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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. I prefer resin, but I hate FW's quality control (or lack thereof) and pricing. Ka'Bandha has spoilt Angry Ron for me. The detail on him is phenomenal, although for the cost it should be.
  2. Plastic Angron and new World Eater kit picture leaks doing the rounds. Wonder if this means some Freeguild stuff will leak out in the near future too.
  3. The Khorne Juggernaut and Slaanesh Heralds might get new models since they're the only two without plastics, particularly if the CAD files for World Eater Juggernauts are done.
  4. Isn't it the opposite? A lot of people hold off purchases because they're wary what they buy now might be useless in the new book.
  5. They accept that Gods are real, they just don't care for them. I'd be pretty upset too if my God had deliberately left my ancestors out to dry because "the surviving 5% of you who aren't killed/enslaved/damned need to toughen up".
  6. Witch Hunters are nice but we all know Rat Catchers were the warband we deserved.
  7. Double whammy of Witch Hunters and "le wholesome heckin pupper doggo must heckin protect!!!" memes is going to ensure that box is going to be Temporarily Unavailable Online like the Crimson Court all over again, eh?
  8. I call to stand Lumineth Wave 2 (2021). In all seriousness, I could see a new wave that fleshes out the Hobgrots happening sooner rather than later. The new War Cry edition moving things to Ghur also seems an obvious way to include more Kruelboy kits, even if it's a one off unit.
  9. Nighthaunt for Cursed City? Chaos Dwarf slaves?
  10. By Grimnir, the Path To Glory event at Warhammer World sold out in seconds for Order and another two minutes for Death/Destruction, then Chaos by 7:05. Anyone here manage to get one? Edit: Looks like they're releasing them in waves. All but Order have some more up now.
  11. It's strange how such an ancient sculpt feels more distinctly Space Dwarf than one from 2022. The Squat almost looks like a sci-fi Ironbreaker.
  12. You know it's slow period when we're openly posting 40k reveals here. As someone who loves all things Dwarf, I'm not in love with any of the League stuff we've seen so far. It feels like if you slapped them with human proportions they'd be any other third party generic sci-fi range, there's not much that feels very Dwarfy about them except for the odd rune or the Fyreslayer-esq crests. Kharadron look like they're a unique spin on Dwarfs, but still recognisably fitting the Dwarf archtype. The Leagues look like any other sci-fi army with Dwarf proportions.
  13. They're not, but they usually have a 'filler week' between these two week pre-orders and is more often than not MTO stuff and books.
  14. Shame the best Warlord sculpt isn't on there.
  15. The Karskin are on differently painted bases to the rest of the Guard leaks, which match up with the bomb-disposal drone GW teased and would strongly imply they're one half of the Kill-Team box. So far every box after Octarius has been New Model Team vs Upgrade Set Team, so I doubt League are included (unfortunately). The game's icon/banner has changed design, which is usually a strong indication it's an edition change. Plus it perfectly fits the timing of the three year cycle and it was this time Kill Team 2021 was being shown off. A new edition - even if not all that much changes with the actual ruleset - is also a massive jolt for the game's marketing and War Cry really suffered from coming out a few months prior to Covid before it could fully find it's feet. Underworlds is a bit of a unique case since the format is closer to that of how a Living TCG operates than a typical wargame.
  16. We've already seen a tease of the Swamp Humans which strongly suggests it'll be them versus the already revealed Hashut, otherwise I'd agree.
  17. Warcry - Full boxset reveal (Swamp Warband vs Horns of Hashut), confirmation of it being a new edition, "keep an eye on WarCom for more information!" Underworlds - Witch Hunters Kill-Team - Karskin vs Genestealers (upgrade kit?) Blood Bowl - Chaos Dwarfs Necromunda - Scavies?
  18. I've not turned towards Path To Glory in 3.0 despite my desire to, but it looks like an opportunity to do so will be coming up soon. I have a question I've been trying to wrack my head around. General's Handbook content isn't relevant to PtG outside of points changes/warscroll tweaks etc, right? I know Thondia has a load of PtG-specific content, but outside of that I don't need to look up anything beyond the core rulebook and my Battletome? Cheers.
  19. The new Deathrattle Skeletons. They're the right amount of low, gritty fantasy whilst presumably being distinct from future Freeguild armour designs to give them a more unique Death look to them. They're still clearly skeletons despite wearing a lot of armour also.
  20. Another Shade video, this time from Vincey V. Touches on zenithals and how they take over metals.
  21. The Shadowstalker seems an exception, at least. Arguably so are the StD 'Cultists', although most people are probably running those to avoid having to buy the ancient Marauders. Kill-Team sells well because most of it's kits are intended to be 100% cross-compatible, rather than either as alt-sculpts or "we had the intern write rules on his lunch because you'd be nagging otherwise" unlike... say, Blackstone Fortress. I'd be shocked if they don't continue this mindset going into War Cry 2.0, at least for the non-StD factions. A sale is a sale, even if none is playing the game itself and is buying it for AoS sculpts.
  22. Apparently GW's gotten rid of all it's external 40k playtesters (according to Honest Wargamer). Not a big surprise considering how many leaks the ship was springing, seems like it was inevitable. Be interesting to see what happens on the AoS/30k/Specialist side of things.
  23. I don't think the claws are long enough for FEC. They're usually very long and narrow, whereas these are more stubby by comparison. The hands/fingers themselves tend to be quite defined, whereas the Rumour Engine's look to have a bit of meat (no pun intended) on them. The Big 40k Leak last year mentioned Daemons would be getting some new things so my bet's on that. Could also be Gorgers I suppose.
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