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Everything posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. On the French side of things, I've heard : Fyreslayers 2.0, Slaanesh and Slyvaneth for the next 3-4 months... - The Fyreslayers were apparently due November last year (I think it "just" means new battletome, terrain, endless spells, and why not (COMPLETE GUESS, based on the Realmslayer cover artwork), a new Gotrek ??) - Slaanesh is obviously coming this year (according to WarCom, different clues, etc.), but as we discussed with @NurglesFirstChosen I think it's STD/Everchosen/Darkoath first. Then I'd love to see Slaanesh before them - so I can complete my quartet of plastic Greater Daemons We had rumors already for Slyvaneth (alongside Ironjawz), and we have the underworld warband coming soon, so why not...
  2. Well the crown itself has clearly industrial "feet", and is full of plasma glowing cables. It would be easy to convert it to AOS (corrupted Realmgate ?) removing the too "technological" parts, though.
  3. The GW studio preview seminar at Adepticon will be around 2-3 hours in the morning next Thursday (not tomorrow). http://www.cvent.com/events/adepticon-2019/agenda-7822dab492fa4ed0bde10d960366d97c.aspx The AOS website has a new WARCRY section ; I think it's a safe bet we'll get more news on this game at Adepticon. https://ageofsigmar.com/warcry/
  4. Even if she's described as a Liberator-Prime, she looks like the female Knight-Questor on the cover of the new AOS RPG. Nice one anyway !
  5. I have both WD (FRE and ENG) in front of me, Phil Kelly obviously talk about the WFB Ogre Kingdom Armybook of old. We also learned that PK wrote much of the Malign Portent short stories ; that remained me of the Ogre Kingdom short stories in the WD of that time (about an Imperial marchant traveling the Ivory / Silk Road toward the Mountains of Mourn) ; they were brilliant and totally in the mood of some of the AOS short stories we got with MP (i.e. more epic / exotic / high fantasy but still with the Warhammer grimdark, realistic tone). -- Waiting for Adepticon, as @VascoPinto noted on the other thread, the AOS website has been updated with a proper WARCRY section https://ageofsigmar.com/warcry/
  6. Ohoho yeah ! https://ageofsigmar.com/warcry/ Nice spot. Can't wait for more info at Adepticon next week ! I think Warcry will be all Chaos first but with possible new races add-on later.
  7. Yeah, and don't get me wrong, I would love a Slaanesh release as much as an Undivided one. The "army box trend" is quite confuse IMO : the Blightwar set / Maggotkin timing was a strange occurence (wasn't there technical problems involved ?), different from Carrion Empire with FEC and Skavens quasi simultaneous, and now the Khorne side of W&R which is already out. On the contrary, the "MP Herald+WHU warband + Full army trend" is yet to be proven false and much more stable, and with the flow of Chaos Undivided releases plus Forbiden Power coming soon I think GW is still going with that narrative & release arc, and won't change it now. Zarbag's git was out in October 2018, and Gloomspite Gitz in January 2019, so 3 months in-between. (Nightvault was release in September 2018, while Soul Wars was release in June 2018, so also 3 months, but the other way around : first Full army, then WHU warbands ). We have rumors for STD this summer, so around Warcry, and that would be more or less 3 months after the Godsworn Hunt warband release....
  8. I mostly agree with you here, but that's precisely why I think Slaanesh is end 2019 or early 2020, after STD. 2019 looks like the "Year Of Chaos Undivided" with Black Legion, Warcry, Traitor Guard in BSF ; so Slaves To Darkness seems logical, and thats without counting the MP Herald-Underworld Warband-Full army release trend... Also, there was no full army release for any AOS army that didn't get a MP Herald : between Sacrosant, Nighthaunt and Gloomspite Gitz, there was only "filler weeks" / Battletomes with Faction Scenery / Endless spells and maybe 1-2 characters (Khorne Daemons being an exception, because 40k compatible I guess). I think it's obvious Slaanesh will get a full army release, with Mortals, Greater Daemon, etc. ; so they should come after STD, the end of the Soul Wars narrative arch with Forbidden Power, and the Aelves of Ulgu - Hysh releases, i.e. at least end 2019... Then (and thats appropriate here), GW release pattern is quite ... chaotic, so we'll have to wait for 27th March & Adepticon for the next sets of predictions
  9. Well in terms of trends it is : we had the 3 others armies from Malign Portents having their Heralds + Underworlds bands + army release ; Darkoath currently have Herald +Uunderworld warband, they just miss the army release. Between Warcry, Scourage of Fate, the multiplication of "soup" battletomes, the importance of Archaon in the narrative, a Slave To Darkness (new Darkoath models, current STD range, Everchosen) tome is guaranteed sooner than later. Slaanesh (40k/AOS) should come later, because : - For AOS, Slaanesh is a very determinant event in the fluff (not saying Slaanesh army elease means Slaanesh escape, but a Slaanesh tome would mean having to explain many things on Hysh and Ulgu and the other Aelf factions, which are not coming so soon regarding what GW said of army releases this year). - For 40k, why not, but having Emperor's Children and Fulgrim (lots of teases in the fluff indeed) right after Black Legion seems problematic.
