart that different central areas of other Realms will get the Great Parch treatment later. We just need to have one location really well explored before, to show the possibilities (and by one location I mean one BIG location, knowing that Hammerhall Aqsha must be the "size of a continent" (maybe like Europe ?) and the Brimstone Peninsula must be the "size of Russia" (from a Stormcast Podcast interview...)). And from what I understood from yesterday's news, there will also be smaller focus on typical side of life in EVERY Realms, so for Ghur I think a city on the back of a giant worm is totally feasible.
  10. I hope so !!! And don't be afraid of the IP guys, I think they trust you and generally let you having a bit of creative freedom (like establishing the location of Sigmaron on Mount Celestian in your (excellent) Soul Wars , instead of "in space" as it was in AOS first ed.)
  11. Good catch, and it fits the new-ish aesthetic of some Chaos Warriors and Darkoath barbarians featured on the Stormcast Eternals Battletome cover and the Sigmar's Host artwork (curved plates armor and more spikes) : https://warhammerart.com/shop/age-of-sigmar/stormcast-eternals/ (down right the artwork) https://warhammerart.com/shop/age-of-sigmar/sigmars-host/ (center and middle left) Also the rumored Varanguard on foot from Warcry.
  12. Okay that art is great, love the Warhammer Quest throwback. I love how you can play both a mighty Stormcast Heroes, a former solider of the free people AND a huge treeman. Good news about the fluff (and the very expected Great Parch focus), but I sure darn hope we'll have ARTWORKS and MAPS of all the Realms (I fear I'm repeating myself here but... including Azyr!), and more details on the Great Parch than what we have in the Core Book as of now (which is already very good ; I just want to know more about Hammerhal Aqsha, based on the excellent WHQ Shadows Over Hammerhal "novel"). Any comments on that last part @Emmetation ?? (and thank you for the news)
  13. So I will repost this from the Rumor thread, courtesy of @Ben2 (to avoid any debate : he is a new user here, but a rumormonger with excellent track record on Dakkadakka). " (...) Warcry I've known as Killteam but Aos since autumn last year, but I've not known the details regarding it as a) I'm not interested in AoS much, though 2.0 softened me a bit and I've played a bunch of Underworlds and think it's one of the best designed GW games in years and b) I was far more interested in the stuff coming out for KT and 40k. And 40k is going to hit us like a train this year. However Darkoath (which will include the StD range) has peaked my interest, as sixpack barbarians done with modern sculpting hit's the spot for me as an old fantasy player. I will definitely be getting into AoS Killteam. I was expecting Warcry at the back end of this year, and the LVO announcement to feature more of the Chaos stuff or maybe hints from the big 40k summer releases, but it's possible it's coming sooner. I've been told the leak seen is pretty much correct. Watching the trailer though you can pretty much educated guess half the background detail, and Stormcast vs Chaos is also a pretty easy guess from there. I know the Kill Team studio guys were pushing hard to get new minis assigned to them (and used the slow sales on the faction starters and commander sets to say that they needed something new) and now they've got the new format we've seen in the latest release of a more aggressively priced product with new models and more material (twice the missions per set for example). I had hoped they'd follow the new coke formula with Warcry, and will be disappointed if they don't. (...)". BRING IT ON
  14. Oh really ? I have to check his Twitter account ! Man I'm 100% with you on that. So excited (well, more than this morning, as a Khorne AND Black Legion fan ) !!
  15. Well, no, because in the trailer, Archaon is speaking, or at least the narrator is talking about the Eightpoint, so the Chaos-corrupted Allpoints. And the Allgates are already "open" i.e. active (but the Heaven one) ; some of them still have Chaos fortresses around them. And even if all Chaos-held all gates fell due to the Necroquake, there would still be the Varanspire itself to conquer... But since the Realmgate Wars day 1, it's indeed Sigmar's goal to retake the Allpoint, so as you said there is enough fluff reason to see all Grand Alliances fighting to take control of it. Alternatively, we could see a game where different Chaos warbands try to reach the Allpoint, and have to fight each other and also Order, Death and Destructions bands on the road to the Varanspire (that would match the "bands wandering through strange landscapes" artworks of the trailer....).
  16. @Chikout With Archaon (probably) speaking in the video, the title being "answer the Call of Chaos" like the Black Library stories, and the setting being the Chaos-held Eightpoint and the Varanspire, the game looks strongly Chaos focused... BUT we could see other Grand Alliances as, for once, antagonists of the game. If Warcry is to be the AOS Killteam, competitive like Underworlds, with high quality and typical models like Mordheim was once, it really should include all races and factions. But as of now it "only" looks Chaos centric. (As a Chaos player I don't mind, but as someone waiting for a good AOS Mordheim, I'd be sad if we only have Chaos guys in the game )
  17. Warcry is probably, at least for me, the best news of today. I'm a Chaos player in WFB, 40k, KT and of course mostly AOS, so I've been really spoiled by the LVO reveal. And if on top of everything else we get Slaanesh and Darkoath this year I'll have to sell body parts... Now I have to say... In terms of rules, Kill Team is one if the best games I've played recently, so I have huge expectation for Warcry (kind of Chaos Mordheim in AOS ?)... BRING. IT. ON !!!
