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Everything posted by svnvaldez

  1. I would not like Tomb Kings and Bretonnians to come back. I'd rather GW focus on the all the armies listed on https://ageofsigmar.com/factions/ getting an AOS2 update.
  2. Fellow Loonbosses, did everyone see a GS list won 5 of 5 games. Only 20 players but still very good to see.
  3. My understanding are all warscrolls are matched play legal as long only as you are using the most current warscroll of that name and it has a pitched battle profile (most commonly found in the GH but are available in other locations as well) As of now chaos lord on foot will remain legal forever at its current points. This is why you can still use compendium and such since their warscroll names have not been reprinted and a pitched battle profile can be found in that PDF. It would be nice if the next GH clears up wording and makes only units in the current GH and future releases matched play legal.
  4. If I ever find 20 fanatics for cheap I’d love to cast cogs and hand and watch the world burn... I bet the fanatics will kill a screen and then I’d get tabled but imagine if you get a double turn or they have no magic/shooting
  5. Since you are going for the buffed up 60 I’d go all out.
  6. This is probably right. It’s unacceptable imo.
  7. I think the GW paint videos are one of the best things possible for getting an army painted. Here are a bunch on greenskinz to see how they are done. Pick the color you like and then use your airbrush. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM7d3BK9PgQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhuDEOOelrs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFpqxHFMZXs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n3lQ-uQ8-M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcAQPZkM9NY&t=1062s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNP7p5smZyQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks4M4Kf-SoE&t=929s
  8. That is a really common question and I think the answer is no. There may have been a time a few years back where the answer was yes or it wasn't covered (I am actually almost certain this use to fall in a grey area). I cited 2 rules from the BS book and 1 from the FAQ of the core rules that I think covers it all. This also means the unit doesn't have fly in the charge phase which can be really nice for hopping units. Someone correct me if I am wrong. I would love our army to be more powerful. From pg 86 of the BS book: That unit doubles how far it can move and can Fly in your next movement phase. From pg 97 of the BS book: The unit you pick can move as if it were the movement phase if it is more than 3"from the enemy (and is allowed to run), shoot as if it were the shooting phase, or pile in and attack as if it were the combat phase if it is within 3"of an enemy. From pg 7 of Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Core Rules, Designers’ Commentary (I have an old FAQ on my computer, it is still on pg 7 but no longer magenta)
  9. I have been thinking a Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider for 300 points sitting in the middle of the board casting Sneaky Distraction might be really good. He also gets a second spell (lots of good realm spells out there) and gets the self buff of +1 to cast and +1 to his 2 unbinds with the Catchweb Spidershrine ability.
  10. Quite sure there are no FAQs on the Big Boss using the CA multiple times. He is one of the few older units that have out dated rules that let us spend 4 CA from one model to get every hit of a 4+ procing 4 extra attacks. The Big Boss CA stack and the fact our rules our "Within" not "Wholey Within" are what most players exploit when using BS. A unit of 30 arrowz in a Krukk for the extra movement lets us alpha strike something like 270 attacks hit on 4s and 4s from a threat range of about 40inch. If I see a target I want to alpha my standard turn 1 would be to take top of t1; Hero phase: cast Hand, +1 to hit, and cogs from my 3 casters each out of 30in on the unit I want to alpha with, spend 3 CP on the boss CA, roll 3 dice to regen those with the brooch then immediately spend them again. Leave 1 CP for IP. Move 30 arrowz up 7 inches with Krukk and cogs. Movement: 30 arrowz up 12 inches with cogs and hand leaving a tail back to the boss Shooting: Fire 90 arrowz at 18in range with +1 to hit procing an attack*CA spend on 4s Even thou that means you have 30 2 wound models up the board and can be scoring objective points be careful when alpha striking. You leave yourself open to being double turned and the boyz do die in droves to most high damage output armies. Hopefully the alpha strike kill the target you wanted it to, such as Nagash, a ton of witchs, etc.
  11. 100% if you can be bothered. Having 90 magnetized would set you for your bonesplittz life and let you play with 30 of each (boyz,arrows,moar) to see what you like. If my math is right you can build 12 stabbas bases (24 models) and still have enough to make 90 magnetic
  12. I'd build a Kopp rukk with the models you have! I think Bonesplitterz will have a shake up soon in terms of points or a new battletome (But that might be a year off). Kopp rukk is fun and decent. It will let you play in the magic, movement and the combat phase. Are the 6 x Savage Orruks boxes the new ones with 20 orruks each or old ones with 10. Either way build all the big stabbas you can, they are super fun. Wurrgog Prophet (140) 3 x Wardokk (300) 60 or 90 Savage Orruks Moarboyz (600 or 900) If you want to go with 30x2 Savage Orruks Moarboyz throw in 1 unit boars to fill the 3rd battleline As many Big stabbas as you have ( for every 8 orruks you can make 1 big stabba base and 2 bases = 1 unit at 100 points each) Kopp Rukk (200) When gluing on the hands of all bonesplitterz models use just a dot of glue. They may break in game which can be frustrating but it allows you to rip them off and swap out the different options easily. I recently turned 30 arrows into spear and shields and was happy the glue was light.
