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Everything posted by Melcar

  1. So how many times did you retreat and charge?
  2. Right... I suggested that as well. I think they will keep the warscroll as is, but simply price it at 180. I think that would be great and a much fairer price!
  3. Did you have time to think on my suggestion for the Trebuchet?
  4. I wanted to ask you how powerful the Tokes system is? The more I think about it, the less I like it. I would rather have the abilities granted by tokens, be spells for the damsel and Enchantress to choose from! But what is your take from testing the tokens in game???
  5. Hey Guys… So, I wanted to pitch an idea for the Trebuchet. So, if nothing is changed, from the current official one, we talked about pricing it at 180. This I think is a good price. Now, what I wanted to suggest was adding new added feature: Overcharge: For one round, once per battle, the crew can overcharge the engine, increasing the range to 24-60 inches. When doing so, the engine is less accurate and thus receives a -1 to its to hit characteristic. Adding this feature, I suggest pricing it at 200 points! What do you guys think?
  6. But I mean knights are pretty common... having knight dismounted cant be that special... Personally I would love to see them as battleline, and I don't think its a stretch to do so!
  7. Even Foot Knights? If not, I think you should!
  8. I have been looking more at the alpha version rules... and I saw that the foot knights are not battleline! I think that would be great. Battlelines are generally a massive annoyance, and making that easier to uphold. I generally think that all types of knights should be battle line for Brets, but in this case I think that as a minimum the following should be battleline: Knight Errands Knights of the Realm Footmen Peasant Archers Foot Knights (Grail- and Questing Knights) What are your thoughts?
  9. The current point suggestion for Grail knights we agreed was 180... blood knights cost 260, both for 5 models... I would like to see 5 grail knights take 5 blood knights!
  10. Is it your believe that the grail knights can match cavalry units like Chaos Knights??? And a question for the designers... where would you rank the grail knights in power compared to other elite cavalry units? (Blood, Chaos, etc).
  11. Can you tell what units and how many of each ?
  12. true... in relation to that... I think 180 is better than 200!
  13. Glad you agree in relation to the Foliage SHield! In terms of the trebuchet, The -1 against units in cover, only exist in the 2017 version of Bretonnia, the first AOS battletome did not include it... Just to let you know! I think 180 points is a very good idea!
  14. I think it would be a very good idea to reduce their cost. I think the cost reduction you propose is good and I think the 160 and 180 respectfully is good. To be totally honest I would still give the grail knights a commander, even though they never had one. I'm glad you also consider adding wounds to the Sacred Protector/Green Knight. 6-7 seems right, but I would probably give it 6 and a 5+ Deathless Minion effect on the shield. (Same effect as a Mourngul have) Trebuchet I would remove the -1 to attack against non-line of sight targets (from the official) (since it’s the only artillery unit that has that), and price it at 180. Very easy fix. It’s probably the best unit in the army! Whats your plan here... the unit was not included in the alpha version release???
  15. Thats cool... I will be looking forward to it.
  16. Some questions... Why have you not given Grail Knights a commander? You talk about wanting to match other similar units... basically every other unit has a commander, banner and a musician. So why does the Grain Knights not have one? Why don't you think that the epic elite Pegasus knights deserve -1 rend? I'm looking forward to your answer, because so far you have just said "they were in a good place" considering multiple people advise you to change them? I'm sure you have a good reason, and I would love to hear it... I'm glad you have reconsidered changing the King, that was really a important to me, that he really works perfect. Would you consider making him and the Enchantress generic heroes instead of named?
  17. These are really great and insightful suggestions! I agree with them all! I especially agree with the peasant bowmen thing! They should cost no more than 9 points per model and I think 40 is a good max unit size! EDIT: After reading closer... The Grain Knight suggestion is spot on!!!!
  18. I have actually proposed in our home group, that one simple gave the king a new mount, namely the Griffon, to enable use of the, IMO cooler looking model of the Free Guild General on Griffon. That way he would have added stats from a better mount and then his cost would be more appropriate the 400... Unless ofc. one were to reduce his number of attacks in which case his cost even on a griffon should go down.
  19. I mean I tested the Games Workshop official units... I haven't tested the alpha version yet... I don't have time at the moment, that why your contributions is so great!
  20. Very nice initiative. Great stuff. I'm looking forward to hearing your results! I have done some testing myself. The King and the Bret Lord - the official ones, and they are massively overpriced as far as I can tell. Good hunting! Cheers
  21. I actually would also prefer not having named characters in the Bret army too!
  22. The foot knights should definitely have 2 wounds! No doubt! Its true... it back and forth, but they way I see it, what people are looking for is not only cool lore, they also want to win from time to time, even against Seraphon and Stormcast, so the warscrolls need to basically all be better than the current official one or something like 20% cheaper per model, thus allowing more models per army. Again its not only the power of the individual units, but if a hero cost 140 poits it should not loose 10 times out of 10 against a mega boss. If it does its either too expencive of not powerful enough. I want to make it clear that I think its awesome, and Henin knows how much I appreciate you doing this, but I too must admit I was a little surprised reading the alpha version. Some things does indeed look a bit underwhelming . I do like however that lances now all have 2 inch range. Thats super! Please take this a constructive criticism, because I so want to implement this in our group, but it wont have appeal if it does not yield a substantial improvement over the current official - or even the first AoS version (Now obsolete, but still better than the current official one). Point being, basically all units have to be better that the two official (old and current) to have appeal. That include more powerful warscrolls, better allegiance abilities, better artifacts, command traits, spells and synergies. Again I'm loving the great effort, I just fear that if it does not deliver what people want the most... competitiveness... it might just be ignored. So would it be if it was too powerful, and I know finding balance is hard, I'm just trying to say its important to really think and test the different units. But bottom line is, they have to more powerful than the current official one or somewhat cheaper - if the power is not increased! Cheers! And keep up the excellent work! EDIT: I also want to complement you on the blessed lake, I think that's an awesome addition!!!
  23. I too feel that some places are underpowered... your version of the king is one, green knight another! I understand that it’s not supposed to be over powered, but unless they get a somewhat large improvement over the official people won’t use it! That’s why I hope you will shake up things instead of nerfing them! Again the official King is in my view better at the moment than your Alfa version! The archers are a bit too expensive, and the green knight should do mortal wounds on a 6+ Furthermore I really think nielspeterdejong has some really valid points! And I agree that a skaling up, not a nerfing is appropriate! That said! It’s such a cool thing you are doing! And I love what you are doing!
  24. Indeed... I think for them to keep up with the updated armies they really need some lovin'! Just great to see such engagement!!!
  25. These are some really nice comments. Great to see someone taking so much time to do such a thorough review. Cool!
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