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Everything posted by Enoby

  1. Ah thanks, that makes sense. That said, I remember that someone said all of the 2018 battletomes (including DoK) were written for AoS (hence the different spine and the lack of rules in the back), so maybe there's still hope for taking Hosts without restriction. It is a big part of their allegiance ability, after all.
  2. Don't the Stormcast Stormhosts work like subfactions? I've not read the book so I may be totally wrong, but I thought that was something they gained. From what you've said, they lock you into certain choices in exchange for extra abilities, but I think that's what the Hosts may end up working like. E.g. "if you choose the Seekers host, you get a +2" bonus to move, run, and charge. However, your general must have the Quicksilver Swiftness command trait"
  3. Thanks for the info. I kind of think the different hosts will work a bit like Skyports in Kharadron or Cults in Daughters of Khaine. So we get our normal ability (whatever that is) and then get specific abilities associated with the chosen hosts. Good to hear that some traits stayed the same - really hoping they keep devotee of torment!
  4. Does anyone have the BoC book? If so, how much have the brayherds allegiance abilities changed from the GHB? If it's a lot, do you reckon we'll see the same level of change?
  5. I reckon, with depravity points being generated like no one's business from this list, it could work. Your main weakness would be lack of objective control, but summoning helps alleviate that. This is the one time I've found a slight use for Invaders when list building - it would let you get the battle line seeker chariots and still be able to take command traits on the exalted keeper - devotee of torment is priceless. Probably still not worth it, but it's worth a mention.
  6. The thing along the back of the dragon looks a lot like a wire, so I think it's 40k. Maybe something for blackstone fortress.
  7. What do you think makes them fall into the uncanny valley? I've seen a few people complain about the artwork, but see no issue myself.
  8. I think the Darkoath faction stands out because it's so normal - not towering golden demigods, not a chaos mutant, not a living tree, not a ghost, just athletic people with normal weapons. I think that's pretty cool, and that sometimes mundane is the most striking when everything else is absurd.
  9. Also, look out for the Eyes of the Nine warband. This is Tzeentchian (as you may have guessed), but looks to have super interesting main hero - it doesn't look like the other Tzeentch heroes.
  10. Can't post leaked images, but I can say to look out for Zarbag's Gitz
  11. Congrats, @Siemano! Anyone got any ideas about what Beast of Chaos units would be good for us to take? I was thinking about Dragon Ogres or Minotaurs (with their big heroes) for some beefier units, but I'm not knowledgeable on BoC so I may be missing a good trick.
  12. Afaik, he has at least one copy of every model. He tends to run: -3 units of the regular battleline (each unit has 3 of a unique weapon - one with skypikes, one with sky hooks, one with the rapid fire guns) -1 units of 3 skywardens -1 unit of 3 endrinriggers -Brokk (the named character) -1 ironclad -1 frigate -2 gun haulers -1 chemist -1 endrinmaster Though he switches units around, and sometimes uses thunderers and a navigator.
  13. My brother plays Kharadron, and he's feeling pretty dissapointed with them and their battletome. He loves the models and doesn't want to start a new army, but would like to not get beaten every time he plays. He often plays against Moonclan, Slaanesh, Stormcast, and Nighthaunt/LoN. Does anyone have advice for a Kharadron list that's good enough to successfully use in a casual setting and not lose all the time?
  14. Yup, 99% sure you can do that Sometimes means that you're better saving the 42 points to get 3 herald chained away from one another and a keeper of secrets, rather than one exalted keeper. I can imagine it'd be pretty funny to pull off.
  15. Ah yeah, I see what you mean. I think GW skimped on their kits a bit, considering we had the exact same steed models used for the Seekers. I feel GW decided not to put as much effort into their kits as Slaanesh is (probably) the least popular Chaos God. Hopefully the next mounts we get (if any) will look more natural and more dynamic. It does raise the interesting question of how much they're willing to spend on creating new models for a less popular faction. If we get a Tzeentch/Nurgle sized release, then that'll be great, but I'm a bit worried that we'll get very little new (just the basic resculpting) as they may see Slaanesh as too big a risk to invest a lot into.
  16. Huh, I've never really thought they looked particularly good or bad. I do like their Spartan helmets and leg armour, though. Just curious, why don't you like them?
  17. I think, as the wording of the Hellstriders is "a unit which contains any enrapturing banners", different units with banners would stack due to the use of "a" for units. A bit like how the Bloodsecrator used to stack when referring the the singular "this model", but stopped stacking when they changed the wording to "any model with this ability". That said, while I think it does stack RAW, I don't think that's the intention and it would not surprise me to see "a" changed to "any" in the future.
  18. Hellstriders are super useful as their banners stack (so long as the banners don't belong to the same unit). Dot them around to support your main troops. As for the rest of mortals, I don't find them all that great as they lack punch. I do, however, think that they could be useful when mixed with daemons who hit really hard but crumble quickly.
  19. Actually, that did just make me think - we are one of the few armies that can give an opponent an artefact of power in the form of the Fallacious Gift! So we can target an opponent for execution.
  20. While I can't post leaked images, I can say I've seen the Depraved Drove. It's not as good as I first thought, but it's usable: Firstly, it allows us to reroll charges when within 12" of an enemy hero with an artefact. Secondly, we can reroll melee hit rolls against enemies who have an artefact of power. Not great, and I've heard it costs about 160 points, but does give us an option for an artefact and a command point.
  21. Looks like an awesome game Here is the FAQ for the mortal wounds and depravity:
  22. Giving this more thought, it can get ridiculous if we can use this battalion as part of the Hosts (using our allegiance abilities and command traits). If we can give the hero Allure of Slaanesh and some Hellstrider support (minimal investment). This turns an opponent who would have 3+ to hit into one who would have 5+ to hit rerolling, which is about a 11% chance of each attack hitting. A hero who can't be hit means a hero that can survive a long time for depravity points.
  23. That sounds really good. Rerolling charges is nice, but that extra defence is top notch. Hoping we can use these in a Slaanesh army without allies.
  24. Has there ever been a faction to not get better from a Battletome?
  25. I believe both enemies would retaliate as they are in combat once you've piled in. As for your second question, I think it's the hero phase as all command abilities are used then (unless specifically stated otherwise).
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