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Everything posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. My only complaint is precisely there isn't any "replacement in the wings". Really bad decision. In the picture posted by Charleston, right to the Chaos Lord, between the rocks and the blond Maraudeur Girl.
  2. The problem for me is not the mono pose design (ETB and all is great thing), it's the fact they'll keep the old kits in the range Imagine if they kept the old Chaos Space Marines squad kits alongside the new ones from Shadowspear ? It's the same problem here. 😡 Really, there is more and more a general range disparity in both 40k and AOS that does not look good at all on the battlefield. I hope it will be solved until The Old World arrives.
  3. The article is named "kit focus" so there also should be a "rules focus" coming along the way. But the explicit statement that the current knights (okay-ish) and warriors (too rank&fily for AOS) are staying are really driving me mad : I mean come on GW, why bother with new kits that will made your existing range totally out of place if they are to be stuck in the same poses and the same box forever ??? Really unhappy with this news !!! At least there is a new Spire Tyrants models (with shield and horned helmet) previewed
  4. Like this Sunday, so soon ? IIRC, the Preorder Preview for Necromunda was posted the 3rd November, for PreOrder the 9th, and release the 16th (it was in the leaked list), so it matches ! Thank you, made my day ❤️
  5. Given the picture of Mannfred on a dread abyssal, your first assumption MAKES TOTAL SENSE
  6. I wish we would get some official StD teasers right now but I guess until Monday (at best) we won't... And this week-end is the 40k Open Day (so we'll see more of the new Sisters, some more teases for further down the line Psychic Awakening books, and maybe something unexpected....). COME, ARCHAON
  7. Speaking of hints toward OBR, in Legions of Nagash there was already talk of particularly ancient and powerful constructs made by Nagash and protecting Nagashizzar. In the lore for the Soul Wars. I logically thought of old Tomb Kings fluff and of the Morghast, but seeing as OBR are a expansion of that theme.... All in all, recent-ish fluff is really a good indicator of what's to come (Emperor's Children, Gordrakk new weapon, etc.)
  8. Nowhere. Gordrakk wants to attack Azyr (but Nagash and Archaon too, I guess, so....), more precisely he wants to duel Sigmar as per a short story on WarCom. To achieve that, he got a Godbeast skull and built a huge siege engine, which he wants to test on the Free City of Excelsis in Ghur (first teased in Forbidden Power and the aforementioned short story, confirmed in the Orruk Warclans battletome).
  9. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/24/coming-soon-blood-of-baal-battleforces-and-beyond/ The Battleforces, as expected....
  10. Well I don't think Gordrakk will destroy Excelsis (where he is first going to try his Godbeast Skull). But then I also didn't thought someone even like Katakros could casually invade the Eightpoints, so.....
  11. "Tactical retreat for a tactical genius" you mean I love when WarCom posts a cryptic lore bit the 22nd : https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/22/what-is-the-varanspire/ .....Which was already answered in another article posted the 7th (at the end) : https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/07/know-your-mortarchsgw-homepage-post-3/ (and a Battletome reviewed by many people online)
  12. Me : *Is their a way to acquire this... technology ?* GW : *Not from a Jedi".
  13. GW only said - in a typical GW way - on Facebook that the "terrain in the video was kitbashed". I mean, obviously the tower and the hills / stone piles with some trees are kit bashed. But it's also obvious, because of the painting, the details, and the regularity between the pieces, that the walls and the skull gate are a plastic kit. It should come with the rumored Siege supplement - Bone Fortresses are even referenced in the Cities of Sigmar book...
  14. Its true for the most part, your posts most of all. But there ALWAYS a way it will derail, as the mods already said. And I didn't have to scroll one (1) page in the rumor thread to start to read personal attack. No, suggesting one poster has "issue with women" for a simple comment on Warhammer design is NOT okay, not here, nor anywhere else.
  15. This is a very well said and reasonable point, thank you. Yes. And to think those kind of discussions didn't existed a few years ago (thank you Disney and Marvel). I find it tedious, and a source of animosity in between us of the community, like how @Kirjava13 jumped at @HollowHills throat with ad hominem. It has nothing to do with the Hobby. Mods should act now.
  16. Tho that wasn't Whitefang who answered "no" to the Chaos possibility. (Not saying that other responding poster doesn't know something either )
  17. Exactly. Precisely They announced the release of the stand alone Iron Golem, Untamed Beasts and Chaotic beasts kits, of scenery from the starter (also its future discontinuation), showed the Tome of champion 2019, and previewed the monsters and the spire tyrants.
  18. And did just that with that long article for Warcry. too. Anyway the Open Day jan 4 isn't that far away either.
  19. Are we really getting a new "Destruction Giant" aka Sons Of Behemat faction ?
  20. What if the skull are facing backward, as the ram is retreating from a strike, before balancing again to make another ? That way the skulls would be horizontal, because of the momentum ?
  21. You talk about "the Giants" like they were happening - are you basing that on something else than @Kaleb Daark cryptic messages ?! I still think they would have said "gargantuan" instead of "giant news" if they were talking about a new races / kit, instead of some HUGE news in the form of a whole new race, with new gods Tyrion & Teclis, and a new Realm (Hysh) for the first time truly explored... (But ofc I would love to be wrong here !)
  22. Jesus. Incredible, so that's what I thought : FW or whatever after the Reorganization (Now called "Warhammer Legends" or something like that ?) will handle Warhammer Fantasy Battle with Square bases and Horus Heresy with 40k 7th-ed like consolidated rules (found in the recent Age Of Darkness rulebook) and idem for AOS, with a consolidated WFB ruleset I guess based on 6th or 8th edition... AND. SQUARE. BASES.
  23. Hm, I prefer to believe @Chikout from a few pages back quoting @Thomas Lyons than cChan, but even if Tzeentch is March instead of, say, late February the pace of releases is astounding. You shouldn't say that, more like "I'm gonna read the book carefully at the store before I buy it"... 100% this. The great reorganization of Forge World may led to this too. Or maybe 99%, as I think GW will before the end of the years tease us with some 2020 previews (probably Light Aelves, but I hope new Battletomes-only release and the Siege Apocalypse supplement too).
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