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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. Honestly, getting soup'ed might just convince me to Ebay my Fyreslayers and hang up my AoS hat until Chaos Dwarfs arrive in 2025. I've no interest in them being soup'ed and left to rot on the Scrappy Heap more than they already have been unless they really pull something out of the hat to impress me.
  2. Yes. Maybe. Probably. The Dawi in Be'lakor appears to have been Grungni, but the Chronicles of the Wanderer had him Isekai Grombrindal back into existence and we know he's been running around for a while (as per that story and the Gotrek books). My guess is Grombrindal will end up being the actual tabletop model, whilst Grungni keeps to being a presence in the lore.
  3. It'll probably be more mechanical bookkeeping than fluffy and I don't see there being a 'Big Waaagghh' equivalent.
  4. Kharadron silhouette spotted. Hope you like soup.
  5. Kharadron silhouette? Oh no... oh no, no, no...
  6. I've noticed a lot of Chinese Whispers when it comes to sources as well these days as well. A lot of people are now claiming things like, "[Rumour] comes from the reliable 40k B&C leaker" or "this comes from the Eldar Discord leaker" when they said nothing of the sort on a certain rumour, or just straight up lying to give it credibility.
  7. The supposed Witch Elf being a Cursed City expansion makes the most sense to me. She resembles a normal Sister of Slaughter too much to be a new kit or Hero whilst still looking unique, but both Underworlds and War Cry have seen dedicated DoK releases very recently. Add to that Cursed City's roster largely comprising of Order characters and the whole 'blood' theme running through the game, it would fit imo.
  8. They've always been really weird about third party advertisement. It's completely random. Wrath & Glory (the 40k RPG) had it's own series of short comics on the Community page, but after that you nary heard a word about it and I don't remember WHFRP 4E or Soulbound getting any press on the Community page after either. I could see Space Marine 2 getting a lot of Community coverage just because it encourages people into buying Primaris.
  9. Fyreslayer and Idoneth Battletomes. Full reveal of the Nighthaunt model with "and Nighthaunt players can look forward to more news in the future!" which will just be their Battletome announcement on Community. Anything else'll be a bonus.
  10. When they announced the boxset they said more news was coming for Idoneth and Fyreslayers, which can only really mean Battletomes. My guess is they'll reveal those and maybe the Nighthaunt model, but anything beyond that'll be a bonus.
  11. I don't expect we'll see another CoS 'tome again, even if that's just because Dawnbringers end up being the successor to it. Either way, my take is we won't actually see a followup until the Dispossessed/Wanderer parts of the book have been siphoned off into their own Battletomes - whether that's Dawi Soup/Grungni's thing and Sylvaneth/Kurnothi or just squat'ed entirely - leaving it a largely human book with a more defined theme of "normie humans".
  12. My guess? Rest of the Eldar revamp. Maybe some Chaos Space Marines. Idoneth/Fyreslayer Battletomes. That'll be it.
  13. LVO Preview confirmed for Thursday/Friday (depends on your timezone), but no specifics about what'll be there. Other than that the only AoS related pre-orders are Gitslayer's paperback and Gothghul Hollow.
  14. To be frank, I think Double Turn is one of those things where almost none would be upset at it's removal - even people who defend it - compared to the positive response it would receive. I genuinely don't think I've ever seen someone use Double Turn as a selling point for AoS. I can think of plenty of other wargames where XYZ feature is touted as such, and a fair bit for AoS, but never Double Turn.
  15. That's not true, they had a roadmap for the already revealed Orks and Black Templars... Oh, wait, REAL roadmaps you say?
  16. Yeah, it's just the 4chan educated guess """leaks""". Ask a random person on this thread and they probably know more than SpikeyBits. I wouldn't even dignify them with a link to their website.
  17. They actually made the Limited Edition covers worse in 3.0. Originally it was just the full piece of art without any headers or letters, because it wasn't going to be sat on a store shelf having to tell people what it was. Now they slap the AGE OF SIGMAR title on there in big letters and you're paying £20 more (even more if you buy normal Battletomes at a discount) just to make the cover a bit shiny but otherwise identical. At least the 8th edition 40k ones had alternate cover art. Still not worth the price but the novelty was there.
  18. Double Turn could work if the game had alternating phases ALA Lord of the Rings. You'd still have the unpredictability and potential edge of someone going twice, but the overall impact would be lessened because you're not getting to do EVERYTHING all over again. Shooting would still be very powerful, but at least your opponent could either have repositioned in the Movement phase knowing it's coming, or they could immediately return fire with their own. In an I Go You Go system though, forcing Double Turns is just shoving a square peg into a round hole. GW's doubling down on shooting in 2.0 definitely hasn't helped that either. The problem with the "it helps people come back" argument is that for every game someone does go twice later and make a comeback, there's another where they get absolutely stomped twice.
  19. I don't think there'll be much official AoS/TOW overlap if we use 40k and 30k as an example. Look at how there's zero overlap with what gets turned into a new, plastic release for 40k. Although there'd been Marine aircraft from Forge World that could've been turned into plastic, they still invented new ones and the designs are pretty damn different. Sure there was the Baneblade and Valkyrie, but those were a long time ago. Aeronautica Imperialis doesn't use any designs that weren't FW kits first (Valkyries) despite being set in 40k timeline. Nothing that came first from 40k is used. Now, that's not to say TOW won't have plastic kits - 30k has them after all - but I don't expect we'll have Empire State Troops pulling double duty with Freeguild, at least officially. Remember that TOW kits also need to rank up; yeah the Deathrattle Skeletons could work in Fantasy visually, but those poses aren't lining up together even if GW have 'slot in' rank trays with room between them.
  20. Saw this on Reddit, from the back of the new White Dwarf. It could just be they used it in a photo and forgot he's OOP, but could be Malagor is going to get a MTO run or is being put back into production?
  21. Hopefully this hints at some future God-specific Daemon Prince kits. The 40k Nurgle Daemon Prince is still one of my favourite models ever. Warhammer-Community article.
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