  13. I have no inside information on this but let’s be real... “I can tell you that release schedules were held close to the vest specifically, in part, to prevent customers from refraining from making purchases.” This is clearly true. Like unarguably. Sure it might not be the only reason but “to prevent customers from refraining from making purchases” is certainly on the minds of decision makers. I'm not even trying to claim if this is good or bad practice. Just to say it is not happening is mind blowing. I have played GW games for over 15 years and if you don’t think the above is exactly how GW practices you are not paying attention.
  14. My gut feeling is mid summer for the box but I have no real idea.
  15. Does the Loonbosses rather than Loonboss keyword not kill people the way it kills me! Maybe people really don't care but it drives me insane that the keywords do not match. I swear there use to be an FAQ about plural words and clarifying the difference between bold and italicize . This popped up when UK players were calling out Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers vs Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins but it seems it was removed in AOS2 when Keywords became a rule in the 18 pages. I have tried just caring less but it seems like these things only get fixed when UK "Big Names" call this stuff out.
  16. I think he meant he only owns 1 model so he just took an undersized unit. ie, paying for 3 but taking less.
  17. Nor have I and I have never seen a well placing tournament list have one since they were re-pointed in the GH2. Only BS armies I see are boar spam and Krukk.
  18. Yea I forgot about that +1. Probably an excellent call by GW to make that limit. Can you imagine the awful "count as" and ebay prices for a filth spell that was completely under pointed and justified having multiples in a list.
  19. Serious note thou... I don't know if it is better, I don't know if it is more fun, but Bonegrinz with the mandatory 2 casters is 1750. Ever played with adding in gloomspite endless spells? Do we still need 1 drop? would 2 or 3 be fine? Add in the mushroom bomb and a caster to come in at 1910? maybe add in a cave sham? This is 2 drops. You can't cast both those spells in a single turn but maybe you will have games where they can't dispell 1 and you get the other up as well. Might be a blast to play with. If you own 2 models and pay twice can you have 2 mushroom bombs? Pretty sure there are some rules on that in the endless spell section but I don't remember if it says yes you can or no you can't. 100% you can't cast 2 in the same turn but maybe you can lay down double clouds over 2 turns. Ben Savva's list is nice since he uses those 250 for 2 unbinds with +1 (Prophet and paint) and adds cogs for 1 of the 2 spells the prophet will be casting. I don't have the book open but I think cogs is 2 to movement (in any phase?) so that is an extra 4 inches of alpha strike if he needs it. 2 in the hero and 2 in move (double check that). I have seen him play on stream in which if he alpha strikes he then typically charges (at +4 from cogs and drums) to tag a single model in to slow the enemy down for a turn. Allegiance: BonesplitterzLeadersSavage Big Boss (120)- GeneralManiak Weirdnob (120)Maniak Weirdnob (120)Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)- AlliesBattleline30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (420)30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (420)10 x Savage Orruks (120)- Chompas10 x Savage Orruks (120)- ChompasBattalionsKunnin' Rukk (200)Bonegrinz Warclan (110)Endless SpellsScuttletide (30)Mork's Mighty Mushroom (80)Total: 1950 / 2000Extra Command Points: 3Allies: 90 / 400Wounds: 182
  20. All these lists are just Nicky Myland's list from Dec 2017 And I don't even remember the dudes name who was smashing face with double Krukk when arrows were 100 points for 10 and capped at 40! I think whoever that was has to be the OG krukk player. Just found a file on my computer titled "1. GH1 - x - Rob Sedgemans.pdf" Sometime long ago in the age of GH1 at event "x" this list was ran lol. I'm a total loser who has tried to back up all well placing GT destruction lists. Now that Dan from AOSshorts does it so well I have gotten lazy. The legendary "Da Great Green"... what a name. This man knew his list was destined for greatness.
  21. We need to all mail each other our Big Stabbas to borrow! I only own 8 lol. Side note: How amazing would it be if you got 2 free stabbas for every 8 orruks and they were just part of the unit (like netters) with mixed bases. This would be cool for ogres as well that come with a few grots in the box. Help them gain models for objectives. I really like the idea of mixed based units. Allegiance: BonesplitterzLeadersWurrgog Prophet (140)- General- Trait: Squirmy Warpaint - Artefact: Mystic Waaagh! Paint - Lore of the Savage Waaagh: Brutal Beast SpiritsManiak Weirdnob (120)- Artefact: Big Wurrgog Mask - Lore of the Savage Waaagh: Hand of Gork or MorkOrruk Warboss (140)- Great Waaagh Banner- AlliesBattleline5 x Savage Boarboys (100)- Chompas5 x Savage Boarboys (100)- Chompas5 x Savage Boarboys (100)- ChompasUnits8 x Savage Big Stabbas (400)8 x Savage Big Stabbas (400)8 x Savage Big Stabbas (400)BattalionsTeef Rukk (100)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 140 / 400Wounds: 159
  22. I think every list can do with 60 even without a single buff. Its 360 points for 60 bodies/60 wounds with a -1 to hit aura that can be Hand of Gorked. Gloomspite are not short on CP so you will almost always be able to pass a battle shock test with IP. AOS is a game of objectives so I find it hard to believe you won't want 60 sitting on an objective in almost every game you play.
  23. I think there is zero chance but it would be interesting if it happens.
  24. They probably will not match well but grot scuttlings are cheap to find and make a decent netter "count as"
  25. How many 6 ups did you roll to get a unit back? The soul crushing look of both players when 30 arrowz comes back!
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