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Everything posted by NurglesFirstChosen

  1. How far away were the cannons placed to the initial units you charged? Sounds like pretty poor play that they placed the cannon so close to the screen knowing you had 2 pile in capabilities.
  2. Tbf he could be wishlisting. Top bloke but his predictions/information should be taken with a pinch of salt.
  3. Daemonettes are horrible. Run and charge, the sadistic killer ability and rend means they hit like a truck (unless you’re up against something like sequitors or a treelord ancient).
  4. Looks like slaanesh are gonna be decent at shutting down enemy casters - both new scrolls (enrapturess and fiends) work great together at the role.
  5. It’s true they said the models had 40k rules also, although saying that it’s not completely clear if that referred to the full release or what was shown in the vid/pics. Also, don’t tzaangors have 40k rules also? I’m not a 40k player so aren’t sure, but if so slaangors could be possible either way.
  6. eBay is a good place to go for fiends if you wanted another 3👍🏻
  7. What we have seen in the video n pictures is not all there is in the release - gw confirmed. But they also said everything in the release will have aos and 40k rules. So doesn’t look like there will be any mortals. Best we can hope for based on what they said, is some slaangors along with the daemons.
  8. That’d be cool! Might be a completely new character like rotigus though 🤷🏻‍♂️
  9. I guess at the least it means a named kos. Would be amazing if it meant another couple of units though. But either way, it’s pretty sweet.
  10. Lol they said we hadn’t ‘seen’ everything during the conference. Haha brick wall vs head moment. Still doesn’t mean mortals are inbound. I’d like there to be but no one knows.
  11. Watch the weekly warhammer video by Vince Venturalla who was there. According to him they did. What it actually means is another matter. No one knows.
  12. They did say it wasn’t all that was coming out during the conference.
  13. I agree, they properly would have. Only reason they could possibly have held all the mortals back if they didn’t give away the mortals ascetics. As I say though I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just daemon because of the cover art.
  14. Not exactly out of the blue. Gw started the hype for slaanesh dec 2018. Slaanesh may or may not get some mortals with this release - no one knows. We know a few things - Gw said we haven’t seen all the models that are part of the Hedonites release. Also the cover of the Hedonites contains only daemons. I wouldn’t be shocked if there are no mortals because of the cover art, but no one really knows. It intrigues me what else they’re holding back. @Charleston maybe the longer roll out of csm is simple due to demand, because they can be used for any of the 4 chaos gods. The demand must be pretty huge for that reason.
  15. According to the video on Vince Venturellas YouTube channel, gw said there’s more than what we’ve seen. What did they actually say about this @Thomas Lyons ?
  16. What we do know is that we haven’t seen all the new Hedonites of Slaanesh models - they confirmed this during the conference at adepticon. No idea what they were referring to though.
  17. I think the chains are meant to be an extension of the gods bindings. Which kinda implies that slaanesh is enjoying its imprisonment
  18. Agreed about Sylvaneth. Hopefully it’ll be more similar to the time between carrion empires n skaven/fec courts, than the wrath n rapture n slaanesh release (or nurgle/blightwars) haha
  19. I didn’t mean to make you feel that I was demeaning you. I apologise for that entirely. So what next after slaanesh n fire stunties?
  20. Yes you did. A wise man once said (me), that if you say the sky is pokerdot it does not mean it is true. I apologise if I caused any offence however
  21. You said many times that it wouldn’t happen this year my friend. This is just one of the posts All I am saying is, the lore of slaanesh being imprisoned has nothing do with a release or what is/isn’t released. It may be the case that slaanesh gets nothing more than the hero’s that have been shown, which would be a little strange. Still fine by me, but a little strange. In regards to your seekers theory, it’s been confirmed the sub factions are godseekers, invaders and pretender. 👆🏻(God)Seekers is a sub-faction.
  22. At the start of the year you said, “Really think you’re down a blind alley with Slaanesh. Too early. They’re not going to release two big new factions in Gloomspite and Darkoath and then risk them being overshadowed a quarter later with a long awaited member of the pantheon. They’re going to let the Soul Wars saga breathe and continue to populate the realms with unique factions and better realise the existing ones for another year. Then it will be Slaanesh and the Ulgu folks.” Not sure why you felt, or feel this way. I said the same to you then, and I say it now - I assure you that the liberation of slaanesh isn’t a factor that will dictate slaanesh release’s.
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