  10. I wish (sorry, unbelievers) But we know we'll get Black Legion, Warcry, Darkoath and Slaanesh this year (from GW's own mouth) ; I don't see them release ALL that between now and the summer..... (Knowing specialist games and Primaris wave 2 must be coming soonTM too...).
  11. I'll admit, it's going to be HARD to wait. Hope Adepticon around 27th March will have more news on Warcry (but I guess that will be more about Forbidden Power). Anyway I hope by "summer" GW mean end of May-June and not August-September 😛
  12. Okay, QFT, this whole post is excellent 😍 (EDIT : I didn't "just" liked it because the website won't let me spend more "likes" this morning, Warcry was too good )
  13. Well, with the cover of the book / box that @cofaxest revealed a few pages back, which is an existing artwork of a female sequitor with another SCE and Lady Olynder, I do not see a specific TK death theme to that expansion, more a general / magic / endless spells / next chapter of the souls war thing... Also, I swear IF GW WOULD KINDLY STOP TEASING US WITH ARTWORKS OF ORDER CITIES / "STORMKEEPS" SINCE SEEDS OF HOPE SUMMER 2016 WITHOUT RELEASING ORDER SCENERY, that would be really nice thank you 😡😜
  14. You are right ! there is another red guy with a shield.
  15. When / if you do Chaos guys too, later in a future expansion, I hope you'll take a look at the Scourge Of Fate novel and that new Warcry game because it look narratively amazing and RPG-esque
  16. The Beast skull warband are marauders probably from Ghur : --- I count 7 of them : the boss, the lady with a whip, the crouched guy with two axes, the guy with two spears, the guy with a two-handed weapon (horns up), the guy with a two-handed axe (horns down), the Chaos Hound. The Spikes warband are warriors in almost "full plates" ; their armor and weapon looks very "modern" which makes me think they are from Chamon. --- 5 guys it seems : the boss, the (other) lady with a whip, the guy with two hammers, the guy with a shield, the BIG GUY (4you). The mini dragons birds (4 ?) and the Chaos Furies (6 ?) are probably NPC ennemies.
  17. Well Those Grots did have rules for AOSv1... And in terms of design, they were the exact prefiguration of the Gloomspite Gitz ! And they still live in the design of the Gobbalooza. But yeah ; like for Warhammer Quest BSF, the models for one of their Skirmish level games should come with rules for the "main" wargame too.
  18. There should be mechanics for the mini dragon-birds and the Chaos Furies to attack the two warbands of the set, that's quite Chaos.
  19. First of all, mea culpa for colporting the Ben2 rumors (corroborating shady /tg/ leaks, yeah...) . He - obviously now - was full of it. For GAMA in general : nice event I guess. Halflings are cute, and Warhammer Quest is great, so that Traitor Command expansion looks chaotically fine. For WARCY : well.... even as a Chaos player, I really wanted to see the game open to more factions, ala Kill Team. Maybe, like the heavily Empire/Imperium-centered Mordheim and Nacromunda (at their start), the game will evolve, but anyway... I LOVE what I am seeing. The orientation of the rules looks interesting, it's in 3D with scenery, which looks really good (and are indeed usable in other Skirmish settings, be it AOS Skirmish or some Kill Team in a Daemon World for 40k - except for that giant fallen Sigmar head of course ). Six warbands (which are not currently existing factions like Bloodbound or Maggotkin) ? Awesome. Tribsmen from Ghur + Chaos Hounds vs Full-plates Warriors from Chamon ? Awesome. Some bird monsters and plastic Chaos Furies (yeah some look duplicated) ? Awesome. When Warhammer Quest Silver Tower was released I truly saw the freedom AOS meant for fantasy, in terms of liberty of creation and sculpting. This freedom is really well used in set like Warcry. BRING IT ON (TO THE VARANSPIRE)
  20. Well, listent to the Stormcast episode with Pete Foley, then But yeah I'm 100% with you with WHQ. (And that Warcry thing of course).
  21. As GAMA is focused on boxed / board games, it has to be (well.. Sigmar's willing...). So if Necromunda, (main range) Kill Team and Blood Bowl are already covered, we still have : - More news on "true" boardgames like that Stormvault thing (≠ Forbidden vault, AOS expansion probably coming later) ; - Warhammer Underworlds, probably Kharadron (or the "streamlined" version of Nightvault) ; - Kill Team : Inquisition (new models, so different slot as KT : Elite ?) - Warhammer Quest : BSF expansions (we've already seen new Explorers in "Combat Arena") or (as hinted by Pete F. in one of the last podcast episode) a new Quest game for AOS ? - WAOS : WARCRY (bring it on )
  22. Yes. But in Firestorm all the locations belonged to that long-dead empire. In the Core Book (and other post AOS2 fictions, including the Malign Portents campaigns IIRC) its different. But that fluff was quite cool so I'd like to know what its the current situation, I hope the RPG answers that.
  23. As @Chikout said earlier, there is the (B2B) Gama Trade Show 2019, 11-15 March, so before Adepticon and just after the 40k Chaos and Primaris reveal (Abbadon has to show his ugly face on 4-5 March IIRC) : http://www.gamatradeshow.com Last year at their seminar GW revealed a few interesting things (including an Idoneth "teaser" and some WHU warbands) : https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/03/14/kill-team-doom-lords-van-saar-and-moregw-homepage-post-1/
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