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Everything posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. Yes. Unless GW is really Chaotic (-.-), this year's next Chaos Battletome is either Slaves To Darkness, or Tzeentch. Mayyyyyyyyyyyyybe Slaanesh Mortals...
  2. VV about today's AOS preview live right now :
  3. What about Tzeentch for Chaos ? Don't forget the UK games expo in two weeks (maybe Kill Team : Inquisition and WHU : Season 3).
  4. Did you preorder through GW online or another store ? Because FLGS around the world apparently got loads of boxes...
  5. Uh. As much as I LOVE those worldbuilding details like new aspects of Chaos and strange creatures... ........... I am hugely disappointed.
  6. I wonder if we'll see more of Forbidden power. I mean we saw the book, the endless spells AND the scenery. GW themselves said it, since the Australian Preview Forbidden Power is already "fully revealed" :
  7. Weeeeell (replace the marine by a stormcast and done we are !) :
  8. Lot's of new scenery pictures here ! (Sylvaneth and Dominion of Sigmar) https://war-of-sigmar.herokuapp.com/bloggings/3837
  9. yeah me too, and the video is quite promising for hordes units !
  10. No, it has changed. There wasn't any Horus Heresy preview on Saturday, initialy :
  11. Hm, Seminar at 3PM, so reveal at either 3PM or 4PM, for us on the continent at 5PM.... (they changed the schedule, but weird that Horus Heresy has TWO previews...)
  12. Oh yes, I also loved the story of Clan Skryr versus Legion of Azgorh in Tamurkhan : Throne of Chaos about that ! Such an arms race with industrial spying in the midst But yeah, there more and more mention of human engineers' creations in the fluff since AOS2 (in the Hedonites Battletome lately e.g., another mention of the cogforts, etc. etc.).
  13. And the Skaven were apparently initially pretty interested in some human engineers inventions too...
  14. It's obviously Lauchon the Soulseeker in that story ;D
  15. Are you all really thinking that something like a Great Unclean One could not just walk through some little trees hedge like it was nothing ? BTW I love that system of preview-by-short-stories GW is now doing for big fluff release like, as @Double Misfire said, Maligne Portents and Vigilus Defiant / Vigilus Ablaze. Also, some interesting lines about "human engineers inventions" and "clockwork armies". Maybe it's to set the mood for something in the future...
  16. I was indeed wondering if the non-chaos Warbands would get access to "heroes-level" models, because without them, you only have Namarti Thralls and Namarti Thralls Icon Bearer (idem for Reavers) for Idoneth... The Iron Golem and Untamed Beasts gangs do look like normal infantry sized units, with standard bearer or "specialist", and a chieftain / sergeant style leader (no "big heroes").
  17. Indeed, the Chaos Ogor and the Lion-goat are all on 40mm base - that's the biggest from the kit for the warbands (with the Chaos chiken elongated bases, which are smaller than the Eels ones IIRC).
  18. GW already said it : Warcry is a new, distinct IP, focusing on the diversity of Chaos warbands and strange creatures. The 8-9 non-chaos warbands are indeed probably only rules, but we could maybe see one (1) Order Warcry-designed gang, for exemple for Devoted Of Sigmar (notably because the Azyrite symbol on the Warcy poster (with all the 14-15 logo) is kinda new, never used on Stormcast boxes, Firestorm roster, etc.).