  18. Regarding the LVO seminar, I think that for AOS we shouldn't set our hopes too high ; The way I'm seeing it, we should take the LVO seminar from last year for AOS and 40k, and reverse it. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/01/26/new-codexes-factions-our-heroes-and-more-breaking-news-from-the-las-vegas-opengw-homepage-post-1/ That would give us : - For 40k, a full reveal for the Black Legion at Vigilus II, with just a tease for Abaddon at the end (because the countdown for him end in March, and because last year they just showed the tail of Morathi serpent body). So the main subject of the seminar. - For AOS, maybe 1-2 future one-week-only Battletome (with endless spells and scenery), maybe 1-2 WHU warbands reveals (Kharadron and Sylvaneth), and that's it. And mayyybe a little trailer for Slaves To Darkness (who I believe will come mid-2019, before Slaanesh at least). But GW does not follow strict pattern (to say the least)... So maybe I'm completely wrong 😛 P.-S. ; I quite like this focus on Chaos Universal and Deamons going on now between 40k, the Horus Heresy and probably AOS with the Slaves To Darkness. Hope we'll get new plastic Furies and Be'lakor ❤️
  19. 8PM Las Vegas time Thursday, the GW article should be up either at the start as they usually do, or just after the Seminar (usually 1 hour so around 9PM). In Europe / thats between 4 and 6 AM Friday... AARG
  20. No, the Gaunt Summoner (without the Familiars) and the Ogroid were on separate, individual sprues, as for the Heroes. The Skaven, Grots and Tzeentch minions where all on shared sprues
  21. And will there be cities and WORLDS maps ? As @xking said, we really need more "depth" and "realism" to the lore* (even if we are in a High Fantasy setting, it was always a trademark of Warhammer's universes to have kind of reliable aspects - moreso if we have to immerse ourselves in the lore at a RPG-level). *I'm not saying there isn't right now, just NOT enough, NEVER enough 😛 The best things for AOS so far in terms of "general" worldbuilding is the Core Book and the Malign Portents short stories : https://malignportents.com/stories/ - as opposed to specialized worldbuilding, i.e. one area explored in a Black library novel...
  22. Thanks @RuneBrush for the Forge World news ! Now that main GW have a huge capacity production and do big plastic kits and swirly heroes, I think what FW could do best is : 1. Niche / Specialized Monsters and Heroes* ; EDIT : as @stato said above, a "Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Characters Series" based on Black Library heroes would be great. 2. Conversion packs (like WHF had for the Empire, the Stromcast one or HH) ; 3. Fluff books exploring in depth some area of the Mortal Realms, with that dark and more "realistic" tones FW always had (see Tamurkhan or Imperial Armour, Siege of Vraks 1-3). *The problem being the esthetic consistency with the main GW lines, e.g. the Custodes Citadel and FW lines work very well together esthetically, even if in terms of units functions / rules some choices are redundant - the FW Moonclan line is more complementary with the Gloomspite Gitz in terms of rules, but it"fits" less in terms of look IMO - excluding the awesome Squig Gobba of course!). Also FW, please do not try the "swirly" effect Citadel is doing plastic ; 30k Magnus' magical powers look less... well, good (again, IMO) than, say, the Avatar of Ynnead.
  23. On the 40k side of things, we should get Vigilus II / Primaris / Black Legion & Abaddon teasers... For AOS, I really don't know. The last 2 Underworlds warbands ? The 2 new "confirmed" armies (Darkoath or Slaanesh) ? Maybe the new Battletomes for AOS1-armies. On the Warhammer World New year Open day, GW said there would be a follow-up for Soul Wars, so maybe a new campaign supplement (with Order scenery pleeease) ?!
  24. I don't get you here Sete. Everyone interested in AOS should be investigating AOS rumors, because we love rumors and are interested in them, and don't want to be lied to ? Ben, like some of us, probably just wanted to check the accuracy of a totally new and unknown poster. Saying otherwise would just mean you just take everything you hear without any salt or critical mind. In the end, NDAbreaker lied to us, which is pretty bad IMO. You should be thankful someone debunked his fake rumors, not salty over it.
  25. Well that's not the point. Read Ben's post last page ; he just investigated on NDAbreaker and discovered he was fake. There was never any consideration of GW suing TGA... @Kurrilino Ben made this website. Thanks to him we have a rumor thread, posters like LLV coming here, etc. And please, show me an occurence of admin or a mod coming to the rumor thread (that they allowed to reach like 800+ pages) and try to silence someone ? The never, ever, did that.. Your overreaction is out of place. Honestly I am very disappointed by the posters who unilaterally believed a new, unknown poster's accusations of being "silenced" without asking for more informations... That's not the spirit of this forum at all. But I guess we're on the internet.
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