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Everything posted by Malakree

  1. Against high save units with RR's it increases it considerably more. Mortek for example it's the difference betwen 3+ RRall and 6+ RRall
  2. Yeah I just find that so much of the modern meta, at least over here, just blows IJ up to quickly or ties you down in ridiculously long melee. Tzeentch, fyreslayers and OBR all just grind you out and one of the things you get out of Big Waaagh! is ridiculous MW output from bonesplitterz and far more reliable casting while being far less CP dependent. On the other hand big waaagh! has basically switched to huge blocks of infantry with a ton of wounds so as you said it's a very different playstyle. Oh on the ethereal amulet point, since slaughter decided to drop realm artefacts I tried the -3 rend at heat 1, holy gods was it good. The only time it sucked was vs etheral amulet stonehorn but without it I cream it in a single round. Should be interesting to see how the different factions suffer not having the realm artefacts.
  3. Apologies I think I've once again hit a terminology issue where I'm using it to mean something which the majority of others are not. I am not using it to mean the turn 1 all in which is characteristic of the classic Gordrakkfist. I am instead using it to refer to the way in which Ironjawz attempt to setup those big SnB turns which roll through key portions of your opponents army. This is distinct from the way big waaagh gets into the opponents face and GRINDS the opponent. I guess a more appropriate terminology would be that Ironjawz play explosive while big waaagh plays meat grinder. Edit: One question I do have. How are you dealing with the 3 blocks of 20 hearthguard which make up the staple of modern fyreslayers lists?
  4. To be fair the way he is running bloodtoofs does play into the alphastrike category, if for some reason he fails to kill the unit he's left incredibly over extended. It's also ridiculously CP intensive. The reason Ironjawz gets labelled alphastrike is because big waaagh does the straight up fighting better. If you want to play a sustained drawn out combat style then big waaagh is better, if you want to play alphastrike/hit and run then ironjawz is better.
  5. That's the key point for me. Remove the requirement on 2 Footboss and make it 2 Megaboss instead so that it can be Maw-Krushas and Footbosses. That would make it much more usable as a double MK option. EDIT: On a bit of a tangent. The Rekruiting Krew is actually a really solid way to field large Brute units while also negating their low bravery. I can see it being solid at lower points.
  6. Da Bossfist is solid, the prohibative thing isn't actually the 220 points, which is enormous, it's the 2-3 footboss. That's the 2k double cabbage bossfist list, which sucks because if you could get 2 in WC it would actually be good. What it needed to be. Because then you could run tripple mawkrusha and 15 brutes. Sure no Warchanters but TRIPPLE MAWKRUSHA in a 1drop! I think I'd still run da choppas for any sort of build like that. The 300 point footboss tax is just to high.
  7. Hu I know they removed it previously because of how I/we were abusing it but I can't find anything stopping it now. Maybe with the change to the run rules stopping the abuse they added it back in. That's good to know.
  8. My point is that if a FEC list takes 2 dragons and an Archregent, which a lot do, it leaves them with very little ability to screen. I've personally killed 4 Archregents and a ghoul king before they got to summon.
  9. I said 30" not 24" 10 ghouls can be killed with impact hits + pile in which leaves stuff behind free to be killed. You've also got the MK which can easily charge over the top of screens. Theoretical threat range for an MK is 43" no other army has that kind of flying threat range.
  10. A lot of FEC army lists don't have the potential to screen properly and are simply not used to people being able to 30" alphastrike a 7 wound character off the board.
  11. Imo big waaagh is probably the second best grind faction in the game behind hearthguard. If you end up in a protracted combat it will turn your army into paste.
  12. Definately, there are some armies you need to hit in a window and others where you hit as a block. One of my classic examples is if you can alphastrike an archregent+ghoul king off the board before they summon that's a massive boon. EDIT: Also the alphastrike potential is the big benefit of Ironjawz over big waaagh. There's no "do I have enough WAAAGH points" you can spam into them turn 1 then SnB cascade their army. Number of times I've activated my entire army before they get to go is pretty mental.
  13. I'll be honest I would run that list as big waaagh! instead and stall for a turn or 2 while I push the Ardboys up rather than pure alpha.
  14. @Evil Eye For list writing use the warscroll builder on the community website. You can rename your units using it and it will check to make sure everything is correct, ie. enough battleline etc. https://www.warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/ This is your current list using it When you're reading the points for a unit it will say Stabbas Min Unit Size - 20 Max Unit Size - 60 Points - 130/360 This means the "block size" is 20 and the "cost per block" is 130. So for a unit of 40 that's 2 blocks, which is 260 points. The x/360 is a massive regiment discount price, so if you buy enough blocks to hit the max unit size which in this case is 60, so 3 blocks, the total price is 360 instead of 390.
  15. Not necessarily, with the brutefist you want as many in 1" after the charge as possible so... Thing is you currently have 5 units and 2 warchanters, so 3+2 is 2CP, if you merge 2 units you get 3+1 so you can buff them all with 1 cp if you want.
  16. With the buffs we have now it's more beneficial to have some larger units as the target of them. I'd suggest running at least 1 squad of 10.
  17. The question is, do you have any more Brutes. I'd also look at condensing down to 10/10/5 if you swap to Big Waaagh! means you can get the +1 damage on both units
  18. Now they directly contradict each other so the one which was applied last takes precedence.
  19. Yes but then if you're fighting a block of hearthguard you're doing something wrong Also you can do the Mighty Destroyers charge in the hero phase followed by a retreat if you set it up properly.
  20. Na the point of that Krusha is just to hit like an absolute train. With the WC buff it's at 8 attacks 3+/3+/-3/3 and 8 attacks 3+/3+/-2/4 Stick it into something you really want removed. You can see why the SC is such good value though 😁
  21. Personally I always forget Rip-tooth fist so I just run the +2 attacks with the 2" range. It's not something I have 😆 You can see how something has had to be sacrificed though. If I'm completely 100% honest my recomendation would be something like this. You have the super tanked up general, you have the killer MK, the Ironfist/Brutish Cunning combo and 2 warchanters. EDIT: You'll notice as well that it's exactly 2 Cabbages+2 Start Collecting which makes it really simple/cost efficient to do!
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