  19. Well at least at Warhammer Fest there will be dedicated Warcry seminars (not counting the potential Warcry news at the AOS Preview seminar). Bring it on
  20. Yes and it fits old Sylvaneth Fluff a lot to have them coming with walking trees
  21. I think @Still-young is correct here. It's just community communication. And what do you make of those considerations : - That 6 equivalent infantry warbands doesn't make for an appropriate army updated ? - That the Darkoath Chieftain, the Warqueen and the Underworld Warband share a common and distinct esthetic, and a similar release pattern than the other Malign Portents Herald armies ? - Of the "distinct IP" that is Warcry ? We won't see a Warmamoth and so one with a Skirmish game, IMO. Now, I'm with you that we shouldn't get our hopes too high, nor feel "entitled" at receiving certain releases, but I think there is enough hints there that the idea "STD = Warcry" is false. And If I take the time to write those posts it's because I'm really enthusiastic about all those new releases, not that I absolutely want to prove something P.-S. ; yeah when I say "Models first, rules after", I mean in general. The difference is that WHU was said to be a test in terms of new games design, i.e. something totally unplanned before the small bands came before the rules team. For new armies or something more common and asked for (i.e. an AOS version of Skirmish and Mordheim), I don't see GW releasing a STD update then going all : "oh well, **** it, let's make a Skirmish game out of that !".
  22. I'd like to discuss this statement that popped here a while back. I really do not think the future Slaves to Darkness release is or was mistaken for Warcry. 1) STD (i.e. Darkoath) have to receive a "full" army release sometimes. Why ? Because Maraudeurs and Chaos Warriors, the core of that range, are really outdated. Because STD got a Malign Portent Herald, a Warhammer Underworlds warband, and even a new Heroes before that. They also features in many old and new artworks and books. We already have an established style for the new Chaos Undivided kits (Chifetain, Warqueen, WHU bands, artworks). 2) Warcry was said to be (at the last seminar) a new, distinct IP, with it's own coherence and aesthetic. It is, as of now, 6 chaos warbands of equivalent size, with around 8-10 models, for Chaos Undivided (like Darkoath), but tied to some Mortal Realms (unlike Darkoath) - with Skirmish multi level scenery and Chaos creatures thrown into the mix (Furies, chaos dogs, chaos chicken, probably more further down the line). It would make no sense IMO that the new STD-Darkoath range was, in fact, just 6 infantry boxes of the same sizes and of the same composition, not looking like the already existing artworks and models. No warmamoth equivalent, no characters, just 6 more or less naked barbarians ? Too strange. 3) The story : "We got the models first than made up a new rules system for them" was revealed in the last few months : it's the general way GW operates (models firsts, rules and fluff later) and was the origin story of Warhammer Underworlds. But a Skirmish game is not an unusual sort of game and was something long asked for, and with Kill Teams success, and since Hinterlands and GW hiring Sam Pearson aka Bottles, we knew they were working on something like this for AOS. I'm not saying STD and Warcry are not related, they are. They represent different takes on the Mortal armies of Chaos Undivided, assembling before Archaon for his counter offensive to take back the Mortal Realms from Nagash and Sigmar. But I think they are two different lines product-wise. STD-Darkoath will get their own release some day, like Sacrosanct, Nighthaunt and Gloomspite Gitz, even if it's a smaller one than those 3 (because the Chaos range is already quite good, and because Chaos already got Skaven, Slaanesh and Warcry in 2019). TL;DR : In fact, the idea that "Warcry = the new SDT release" just comes from doomsayers or Chaos haters (and I'm in noooo way a Chaos apologist whatsoever )
  23. Speaking of rumor engine : a new one ! Clearly some new Chaos Warriors properly aosified https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/04/30/the-rumour-engine-29th-april-2019/
  24. My only statement is : I think that a new AOS version of WHQ is currently in the work at GW. Does that idea annoy you ? No need to get all worried about it and to respond harshly, uh And to be more precise, my statement is based on a few important points : firstly the talk from Pete Foley, yes, but also from Jes Bickham, the whole AOS studio Manager, who also talked about it in the last Stormcast Podcast episode. It makes two GW rep talking about it already : knowing that GW watch carefully the informations and news about future releases (and that they like giving hints), the fact they are allowed to discuss this in a podcast is already meaningful. IIRC there is also a recent White Dwarf article about AOS and WHQ. Anyway, as I said above, such games design and models development takes months and even years to complete, and they have source materials to work with already, so a new AOS edition for WHQ is surely coming in the future. I'll dare to add that given the current pace of release, it could very well come as soon as 2020, but that's pure conjecture ...
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